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API Reference

For information on the relationship of the Dremio Cloud entities, see the object model topic.

API Endpoint

To use Dremio Cloud APIs, use the endpoint for your control plane.

US Control Plane
EU Control Plane

The IP address to allow for and is


The Dremio API requires authentication with a personal access token (PAT). PATs are created in the Dremio UI. Follow the instructions in Creating a PAT to get a PAT to use in API requests.

API requests must use the Authorization header. The header's value must specify the Bearer type followed by a space and the PAT: Bearer {PAT}. This example request to retrieve a catalog demonstrates how to use a PAT in an API request:

Example Request Using PAT
curl -X GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer dJhGBUDAVv+9Wlsp/I/o/87Vq+omuvpC/YEy6U25S79i74KhD2W6q2sr44emKy==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Idempotent Requests

Idempotence is an operation or a service call that produces the same result when it is called multiple times.

API endpoints support idempotency to safely retry user requests without performing a duplicate operation. This is helpful when an API request is interrupted in transit and a response is not received. In such cases, you can retry that request with the same idempotency key to ensure that there is no duplicate request.

To create an idempotent request, add a requestId parameter to the request. The value is a unique generated UUID. The server uses the idempotency key to identify consequent retries of the same API request.

Only POST operations accept the idempotency key.


To get a successful POST response for entities, you must add the requestId parameter in the corresponding POST request.

Adding idempotent keys in PUT, GET, and DELETE operations creates no impact as they are idempotent.

An idempotent key can be reused after 24 hours in a new POST operation.

Query Parameters

Dremio supports query parameters for many API endpoints. The documentation for each API lists the supported query parameters for specific endpoints, along with any default and maximum values for the query parameters.

pageToken Query Parameter

Use the pageToken query parameter to split large sets of results into multiple pages.

Endpoints may support the pageToken query parameter based on either a built-in maximum number of results per page or a user-specified maximum that is established with a separate query parameter. The documentation for each API lists the built-in maximum or the query parameter to use to specify a maximum, as applicable.


Do not change any other query parameters included in the request URL when you use pageToken.

Built-in Maximum

If the endpoint has a built-in maximum number of results per page, responses automatically include a page token attribute when the response contains more results than the built-in maximum. Use the value for this token in the request URL as the pageToken value to retrieve the next page of results.

As an example, the reflection summary endpoint supports the pageToken parameter. If the reflection summary contains more than 50 results, the response will include the nextPageToken attribute. To retrieve the next 50 results, add ?pageToken={nextPageToken_value} to the request URL:

Example Request with pageToken Query Parameter
curl -X GET '{project-id}/reflection-summary?pageToken=BhQxNjc0MjhlYi03OTM2LTRlYTItYTFmYi0yM2IxYWM2ZTk0NTQSAA==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

For subsequent requests, replace the pageToken value in the request URL with the token value from the previous response. If the response does not include a token attribute and value, you have retrieved the last page of available results.

User-Specified Maximum

For endpoints that require users to specify a maximum number of results per page with a separate query parameter, responses only include a page token attribute if your initial request URL includes the separate query parameter and the response contains more results than the maximum you specify. Add the value for this token to the request URL as the pageToken value, keeping the separate query parameter as well, to retrieve the next page of results.

Catalog API endpoints for retrieving non-filesystem sources and folders by ID or path support the maxChildren query parameter for specifying the maximum number of child objects to include in each response. If the response contains more than the specified number of child objects, the response includes the nextPageToken attribute. To retrieve the next page of results, add ?pageToken={nextPageToken_value} to the request URL. This example shows a request URL that uses the nextPageToken query parameter with the maxChildren query parameter set to 25:

Example Request with maxChildren and pageToken Query Parameters
curl -X GET 'https://{project-id}/catalog/2b1be882-7012-4a99-8d6c-82e32e4562e4?maxChildren=25&pageToken=BhQxNjc0MjhlYi03OTM2LTRlYTItYTFmYi0yM2IxYWM2ZTk0NTQSAA==' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

For subsequent requests, replace the pageToken value in the request URL with the token value from the previous response. If the response does not include a token attribute and value, you have retrieved the last page of available results.

maxResults Query Parameter

Use the maxResults query parameter to specify the maximum number of results to retrieve in each request.

