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The sys.organization.billing table contains data about the current organization's billing account.

FROM sys.organization.billing

Example Output



FieldData TypeDescription
idvarcharThe UUID of the billing account.
account_typevarcharThe type of the billing account.
namevarcharThe name of the billing account.
emailvarcharThe email address that receives invoices and transactional emails for the billing account.
balancedoubleThe balance of the billing account. This value can be negative if the account has charges that have not been paid.
is_defaultBooleanIf the billing account is the default billing account for the current organization, true. Otherwise, false.
created_atintegerThe number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch at which the billing account was created.
created_byvarcharThe UUID of the user who created the billing account.
modified_atintegerThe number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch at which the billing account was last modified.
modified_byvarcharThe UUID of the user who last modified the billing account.