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Reflection Summary

Use the Reflection API to retrieve a reflection summary that includes all raw and aggregation reflections for the Dremio instance.

Reflection summary objects are different from reflection objects. Reflection summaries do not include certain attributes that define the reflection, like the display, dimension, measure, sort, and partition attributes. Reflection summaries do include several attributes that do not appear in reflection objects, like datasetType, datasetPath, and counts and links for considered, matched, and chosen jobs.

Reflection Summary Object
"data": [
"createdAt": "2022-07-05T19:19:40.244Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-13T19:46:01.313Z",
"id": "27077c03-ae49-454c-a7bb-a9a8b5eca224",
"reflectionType": "AGGREGATION",
"name": "NYC_taxi_agg",
"currentSizeBytes": 9272,
"outputRecords": 51,
"totalSizeBytes": 9272,
"datasetId": "fa7c487f-9550-474e-8a41-4826564c6b09",
"datasetType": "VIRTUAL_DATASET",
"datasetPath": [
"status": {
"configStatus": "OK",
"refreshStatus": "MANUAL",
"availabilityStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"combinedStatus": "CAN_ACCELERATE",
"refreshMethod": "FULL",
"failureCount": 0,
"lastDataFetchAt": "2023-01-13T19:05:03.532Z",
"expiresAt": "3022-05-16T19:46:02.342Z",
"lastRefreshDurationMillis": 46387
"consideredCount": 202,
"matchedCount": 45,
"chosenCount": 5,
"consideredJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22cor%22%3A%5B%22422ace5b8a9a-bb7a-c454-94ea-30c77072%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"matchedJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22mar%22%3A%5B%22422ace5b8a9a-bb7a-c454-94ea-30c77072%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"chosenJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22chr%22%3A%5B%22422ace5b8a9a-bb7a-c454-94ea-30c77072%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"isCanView": true,
"isCanAlter": true,
"isEnabled": true
"createdAt": "2023-01-26T23:27:04.281Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-26T23:27:04.281Z",
"id": "0e3d765a-2291-4a04-81eb-2daf5477cc7d",
"reflectionType": "RAW",
"name": "Raw Reflection",
"currentSizeBytes": 0,
"outputRecords": -1,
"totalSizeBytes": 0,
"datasetId": "acdad4be-7049-47e4-b616-b471c5b3c60c",
"datasetType": "PHYSICAL_DATASET",
"datasetPath": [
"status": {
"configStatus": "OK",
"refreshStatus": "GIVEN_UP",
"availabilityStatus": "NONE",
"combinedStatus": "FAILED",
"refreshMethod": "NONE",
"failureCount": 3,
"lastFailureMessage": "The Default engine is not online.",
"lastDataFetchAt": null,
"expiresAt": null,
"lastRefreshDurationMillis": -1
"consideredCount": 0,
"matchedCount": 0,
"chosenCount": 0,
"consideredJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22cor%22%3A%5B%22d7cc7745fad2-be18-40a4-1922-a567d3e0%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"matchedJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22mar%22%3A%5B%22d7cc7745fad2-be18-40a4-1922-a567d3e0%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"chosenJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22chr%22%3A%5B%22d7cc7745fad2-be18-40a4-1922-a567d3e0%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"isCanView": true,
"isCanAlter": true,
"isEnabled": true
"createdAt": "2023-01-13T19:50:19.030Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-13T19:50:19.030Z",
"id": "8eec62d7-3419-4cf3-997d-0a153d81ed8a",
"reflectionType": "AGGREGATION",
"name": "dataset991_agg991",
"currentSizeBytes": 9273,
"outputRecords": 51,
"totalSizeBytes": 9273,
"datasetId": "a461bf97-8464-43ed-bd86-a8fb90d920e3",
"datasetType": "VIRTUAL_DATASET",
"datasetPath": [
"status": {
"configStatus": "OK",
"refreshStatus": "MANUAL",
"availabilityStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"combinedStatus": "CAN_ACCELERATE",
"refreshMethod": "FULL",
"failureCount": 0,
"lastDataFetchAt": "2023-01-13T19:46:02.342Z",
"expiresAt": "3022-05-16T19:46:02.342Z",
"lastRefreshDurationMillis": 11697
"consideredCount": 60,
"matchedCount": 9,
"chosenCount": 0,
"consideredJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22cor%22%3A%5B%22a8de18d351a0-d799-3fc4-9143-7d26cee8%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"matchedJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22mar%22%3A%5B%22a8de18d351a0-d799-3fc4-9143-7d26cee8%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"chosenJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22chr%22%3A%5B%22a8de18d351a0-d799-3fc4-9143-7d26cee8%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"isCanView": true,
"isCanAlter": true,
"isEnabled": true
"createdAt": "2023-01-13T19:50:17.714Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-13T19:50:17.714Z",
"id": "167428eb-7936-4ea2-a1fb-23b1ac6e9454",
"reflectionType": "RAW",
"name": "dataset991_raw991",
"currentSizeBytes": 818790,
"outputRecords": 29467,
"totalSizeBytes": 818790,
"datasetId": "a461bf97-8464-43ed-bd86-a8fb90d920e3",
"datasetType": "VIRTUAL_DATASET",
"datasetPath": [
"status": {
"configStatus": "OK",
"refreshStatus": "MANUAL",
"availabilityStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"combinedStatus": "CAN_ACCELERATE",
"refreshMethod": "FULL",
"failureCount": 0,
"lastDataFetchAt": "2023-01-13T19:46:02.747Z",
"expiresAt": "3022-05-16T19:46:02.747Z",
"lastRefreshDurationMillis": 16666
"consideredCount": 54,
"matchedCount": 37,
"chosenCount": 0,
"consideredJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22cor%22%3A%5B%224549e6ca1b32-bf1a-2ae4-6397-be824761%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"matchedJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22mar%22%3A%5B%224549e6ca1b32-bf1a-2ae4-6397-be824761%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"chosenJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22chr%22%3A%5B%224549e6ca1b32-bf1a-2ae4-6397-be824761%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"isCanView": true,
"isCanAlter": true,
"isEnabled": true
"nextPageToken": "CiQxNjc0MjhlYi03OTM2LTRlYTItYTFmYi0yM2IxYWM2ZTk0NTQSAA==",
"isCanAlterReflections": true

