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Dremio Tutorials

The tutorials in this section are designed to demonstrate key concepts in Dremio, providing step-by-step guidance to help you accomplish the goals of each tutorial.

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Get Started with Dremio Tutorial

After adding a Sonar project, you can walk through a set of steps directly in the Dremio console to help you get started with the semantic layer using sample data. To navigate to this Dremio tutorial, click This is the icon that represents the Tutorials. in the side navigation bar.

This tutorial includes:

  • Query data & create a table: Create a table in your catalog and copy the NYC taxi data into the table.
  • Accelerate queries with a reflection: Create a data reflection to get sub-second response times when querying large datasets.
  • Add descriptions & labels: Add a wiki and a label to the dataset to help users understand the data.
  • Experiment on version control: Make updates to the table in an isolated branch.
  • Add your own data source: Add a new source to start using Sonar with your own data.
  • Invite users: Add the email addresses of others to invite them to try out Sonar and grant them privileges by selecting roles.

To hide the tutorial from the side navigation bar, click Hide tutorial. To display this tutorial again, hover over This is the icon that represents Help. in the side navigation bar, and then click Dremio Tutorial.