Get high-level information about the settings and configuration of a specific autoingest pipe. Dremio displays the column headers that indicate the type of information listed in the row of results.
SyntaxDESCRIBE PIPE <pipe_name>
<pipe_name> String
The unique name of the pipe that you are describing.
Describe a pipeDESCRIBE PIPE Example_pipe
Field | Data Type | Description |
org_id | varchar | The unique identifier of the organization in which the autoingest pipe is created. |
project_id | varchar | The unique identifier of the project in which the autoingest pipe was created. |
pipe_name | varchar | The name of the autoingest pipe. |
pipe_id | varchar | The unique identifier of the autoingest pipe. |
target_table | varchar | The name of the target Iceberg table. |
target_branch | varchar | The name of the target branch if Arctic was used as a catalog. |
dedup_lookback_period | integer | The number of days that Dremio looks back when comparing newly uploaded files to previously loaded files for file deduplication. |
file_format | varchar | The file format associated with the pipe. |
format_options | varchar | The specific file format options that are used in the COPY INTO statement when the pipe is triggered. |
pipe_status | varchar | The state of the pipe. Enum:
error_message | varchar | The last error message for a pipe job that did not complete successfully. |
cloud_settings | timestamp | The configuration settings for connecting to the cloud environment. |
cloud_cli_command_settings | varchar | The command that uses the cloud_settings to set up the autoingest pipes in the user's cloud storage location. |
created_at | timestamp | The date and time at which the pipe was created. |
last_updated_at | timestamp | The date and time of the last modification to the pipe definition. |
created_by | varchar | The user who created the pipe. |
last_update_by | varchar | The user who last updated the pipe definition. |
created_by_id | varchar | The ID of the user who created the pipe. |