Wrap-up & Next Steps
You have successfully completed this tutorial! After creating your first project, you were able to create a table and populate it with data, accelerate queries using reflections, visualize data using BI tools, update data in a table, manage engines and workloads, and add users to your organization.
Continue learning about and familiarizing yourself with the key Dremio concepts and features covered in this tutorial by using the following resources:
- How Dremio Uses Apache Iceberg to enable DML and time travel
- Accelerating Queries with Reflections and Best Practices
- Objects in Dremio Cloud
- Understand How Usage Is Calculated
To apply the same concepts with your own data, see Connecting to Your Data and Connecting to Dremio from Your Client Tool.
Key Takeaways
- You can create a table in Dremio and populate it with data quickly. This enables you to know run DML operations on your data out of the box as you would in a traditional data warehouse.
- You can accelerate your queries (triggered from the SQL Runner, dashboards, ODBC/JDBC) using data reflections; as you experienced in this tutorial, queries on views created on top of tables with reflections still benefit from the reflection.
- You can enable your users to quickly discover, query, and work with data using the wiki and labels.
- You can optimize queries and get sub-second response times on the view that you created with 330+ million rows by creating a data reflection. A single reflection accelerates queries from the SQL Runner and a BI tool (or any other interface you trigger a query from).
- You can update data directly on the lakehouse without copying your data into a proprietary data warehousing system.
- You can manage workloads to ensure the resources and performances are available for critical jobs.
Clean Up (Optional)
Drop objectsDROP TABLE "my_folder"."nyc_trips" AT BRANCH nyc_etl;
DROP BRANCH nyc_etl IN "catalog_name";
DROP TABLE "my_folder"."nyc_trips" AT main;
In the Dremio Console,
- Go to Project Settings > Engines to delete the Tutorial Engine. Hover over
Tutorial Engine
and click. Confirm that you want to remove the engine.
- Go to Project Settings > Engine Routing to delete the rule that you created. Hover over
dashboard rule
and click. Confirm that you want to remove the rule.
Have Questions?
If you have questions about the concepts in this tutorial or other Dremio features, reach out to us using the chat feature in the bottom-right corner of the Dremio application.