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Identity Providers

This is an object that represents an identity provider for use in authenticating users to access Dremio Cloud.

Identity Provider Object
"type": "GOOGLE",
"id": "google-oauth2",
"isActive": true

Identity Provider Attributes

For specific enterprise identity provider attributes, see the associated identity provider pages:

type String

The type of identity provider.


Example: GOOGLE

id String

The ID to identify the identity provider.

Example: google-oauth2

isActive Boolean

Set to true if the identity provider is configured and enabled as an option.

Example: true

Listing All Identity Providers

Returns a list of all the identity providers and the metadata for each identity provider.

Method and URL
GET /v0/identity-providers
Example Request
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <personal access token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"local": {
"type": "LOCAL",
"id": "hTUxvOBoimCGwtVjh9IFPlic6qhAJZFO",
"isActive": true
"social": [
"type": "GOOGLE",
"id": "google-oauth2",
"isActive": true
"type": "GITHUB",
"id": "github",
"isActive": true
"type": "MICROSOFT",
"id": "windowslive",
"isActive": false
"enterprise": [
"type": "AZURE_AD",
"id": "acd23077-263a-4277-b5f6-926b1983c9de",
"isActive": true,
"domain": "",
"clientID": "e1cec408-4c58-4283-9b9b-9ec6a6e96f83",
"clientSecret": null

Response Status Codes

200   OK

400   Bad Request

Adding an Identity Provider

To configure an enterprise identity provider, see the specific identity provider pages:

Retrieving an Identity Provider

Get the identity provider metadata for an existing identity provider by providing the ID.

Method and URL
GET /v0/identity-providers/{id}


id Path   String

The ID of the identity provider you wish to retrieve metadata for.

Example: acd23077-263a-4277-b5f6-926b1983c9de

Example Request
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <personal access token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"type": "AZURE_AD",
"id": "acd23077-263a-4277-b5f6-926b1983c9de",
"isActive": true,
"domain": "",
"clientID": "e1cec408-4c58-4283-9b9b-9ec6a6e96f83",
"clientSecret": null

Response Status Codes

200   OK

400   Bad Request

Deleting an Identity Provider

Delete an enterprise identity provider. Local Authentication and Social Identity Providers (GITHUB, GOOGLE, MICROSOFT) cannot be deleted.

Method and URL
DELETE /v0/identity-providers/{id}


id Path   String

The ID of the identity provider that you want to delete.

Example: acd23077-263a-4277-b5f6-926b1983c9de

Example Request
curl -X DELETE '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <personal access token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
No response

Response Status Codes

200   OK

400   Bad Request