For example, if you want to retrieve no more than 25 results for an endpoint that supports the maxResults query parameter, append ?maxResults=25 to the request URL:

Example Request With maxResults Query Parameter
curl -X GET '{project-id}/reflection-summary?maxResults=25' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

filter Query Parameter

Use the filter query parameter to filter responses so that they include only results with the specified attributes and values. The value for the filter query parameter is a URL-encoded JSON string that represents a JSON object that specifies the desired attributes and values.

As an example, the reflection summary endpoint supports the filter query parameter for certain specific attributes. To retrieve only the raw reflections that are refreshed manually or by schedule, are enabled, and apply to datasets with in their paths, the filter JSON object would look like this:

Example JSON Object for Filter
"reflectionType": ["RAW"],
"refreshStatus": ["MANUAL","SCHEDULED"],
"enabledFlag": true,
"reflectionNameOrDatasetPath": ""

To use the JSON object as the filter value, convert it to URL-encoded JSON and add it to the request URL:

Example Request With filter Query Parameter
curl -X GET '{project-id}/reflection-summary?' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Read the endpoint-specific documentation to learn which attributes each endpoint supports for the filter query parameter.

view Query Parameter

Use the view query parameter to specify the level of detail to include in the response.

For example, the Arctic Catalog endpoint for retrieving all jobs supports retrieving SUMMARY or FULL level of detail in the response. To retrieve jobs with FULL detail:

Example Request With orderBy Query Parameter (Ascending Order)
curl -X GET '{catalogId}/jobs?view=FULL' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Read the endpoint-specific documentation to learn which attributes each endpoint supports for the view query parameter.

limit and offset Query Parameters

The limit query parameter allows you to retrieve a specific number of results. For endpoints that support the limit query parameter, you can specify the number of results to retrieve. For example, if you only want to retrieve the first 10 available results, add ?limit=10 to the request URL:

Example Request for First 10 Results with Limit Query Parameter
curl -X GET '{project-id}/job/{id}/results?limit=10' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

The offset query parameter allows you to skip a specific number of results in the response. When a response contains many results, you can use the limit and offset query parameters together to break the response into pages.

For example, consider a job result response object that contains 5000 results. The Job API allows you to retrieve a maximum of 500 results per request. To retrieve all 5000 results, start by adding ?limit=500 to the request URL to retrieve the first 500:

Example Request for First 500 Results with Limit Query Parameter
curl -X GET '{project-id}/job/{id}/results?limit=500' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

In the next request, to retrieve the next 500 results (rows 501-1000), add &offset=500 to the request URL:

Example Request for Rows 501-1000 with Limit and Offset Query Parameters
curl -X GET '{project-id}/job/{id}/results?limit=500&offset=500' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

To retrieve the next 500 results (rows 1001-1500), increment the offset parameter to 1000 in the next request:

Example Request for Rows 1001-1500 with Limit and Offset Query Parameters
curl -X GET '{project-id}/job/{id}/results?limit=500&offset=1000' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Continue incrementing the offset parameter in requests until you have retrieved all 5000 results.

type Query Parameter

Use the type query parameter to limit your request so that the response includes only results for the type you specify.

For example, if an endpoint supports the type query parameter, and the endpoint's list of valid values includes SOURCE, you can limit the response so that it includes only results for sources. Append ?type=SOURCE to the request URL:

Example Request with type Query Parameter
curl -X GET 'https://{project-id}/catalog/privileges?type=SOURCE' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Read the documentation for each API to learn about endpoint-specific support for the type query parameter, including lists of valid values.

include and exclude Query Parameters

The include query parameter allows you to return the name of a non-default response field. You can retrieve either a list of access control list names - aclNames - or a list of permissions.