Reflection Summary Attributes

data Array of Object

List of reflection-summary objects for each reflection in the Dremio instance.

nextPageToken String

Opaque string to pass for the pageToken query parameter in the next request to retrieve the next set of results. If nextPageToken is not included in the response, all available resources have been returned.

Example: CiQxNjc0MjhlYi03OTM2LTRlYTItYTFmYi0yM2IxYWM2ZTk0NTQSAA==

isCanAlterReflections Boolean

If the current user has project-level privileges to alter reflections, true. Otherwise, false.

Example: true

Attributes of Objects in the data Array

createdAt String

Date and time that the reflection was created. In UTC format.

Example: 2022-07-05T19:19:40.244Z

updatedAt String

Date and time that the reflection was last updated. In UTC format.

Example: 2023-01-13T19:46:01.313Z

id String (UUID)

Unique identifier for the reflection.

Example: 27077c03-ae49-454c-a7bb-a9a8b5eca224

reflectionType String

Reflection type. For details, read Types of Reflections.



name String

User-provided name for the reflection. For reflections created in the Dremio UI, if the user did not provide a name, the default values are Raw Reflection and Aggregation Reflection (automatically assigned based on the reflection type).

Example: NYC_taxi_agg

currentSizeBytes Integer

Data size of the latest reflection job (if one exists). In bytes.

Example: 9272

outputRecords Integer

Number of records returned for the latest reflection.

Example: 51

totalSizeBytes Integer

Data size of all reflection jobs that have not been pruned (if any exist). In bytes.

Example: 9272

datasetId String

Unique identifier for the anchor dataset that is associated with the reflection.

Example: fa7c487f-9550-474e-8a41-4826564c6b09

datasetType String

Type for the anchor dataset that is associated with the reflection. If the anchor dataset is a table, the type is PHYSICAL_DATASET. If the anchor dataset is a view, the type is VIRTUAL_DATASET.



datasetPath Array of String

Path in Dremio to the anchor dataset that the reflection is associated with, expressed in an array. The path lists each level of hierarchy in order, from outer to inner: source first, then folder and subfolders, then the name of the dataset itself as the last item in the array.

Example: [\n "Samples",\n "",\n "NYC Taxi Trips"\n ]

status Object

Information about the status of the reflection.

Example: {\n "configStatus": "OK",\n "refreshStatus": "MANUAL",\n "availabilityStatus": "AVAILABLE",\n "combinedStatus": "CAN_ACCELERATE",\n "refreshMethod": "FULL",\n "failureCount": 0,\n "lastDataFetchAt": "2023-01-13T19:05:03.532Z",\n "expiresAt": "3022-05-16T19:46:02.342Z",\n "lastRefreshDurationMillis": 46387\n }

consideredCount Integer

Number of jobs that considered the reflection during planning.

