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Create a pipe object that automatically ingests files from a cloud storage location.

[ DEDUPE_LOOKBACK_PERIOD <number_of_days> ]
AS COPY INTO <table_name>
[ AT BRANCH <branch_name> ]
FROM '@<storage_location_name>[ /<folder_name> ]'
[ FILE_FORMAT 'csv' | 'json' | 'parquet']
[ ( [csv_format_options] | [json_format_options] | [parquet_format_options] ) ]
[ DATE_FORMAT '<string>' ]
[ EMPTY_AS_NULL [ '<boolean>' ] [, ...] ]
[ ESCAPE_CHAR '<escape_character>' ]
[ EXTRACT_HEADER '<boolean>' ]
[ FIELD_DELIMITER '<character>' ]
[ NULL_IF ( '<string>' [, ...] ) ]
[ ON_ERROR 'skip_file' ]
[ QUOTE_CHAR '<character>' ]
[ RECORD_DELIMITER '<character>' ]
[ SKIP_LINES <n> ]
[ TIME_FORMAT '<string>' ]
[ TIMESTAMP_FORMAT '<string>' ]
[ TRIM_SPACE [ '<boolean>' ] ]
[ DATE_FORMAT '<string>' ]
[ EMPTY_AS_NULL [ '<boolean>' ] [, ...] ]
[ NULL_IF ( '<string>' [, ...] ) [, ...] ]
[ ON_ERROR 'skip_file' ]
[ TIME_FORMAT '<string>' ]
[ TIMESTAMP_FORMAT '<string>' ]
[ TRIM_SPACE [ '<boolean>' ] ]
[ ON_ERROR 'skip_file' ]


[ IF NOT EXISTS ] String   Optional

If you include this clause, the command runs regardless of whether the pipe exists and you receive a summary indicating whether the pipe could be created. If this clause is not specified, the command fails if the pipe to be created already exists.

<pipe_name> String

The unique name of the autoingest pipe that you are creating.

DEDUPE_LOOKBACK_PERIOD <number_of_days> Integer   Optional

The number of days that Dremio should look back when checking for file deduplication. The default is 14 days, but you can set the number between 0 to 90 days. If you set the parameter to 0 days, Dremio does not perform file deduplication.

If two files with the same name are written to the specified storage location within the DEDUPE_LOOKBACK_PERIOD, then the second file is considered a duplicate record and is not loaded, even if you explicitly delete and reupload a file of the same name.

AS COPY INTO <table_name> String

Use the COPY INTO command to specify the target table. The name of the target Iceberg table should include the necessary qualifier if the table is not in the current context. Example: catalog.salesschema.table2.

AT BRANCH <branch_name> String   Optional

The reference at which you want the new autoingest pipe to be created. When this parameter is omitted, the current reference is used. The default branch is main.

@<storage_location_name> String

The storage location that you want to load files from. The location must be a preconfigured Dremio source.


Autoingest pipes can only ingest data from Amazon S3 sources in Dremio.

/<folder_name> String   Optional

The folder and subfolders that you want to load files from. Add /<folder_name> to @<storage_location_name>.

FILE_FORMAT 'csv' | 'json' | 'parquet' String

The format of the file or files to copy data from. FILE_FORMAT must be specified, and all files loaded in a COPY INTO operation must be of the same file format.

You can use uncompressed or compressed CSV and JSON files. Compressed files must be in the gzip format, using the .gz extension, or in the bzip2 format, using the .bz2 extension.

csv_format_options String

Options that describe the formats and other characteristics of the source CSV file or files.

json_format_options String

Options that describe the formats and other characteristics of the source JSON file or files.

parquet_options String

Options that describe the formats and other characteristics of the source PARQUET file or files.


Only the ON ERROR option is supported for Parquet source files.

CSV Format Options

DATE_FORMAT '<string>' String   Optional

String that defines the format of date values in the data files to be loaded. If a value is not specified, YYYY-MM-DD is used. See Date/Time Formatting for more format elements.

EMPTY_AS_NULL [ '<boolean>' ] String   Optional

Boolean that specifies whether an empty string is considered a NULL field or an empty string. If a value is not specified, TRUE is used.

ESCAPE_CHAR '<escape_character>' String   Optional

A single character used as the escape character for the character specified by QUOTE_CHAR. The escape character provides a way to include the QUOTE_CHAR character inside a string literal by modifying the meaning of that character in the string. If a value is not specified, " is used.

EXTRACT_HEADER '<boolean>' String   Optional

Boolean that specifies if the first line in the CSV is a header. If a value is not specified, TRUE is used. If SKIP_LINES <n> is also specified and EXTRACT_HEADER is set to TRUE, the n+1 line in the file is considered the header.

FIELD_DELIMITER '<character>' String   Optional

The single character used to separate fields in the file. If a value is not specified, "," is used.

