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Use the Recommendations API to submit job IDs of jobs that ran SQL queries, and receive recommendations for aggregation reflections that can accelerate those queries.

For more information, see Sending Requests to the Recommendations API.

Recommendation Object
"data": [
"viewRequestBody": {
"entityType": "dataset",
"path": [
"sql": "SELECT * FROM\"NYC-taxi-trips\" WHERE trip_distance_mi <= 2.0 ORDER BY trip_distance_mi ASC"
"viewRequestEndpoint": "POST {hostname}/catalog",
"reflectionRequestBody": {
"type": "AGGREGATION",
"name": "agg_250e70d1-5e2a-4938-a1a1-95f664085099",
"datasetId": "ViewDatasetId",
"enabled": true,
"dimensionFields": [
"name": "passenger_count",
"granularity": "DATE"
"measureFields": [
"name": "fare_amount",
"measureTypeList": [
"entityType": "reflection"
"reflectionRequestEndpoint": "POST {hostname}/reflection",
"jobIds": ["6j6c34cf-9drf-b07a-5ab7-abea69a66d00"]
"canAlterReflections": true

Recommendation Attributes

viewRequestBody Array of Object

The fields that you can include in a request to the Catalog API for creating the view on which to define the recommended aggregation reflection.

For descriptions of these fields, see View.

viewRequestEndpoint String

The endpoint to use when submitting the request to the Catalog API to create the view on which to define the reflection.

reflectionRequestBody Array of Object

The fields that you can include in a request to the Reflection API for creating the recommended aggregation reflection.

Replace {ViewDatasetId} with the ID that is returned after you create the recommended view.

For descriptions of these fields, see Reflection.

reflectionRequestEndpoint String

The endpoint to use when submitting the request to the Reflection API to create the aggregation reflection.

jobIDs Array of String

The IDs of the jobs that ran the queries for which the recommendation is given.

canAlterReflections String

Indicates whether the columns in the reflection can be edited, and whether columns can be added or removed.

Requesting Recommendations

Request recommended aggregation reflections to accelerate the queries associated with the provided job ID or IDs.

Method and URL
POST /reflection/recommendations


projectid String

The ID of the project in which the jobs were run.

jobids Data   Array of String

A list of the job IDs of jobs that have run the SQL commands that you want to receive one or more recommended reflections for.

Example Request
curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"jobIds": [