Example: 202

matchedCount Integer

Number of jobs that matched the reflection during planning.

Example: 45

chosenCount Integer

Number of jobs accelerated by the reflection.

Example: 5

consideredJobsLink String

Link to list of considered jobs for the reflection.

Example: /jobs?filters=%7B%22cor%22%3A%5B%22422ace5b8a9a-bb7a-c454-94ea-30c77072%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D

matchedJobsLink String

Link to list of matched jobs for the reflection.

Example: /jobs?filters=%7B%22mar%22%3A%5B%22422ace5b8a9a-bb7a-c454-94ea-30c77072%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D

chosenJobsLink String

Link to list of chosen jobs for the reflection.

Example: /jobs?filters=%7B%22chr%22%3A%5B%22422ace5b8a9a-bb7a-c454-94ea-30c77072%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D

isCanView Boolean

If you can view reflections on all datasets of a source, system, or folder, true. Otherwise, false.

Example: true

isCanAlter Boolean

If you can create, edit, and view reflections on all datasets of a source, system, or folder, true. Otherwise, false.

Example: true

isEnabled Boolean

If the reflection is available for accelerating queries, true. Otherwise, false.

Example: true

Attributes of the status Object

configStatus String

Status of the reflection configuration. If OK, the reflection configuration is free of errors. If INVALID, the reflection configuration contains one or more errors.


Example: OK

refreshStatus String

Status of the reflection refresh.

  • GIVEN_UP: Dremio attempted to refresh the reflection multiple times, but each attempt has failed and Dremio will not make further attempts.
  • MANUAL: Refresh period is set to 0, so you must use the Dremio UI to manually refresh the reflection.
  • RUNNING: Dremio is currently refreshing the reflection.
  • SCHEDULED: The reflection refreshes according to a schedule.
  • ON_DATA_CHANGES: All of the reflection’s underlying tables are in Iceberg format, and the reflection refreshes automatically if new snapshots are created after an update to the underlying tables.

Example: MANUAL

availabilityStatus String

Status of the reflection's availability for accelerating queries.



combinedStatus String

Status of the reflection based on a combination of configStatus, refreshStatus, and availabilityStatus.

  • CAN_ACCELERATE: The reflection is fully functional.
  • CAN_ACCELERATE_WITH_FAILURES: The most recent refresh failed to obtain a status, but Dremio still has a valid materialization.
  • CANNOT_ACCELERATE_INITIALIZING: The reflection is currently being loaded into the materialization cache. During this time, the reflection is unable to accelerate queries.
  • CANNOT_ACCELERATE_MANUAL: The reflection is unable to accelerate any queries, and the Never Refresh option is selected for the refresh policy.
  • CANNOT_ACCELERATE_SCHEDULED: The reflection is currently unable to accelerate any queries, but it has been scheduled for a refresh at a future time.
  • DISABLED: The reflection has been manually disabled.
  • EXPIRED: The reflection has expired and cannot be used.
  • FAILED: The attempt to refresh the reflection has failed, typically three times in a row. The reflection is still usable.
  • INVALID: The reflection is invalid because the underlying dataset has changed.
  • INCOMPLETE: Deprecated.
  • REFRESHING: The reflection is currently being refreshed.


refreshMethod String

The method used for the most recent refresh of the reflection. For new reflections, the value is NONE until planned. For details, read Refreshing Reflections.


Example: FULL

failureCount Integer

Number of times that an attempt to refresh the reflection failed.

Example: 0

lastFailureMessage String

The error message from the last failed reflection refresh. If the refresh of a reflection never fails or succeeds after a failure, this attribute does not appear.

Example: "The Default engine is not online."

lastDataFetchAt String

Date and time that the reflection data was last refreshed. In UTC format. If the reflection is running, failing, or disabled, the lastDataFetchAt value is 1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z.

Example: 2023-01-13T19:05:03.532Z

expiresAt String

Date and time that the reflection will expire. In UTC format. If the reflection is running, failing, or disabled, the expiresAt value is 1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z.

Example: 3022-05-16T19:46:02.342Z

lastRefreshDurationMillis Integer

Duration of the most recent refresh for the reflection. In milliseconds.

Example: 46387

Retrieving a Reflection Summary

Retrieve a summary of all raw and aggregation reflections in the Dremio instance.