Example Request Using include=permissions
curl -X GET '{project-id}/catalog/ffbe8c1d-1db7-48d1-9c58-f452838fedc0?include=permissions' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

The exclude query parameter allows you to exclude the children field from the response.

Example Request Using exclude=children
curl -X GET '{project-id}/catalog/ffbe8c1d-1db7-48d1-9c58-f452838fedc0?exclude=children' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

orderBy Query Parameter

Use the orderBy query parameter to organize the response in ascending or descending order based on the value of the specified attribute. The default is ascending order. To specify descending order, add a - character before the attribute name.

For example, the reflection summary endpoint supports ordering the response by reflectionName, datasetName, or reflectionType. To organize the response in ascending order by reflectionName:

Example Request With orderBy Query Parameter (Ascending Order)
curl -X GET '{project-id}/reflection-summary?orderBy=reflectionName' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

To organize the response in descending order, add a - before the attribute name:

Example Request With orderBy Query Parameter (Descending Order)
curl -X GET '{project-id}/reflection-summary?orderBy=-reflectionName' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Read the endpoint-specific documentation to learn which attributes each endpoint supports for the orderBy query parameter.

createdBy Query Parameter

Use the createdBy query parameter to limit the request to objects created by a specific user.

For example, this Scripts API request retrieves only scripts that were created by the user whose ID is 8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e:

Example Request with createdBy Query Parameter
curl -X GET '{project-id}/scripts?createdBy=8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

ownedBy Query Parameter

Use the ownedBy query parameter to limit the request to objects owned by a specific user.

For example, this Scripts API request retrieves only scripts that are owned by the user whose ID is 8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e:

Example Request with ownedBy Query Parameter
curl -X GET '{project-id}/scripts?ownedBy=8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

search Query Parameter

Use the search query parameter to limit the request to objects that contain values that include the search string.

For example, the Scripts API supports the search query parameter for the name attribute. This Scripts API request retrieves only scripts whose values for the name attribute include dev:

Example Request with search Query Parameter
curl -X GET '{project-id}/scripts?search=dev' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Read the documentation for each API to learn about endpoint-specific support for the search query parameter, including information about searchable attributes.

maxChildren Query Parameter

The maxChildren query parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of child objects to include in each response. This example shows a request URL that uses the nextPageToken query parameter with the maxChildren query parameter set to 25:

Example Request with maxChildren Query Parameter
curl -X GET '{project-id}/catalog/2b1be882-7012-4a99-8d6c-82e32e4562e4?maxChildren=25' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Use the maxChildren query parameter in concert with the pageToken query parameter to split large sets of results into multiple pages.

Response Headers

Dremio API responses include HTTP headers that provide additional information about responses. Each header includes a case-insensitive name and a value, separated by a colon.

The following response headers are common to Dremio API endpoints:

Header NameExample ValueDescription
allowGET,OPTIONSRequest methods the endpoint supports.
alt-svch3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000Information that allows servers to direct clients to load objects from a different server.
cache-controlno-cache, no-storeCaching instructions for browsers and shared caches.
content-length418Size of the response body, in bytes.
content-typeapplication/jsonMIME type of the object.
dateFri, 14 Apr 2023 19:11:08 GMTDate and time when the response originated.
strict-transport-securitymax-age=31536000; includeSubDomainsInstructions for browsers about accessing the server using HTTPS only, along with the duration (in seconds) that the client should remember the instructions.
varyAccept-Encoding, User-AgentNames of request headers that could have affected the response’s generation.
x-content-type-optionsnosniffInstructions about following the MIME type in the content-type header. Blocks content sniffing.
x-request-id34fbe950-8f02-974c-880a-467b61dcea86Unique identifier the client generates and passes to the server so that requests can be correlated with server logs.
x-xss-protection1; mode=blockInstructions used to stop pages from loading when a browser detects reflected cross-site scripting attacks.