NULL_IF ( '<string>' [, ...] ) String   Optional

Replace strings in the data load source with NULL.

ON_ERROR 'skip_file' String   Optional

Specifies that the COPY INTO operation should stop processing the input file at the first error it encounters during the loading process.


ON_ERROR 'skip_file' is on by default for all autoingest pipes. No other ON_ERROR options are supported.

The first potential error is registered in the sys.project.copy_errors_history table, which you can query to get information about the job that ran the COPY INTO operation.

To get information about rejected records in particular files, query the sys.project.copy_errors_history table to obtain the ID of the job that ran the COPY INTO operation. Then, use the copy_errors() function in a SELECT command, specifying the job ID and the name of the target table.

The 'skip_file' option does not insert any rows from an input file that contains an error and only registers the first error in an input file and stops processing. As a result, the 'skip_file' option requires extra processing on the input files, regardless of the number of errors the input files contain. Skipping large files due to a small number of errors can delay the COPY INTO operation.

QUOTE_CHAR '<character>' String   Optional

The single character used to quote field data within a record. The default is a double-quotation mark.

RECORD_DELIMITER '<character>' String   Optional

One or more characters that separate records in an input file. Accepts common escape sequences. If a value is not specified, \r\n is used.

SKIP_LINES <n> Integer   Optional

Number of lines to ignore at the beginning of each input file. If no value is given, no lines are skipped. Must be a non-negative integer. If SKIP_LINES <n> is specified and EXTRACT_HEADER is also set to TRUE, the n+1 line in the file is considered to be the header.

TIME_FORMAT '<string>' String   Optional

String that defines the format of time values in the data files to be loaded. If a value is not specified, HH24:MI:SS.FFF is used. See Date/Time Formatting for more format elements.

TIMESTAMP_FORMAT '<string>' String   Optional

String that defines the format of timestamp values in the data files to be loaded. If a value is not specified, YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF is used. See Date/Time Formatting for more format elements.

TRIM_SPACE [ '<boolean>' ] String   Optional

Boolean that specifies whether or not to remove leading and trailing white space from strings. The default is FALSE.

JSON Format Options

DATE_FORMAT '<string>' String   Optional

String that defines the format of date values in the data files to be loaded. If a value is not specified, YYYY-MM-DD is used. See Date/Time Formatting for more format elements.

EMPTY_AS_NULL [ '<boolean>' ] String   Optional

Boolean that specifies whether an empty string is considered a NULL field or an empty string. If a value is not specified, TRUE is used.

NULL_IF ( '<string>' [, ...] ) String   Optional

Replace strings in the data load source with NULL.

ON_ERROR 'skip_file' String   Optional

Specifies that the COPY INTO operation should stop processing the input file at the first error it encounters during the loading process.


ON_ERROR 'skip_file' is on by default for all autoingest pipes. No other ON_ERROR options are supported.

The first potential error is registered in the sys.project.copy_errors_history table, which you can query to get information about the job that ran the COPY INTO operation.

To get information about rejected records in particular files, query the sys.project.copy_errors_history table to obtain the ID of the job that ran the COPY INTO operation. Then, use the copy_errors() function in a SELECT command, specifying the job ID and the name of the target table.

The 'skip_file' option does not insert any rows from an input file that contains an error and only registers the first error in an input file and stops processing. As a result, the 'skip_file' option requires extra processing on the input files, regardless of the number of errors the input files contain. Skipping large files due to a small number of errors can delay the COPY INTO operation.

TIME_FORMAT '<string>' String   Optional

String that defines the format of time values in the data files to be loaded. If a value is not specified, HH24:MI:SS.FFF is used. See Date/Time Formatting for more format elements.

TIMESTAMP_FORMAT '<string>' String   Optional

String that defines the format of timestamp values in the data files to be loaded. If a value is not specified, YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF is used. See Date/Time Formatting for more format elements.

TRIM_SPACE [ '<boolean>' ] String   Optional

Boolean that specifies whether or not to remove leading and trailing white space from strings. The default is FALSE.

Parquet Format Options

ON_ERROR 'skip_file' String   Optional

Specifies that the COPY INTO operation should stop processing the input file at the first error it encounters during the loading process.


ON_ERROR 'skip_file' is on by default for all autoingest pipes. No other ON_ERROR options are supported.

The first potential error is registered in the sys.project.copy_errors_history table, which you can query to get information about the job that ran the COPY INTO operation.

To get information about rejected records in particular files, query the sys.project.copy_errors_history table to obtain the ID of the job that ran the COPY INTO operation. Then, use the copy_errors() function in a SELECT command, specifying the job ID and the name of the target table.


Create an autoingest pipe from an Amazon S3 source
CREATE PIPE Example_pipe
AS COPY INTO Table_one
Create an autoingest pipe with a custom lookback period
CREATE PIPE Example_pipe
AS COPY INTO Table_one
FROM ‘@<storage_location_name>/files’