Method and URL
GET /v0/api/projects/{project-id}/reflection-summary


project-id Path   String (UUID)

Unique identifier for the project whose reflection summary you want to retrieve.

Example: 1df71752-69b7-47d9-9e6c-990e6b194aa4

pageToken Query   String   Optional

Token for retrieving the next page of reflection summary results. If the Dremio instance has more reflection summary results than the maximum per page (default 50), the response will include a nextPageToken after the data array. Use the nextPageToken value in your request URL as the pageToken value. Do not change any other query parameters included in the request URL when you use pageToken. Read pageToken Query Parameter for usage examples.

maxResults Query   Integer   Optional

Maximum number of reflection summaries to return in the response. Maximum valid value is 100. Default is 50. Read maxResults Query Parameter for usage examples.

filter Query   Object   Optional

Filters for reflection name, dataset name, availability status, and refresh status. Value is a URL-encoded string that represents a JSON object. The JSON object specifies the attributes to filter on and the values to match for each attribute. Read filter Query Parameter for usage examples.

Available filter attributes:

  • reflectionType: RAW, AGGREGATION (array of string)
  • refreshStatus: GIVEN_UP, MANUAL, RUNNING, SCHEDULED, ON_DATA_CHANGES (array of string)
  • availabilityStatus: NONE, INCOMPLETE, EXPIRED, AVAILABLE (array of string)
  • configStatus: OK, INVALID (array of string)
  • enabledFlag: true, false (Boolean)
  • reflectionNameOrDatasetPath: full or partial reflection name or dataset path; case insensitive (string)
  • reflectionIds: IDs of reflections to retrieve (array of string); must be used alone, with no other filters or query parameters

orderBy Query   String   Optional

Organize the response in ascending (default) or descending order by reflectionName, datasetName, or reflectionType. To specify descending order, precede the orderBy value with a - character. Read orderBy Query Parameter for usage examples.

