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Create a new table as a select statement from another table.

  • To create a table inside a namespace like a folder, the namespace must already exist. Dremio does not support creating the namespace and a table inside it in a single command. Instead, you must explicitly create the namespace before you can create the table.
  • Table names cannot include the following special characters: /, :, [, or ].
[ AT { REF[ERENCE] | BRANCH } <reference_name> ]
[ PARTITION BY ( { <column_name> | <partition_transform> } [ , ... ] )
[ LOCALSORT BY ( <column_name> [ , ... ] ) ]
[ TBLPROPERTIES ( '<property_name>' = '<property_value>' [ , ... ] ) ]
AS <select_statement>



Include if Dremio should run the statement only if a table with the same name in the same path does not already exist.

<table_name> String

The name of the table that you want to create. The name of the table must be unique. The table can be in the scratch directory or in a data lake source.

AT { REF[ERENCE] | BRANCH } <reference_name> String   Optional

Specifies the reference at which you want the new table to be created. When this parameter is omitted, the current reference is used.

  • REF: Identifies the specific reference.
  • BRANCH: Identifies the specific branch.

PARTITION BY ( { <column_name> | <partition_transform> } [ , ... ] ) String   Optional

The columns or partition-transformation functions on which to partition the table data.

  • <column_name>: The unique name of the column. Multiple columns may be specified as long as the column names include their data type. Use commas to separate each column name and data-type pair. If a column is listed as a partition column, it cannot also be listed as a sort column for the same table. Each column specified must also be listed as a dimension column.

  • <partition_transform>: Applies only to Iceberg tables. Use one of these partition-transformation functions:

    identity( <col> )Explicitly specified identity transform.
    year( <col> )Partition by year. The column uses either the TIMESTAMP or DATE data type.
    month( <ts_col> )Partition by month. The column uses either the TIMESTAMP or DATE data type.
    day( <ts_col> )Partition by day. The column uses either the TIMESTAMP or DATE data type.
    hour( <ts_col> )Partition by hour. The column uses either the TIMESTAMP or DATE data type.
    bucket( <count>, <col> )Partition by hashed value into <count> buckets.
    truncate( <length>, <col> )Partition by truncated value.
    • Strings are truncated to the specified length.
    • Integer and biginteger values are truncated to bins.
      Example: truncate(10, i) produces 0, 10, 20, and so on.
    • If you partition a table by a column that has more distinct values than Dremio can partition by, you will receive an error message. If you receive this error message, try partitioning your table by a different column.
    • If the table is not partitioned, you will receive an error when you attempt to refresh the metadata using the PARTITION BY clause.

LOCALSORT BY ( <column_name> [ , ... ] ) String

The name of the column that you want to sort the table by. Sorts each Parquet file fragment by the designated column. If you are doing a range filter on your LOCALSORT column, your query will be faster because the data is already sorted.

TBLPROPERTIES ( '<property_name>' = '<property_value>' [ , ... ] )

Sets one or more table properties for controlling the behavior of the table. See Properties of Apache Iceberg Tables for a list of the supported properties.

AS <select_statement> String

Use the SELECT statement to populate the new table using data from an existing table or view.


Create a table in your project store
CREATE TABLE demo_table
AS SELECT * FROM Samples.""."zips.json"
Create a table in your project store using PARTITION BY and LOCALSORT
CREATE TABLE demo_table2
AS SELECT * FROM Samples.""."zips.json"
Create a table from a specified tag
CREATE TABLE demo.example_table
AS SELECT * FROM "oracle_tpch".DREMIO.JOBS AT TAG Jan2020
Create a table from a specified commit
CREATE TABLE demo.example_table
AS SELECT * FROM "oracle_tpch".DREMIO.JOBS AT COMMIT "ff2fe50fef5a030c4fc8e61b252bdc33c72e2b6f929d813833d998b8368302e2"
Create a table as SELECT * from another table
CREATE TABLE myAmazonS3Source.myFolder.myTable
AS SELECT * FROM myAmazonS3Source.anotherFolder.anotherTable