Provide high-level information regarding the overall column properties of an existing dataset. Dremio displays the column headers indicating the type of information being described and rows for each table column with their associated attributes described, such as data types, properties, and policies.
SyntaxDESCRIBE TABLE <table_name>
<table_name> String
The name of the table that you want to describe.
Describing a tableDESCRIBE TABLE taxistats
pickup_datetime | TIMESTAMP | YES | null | null | [] | [] | 1 |
passenger_count | BIGINT | YES | 64 | 0 | [] | count_hide | null |
trip_distance_mi | DOUBLE | YES | 53 | null | [] | [] | null |
fare_amount | DOUBLE | YES | 53 | null | [] | [] | null |
tip_amount | DOUBLE | YES | 53 | null | [] | [] | null |
total_amount | DOUBLE | YES | 53 | null | [] | [] | null |
The cells containing a '[]' indicate "empty" values.
Column | Data Type | Description |
COLUMN_NAME | string | The name of the column in the table. |
DATA_TYPE | string | The data type allowed for values in the column. |
IS_NULLABLE | boolean | Indicates whether values in the column can be null. |
NUMERIC_PRECISION | integer | The maximum number of digits allowed in a value. |
NUMERIC_SCALE | integer | The maximum number of digits allowed to the right of the decimal point. |
EXTENDED_PROPERTIES | array | Additional properties, if any, that have been set on the column. |
MASKING_POLICY | string | The masking policy, if any, that is set on the column. |
SORT_ORDER_PRIORITY | integer | Indicates the sort order of the columns that are used for sorting, if the CREATE TABLE command that created the table used the LOCALSORT BY clause or if the table was altered by an ALTER TABLE command that used the LOCALSORT BY clause. For example, if a table was altered, and the clause LOCALSORT BY (colA, colB) was used, the table is sorted by colA and then by colB, the value for colA is 1, while the value for colB is 2. The lower the number, the higher the priority. |