Example Request Without Query Parameters
curl -X GET ''
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
Example Response
"data": [
"createdAt": "2023-01-13T19:46:01.313Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-13T19:46:01.313Z",
"id": "27077c03-ae49-454c-a7bb-a9a8b5eca224",
"reflectionType": "AGGREGATION",
"name": "NYC_taxi_agg",
"currentSizeBytes": 9272,
"outputRecords": 51,
"totalSizeBytes": 9272,
"datasetId": "fa7c487f-9550-474e-8a41-4826564c6b09",
"datasetType": "VIRTUAL_DATASET",
"datasetPath": [
"status": {
"configStatus": "OK",
"refreshStatus": "MANUAL",
"availabilityStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"combinedStatus": "CAN_ACCELERATE",
"refreshMethod": "FULL",
"failureCount": 0,
"lastDataFetchAt": "2023-01-13T19:46:02.342Z",
"expiresAt": "3022-05-16T19:46:02.342Z",
"lastRefreshDurationMillis": 46387
"consideredCount": 202,
"matchedCount": 45,
"chosenCount": 5,
"consideredJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22cor%22%3A%5B%22422ace5b8a9a-bb7a-c454-94ea-30c77072%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"matchedJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22mar%22%3A%5B%22422ace5b8a9a-bb7a-c454-94ea-30c77072%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"chosenJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22chr%22%3A%5B%22422ace5b8a9a-bb7a-c454-94ea-30c77072%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"isCanView": true,
"isCanAlter": true,
"isEnabled": true
"createdAt": "2023-01-26T23:27:04.281Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-26T23:27:04.281Z",
"id": "0e3d765a-2291-4a04-81eb-2daf5477cc7d",
"reflectionType": "RAW",
"name": "Raw Reflection",
"currentSizeBytes": 0,
"outputRecords": -1,
"totalSizeBytes": 0,
"datasetId": "acdad4be-7049-47e4-b616-b471c5b3c60c",
"datasetType": "PHYSICAL_DATASET",
"datasetPath": [
"status": {
"configStatus": "OK",
"refreshStatus": "GIVEN_UP",
"availabilityStatus": "NONE",
"combinedStatus": "FAILED",
"refreshMethod": "NONE",
"failureCount": 3,
"lastDataFetchAt": null,
"expiresAt": null,
"lastRefreshDurationMillis": -1
"consideredCount": 0,
"matchedCount": 0,
"chosenCount": 0,
"consideredJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22cor%22%3A%5B%22d7cc7745fad2-be18-40a4-1922-a567d3e0%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"matchedJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22mar%22%3A%5B%22d7cc7745fad2-be18-40a4-1922-a567d3e0%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
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"isCanView": true,
"isCanAlter": true,
"isEnabled": true
"createdAt": "2023-01-13T19:50:19.030Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-13T19:50:19.030Z",
"id": "8eec62d7-3419-4cf3-997d-0a153d81ed8a",
"reflectionType": "AGGREGATION",
"name": "dataset991_agg991",
"currentSizeBytes": 9273,
"outputRecords": 51,
"totalSizeBytes": 9273,
"datasetId": "a461bf97-8464-43ed-bd86-a8fb90d920e3",
"datasetType": "VIRTUAL_DATASET",
"datasetPath": [
"status": {
"configStatus": "OK",
"refreshStatus": "MANUAL",
"availabilityStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"combinedStatus": "CAN_ACCELERATE",
"refreshMethod": "FULL",
"failureCount": 0,
"lastDataFetchAt": "2023-01-13T19:46:02.342Z",
"expiresAt": "3022-05-16T19:46:02.342Z",
"lastRefreshDurationMillis": 11697
"consideredCount": 60,
"matchedCount": 9,
"chosenCount": 0,
"consideredJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22cor%22%3A%5B%22a8de18d351a0-d799-3fc4-9143-7d26cee8%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"matchedJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22mar%22%3A%5B%22a8de18d351a0-d799-3fc4-9143-7d26cee8%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
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"isCanView": true,
"isCanAlter": true,
"isEnabled": true
"createdAt": "2023-01-13T19:50:17.714Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-13T19:50:17.714Z",
"id": "167428eb-7936-4ea2-a1fb-23b1ac6e9454",
"reflectionType": "RAW",
"name": "dataset991_raw991",
"currentSizeBytes": 818790,
"outputRecords": 29467,
"totalSizeBytes": 818790,
"datasetId": "a461bf97-8464-43ed-bd86-a8fb90d920e3",
"datasetType": "VIRTUAL_DATASET",
"datasetPath": [
"status": {
"configStatus": "OK",
"refreshStatus": "MANUAL",
"availabilityStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"combinedStatus": "CAN_ACCELERATE",
"refreshMethod": "FULL",
"failureCount": 0,
"lastDataFetchAt": "2023-01-13T19:46:02.747Z",
"expiresAt": "3022-05-16T19:46:02.747Z",
"lastRefreshDurationMillis": 16666
"consideredCount": 54,
"matchedCount": 37,
"chosenCount": 0,
"consideredJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22cor%22%3A%5B%224549e6ca1b32-bf1a-2ae4-6397-be824761%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"matchedJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22mar%22%3A%5B%224549e6ca1b32-bf1a-2ae4-6397-be824761%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"chosenJobsLink": "/jobs?filters=%7B%22chr%22%3A%5B%224549e6ca1b32-bf1a-2ae4-6397-be824761%22%5D%2C%22qt%22%3A%5B%22UI%22%2C%22EXTERNAL%22%2C%22ACCELERATION%22%5D%7D",
"isCanView": true,
"isCanAlter": true,
"isEnabled": true
"nextPageToken": "CiQxNjc0MjhlYi03OTM2LTRlYTItYTFmYi0yM2IxYWM2ZTk0NTQSAA==",
"isCanAlterReflections": true

This endpoint supports query parameters that you can add to the request URL to include only specific types of reflections in the reflection summary, specify the maximum number of results to return, and sort the response to list reflections in ascending or descending order.

For example, to order the reflections within the summary in ascending order by reflectionName, add ?orderBy=reflectionName to the request URL. For descending order, add a - character before the attribute name: ?orderBy=-reflectionName.

In the same request, you can add the filter query parameter to retrieve only the raw reflections that are refreshed manually or by schedule, are enabled, and apply to datasets with in their paths. The JSON object for such a filter would look like this:

Example JSON Object for Filter
"reflectionType": ["RAW"],
"refreshStatus": ["MANUAL","SCHEDULED"],
"enabledFlag": true,
"reflectionNameOrDatasetPath": ""

However, to use the JSON object in the request URL, you must convert it to URL-encoded JSON, which looks like this:

Example JSON Object in URL-Encoded JSON

Here is an example request URL that includes both the orderBy and filter query parameters:

Example Request With orderBy and filter Query Parameters
curl -X GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

For this request, the reflection summary in the response will include only raw reflections that are refreshed manually or by schedule, are enabled, and apply to datasets with in their paths, and the reflections will be listed in ascending order by reflectionName.

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found

405   Method Not Allowed