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Source Configuration

This page details the config payload to create each source type.

Amazon Redshift

Dremio source type: REDSHIFT. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for Redshift, see Adding a Redshift Cluster as a Data Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to an Amazon Redshift source
"config": {
"connectionString": "jdbc:redshift://",
"authenticationType": [
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword",
"secretResourceUrl": arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:my-rds-secret-VNenFy,
"awsProfile": "profileName",
"dbUser": "userName",
"fetchSize": 200,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"propertyList": [
"name": "ApplicationName",
"value": "MarketingDashboard"


connectionString Body   String

The JDBC connection string. Read JDBC for more information.

Example: jdbc:redshift://

authenticationType Body   String

Specifies the type of authentication to enable Dremio to connect to the source. Use ANONYMOUS when no authentication is needed, MASTER when either credentials from a master database user or a secret resource URL is required, or AWS_PROFILE for authentication to an AWS source.


username Body   String

The Amazon Redshift user name.

Example: myUsername

password Body   String

The Amazon Redshift password.

Example: myPassword

secretResourceUrl Body   String

For secret-based authentication, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the secret. To keep the secret secure, Dremio returns the secretResourceUrl value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$ in API responses.

Example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:my-rds-secret-VNenFy

awsProfile Body   String

The AWS profile name. If this is left blank, the default profile will be used.

Example: profileName

dbUser Body   String

The name of the Amazon Redshift DbUser that will be used for authentication. If this is left blank, the default user name for your AWS IAM role will be used.

Example: userName

fetchSize Body   Integer

The number of records to fetch per request. Set to 0 to enable Dremio to automatically set the size.

Example: 200

maxIdleConns Body   Integer

Sets the maximum number of idle connections that you want to keep.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer

Sets the idle time, in seconds, before a connection is evaluated for closure.

Example: 60

queryTimeoutSec Body   Integer

Sets the timeout, in seconds, for a query execution before it is canceled. if you do not want a timeout, enter 0.

Example: 0

propertyList Body   Array of String

An array of name/value pairs defining optional connection properties. Use a comma separated list to specify multiple name value pairs.

Example: ["name": "ApplicationName", "value": "MarketingDashboard"]

Examples of Different Configurations for authenticationType

No authentication required
"authenticationType": "ANONYMOUS"
Master credentials
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword"
Secret resource URL
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"username": "myUsername",
"secretResourceUrl": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:my-rds-secret-VNenFy"
AWS Profile
"authenticationType": "AWS_PROFILE",
"awsProfile": "profileName",
"dbUser": "userName"

Amazon S3

Dremio source type: S3. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for S3, see Adding an S3 Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to an Amazon S3 source
"config": {
"credentialType": [
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root",
"awsAccessSecret": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY",
"externalBucketList": /bucket-name/,
"secure": false,
"enableAsync": true,
"compatibilityMode": false,
"requesterPays": false,
"enableFileStatusCheck": true,
"isPartitionInferenceEnabled": false,
"rootPath": "/",
"kmsKeyARN": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab",
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"propertyList": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"whitelistedBuckets": [
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100


credentialType Body   String

Specifies the type of credential to enable Dremio to connect to the source. Must be either ACCESS_KEY or PROJECT_DATA_CRED.


assumedRoleARN Body   String   Optional

The ARN of the IAM role to assume.

Example: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root

awsAccessKey Body   String

The AWS access key.


awsAccessSecret Body   String

The AWS access secret.


externalBucketList Body   Array of String

Connects Dremio to one or more Amazon S3 buckets. Read Accessing a bucket using S3 for more information.

Example: ["bucket-name"]

secure Body   Boolean

Option to enable a secure connection via SSL encryption between the S3 buckets and Dremio. Set to true to enable SSL encryption.

enableAsync Body   Boolean

Option to enable asynchronous access, which allows cloud caching for the source to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing. Set to true to enable asynchronous access. Read Amazon S3 > Advanced Options for more information.

compatibilityMode Body   Boolean

Option to enable compatibility mode for an Amazon S3 source, which allows you to use S3-compatible storage. Set to true to enable compatibility mode.

requesterPays Body   Boolean

Option to apply S3 requests to the requestor. Set to true enable this option.

enableFileStatusCheck Body   Boolean

Option to enable file status check. Set to true to enable file status check.

isPartitionInferenceEnabled Body   Boolean

Option to enable partition column inference. Set to true to enable partition column inference.

rootPath Body   String

The root path of the S3 bucket.

Example: /

kmsKeyARN Body   String

Enables you to add a server side encryption key ARN that was created in AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

Example: arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

defaultCtasFormat Body   String

Enables you to choose the default format for tables you create in Dremio, either ICEBERG or PARQUET.


propertyList Body   Array of Object

An array of name/value pairs defining optional connection properties. Use a comma separated list to specify multiple name value pairs.

Example: {"name": "", "value": ""}

whitelistedBuckets Body   Array of String

List of approved S3 buckets to include in the source. Buckets entered must be valid. Misspelled or non-existent buckets will not appear in the resulting source. Omit to include all buckets that are available in the source. If you omit the whitelistedBuckets array in a PUT request, Dremio updates the source to include all available buckets. To keep existing approved buckets while making other updates, duplicate the existing whitelistedBuckets array in the PUT request.

Example: ["","logs_east-1","logs_west-1"]

isCachingEnabled Body   Boolean

Option to enable local caching. When local caching is possible, set this parameter to true to enable it. Read Amazon S3 > Advanced Options for more information.

maxCacheSpacePct Body   Integer

Sets the maximum percent of total available cache space to use when possible. The value, in percent, must be between 1 and 100.

Example: 100

Examples of Different Configurations for credentialType

Project data credentials
"credentialType": "PROJECT_DATA_CRED"
Data source credentials (IAM role)
"credentialType": "PROJECT_DATA_CRED",
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root"
Data source credentials (access key)
"credentialType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root",
"awsAccessSecret": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"


Dremio source type: ARCTIC. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for Arctic, see Dremio Sonar for additional information.

Config attributes for configuring an Arctic source with AWS storage
"config": {
"awsRootPath": "/",
"propertyList": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"asyncEnabled": true,
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"storageProvider": "AWS",
"credentialType": "PROJECT_DATA_CRED",
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root",
"arcticCatalogId": "12c7598e-8055-4326-afde-873f3ad942d0"
Config attributes for configuring an Arctic source with Azure storage
"config": {
"propertyList": [
"name": "propertyName",
"value": "propertyValue"
"asyncEnabled": true,
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"storageProvider": "AZURE",
"azureStorageAccount": "teamStorage",
"azureRootPath": "newCatalogStorage/folder",
"azureAuthenticationType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"azureAccessKey": "8iWvLxAFwBkFQuzkKEU8iPEdX%Zrm&ChyZfXUBMQQ*r$gCnidpRsAwPe^AjcieN!V9sJu/cefsSrGfEXAMPLE==$",
"arcticCatalogId": "5bc2f423-d46c-4b1f-a029-ca8148bc196e"


storageProvider Body   String

The storage provider that you are using for your Arctic catalog source.


credentialType Body   String

Type of credential for Dremio to use to connect to AWS for storage of metadata and data files for tables and views. Required if you are using Amazon S3 as the storage provider for your Arctic source.


awsAccessKey Body   String   Optional

The AWS access key for the Amazon S3 bucket to use for storage. Required only if you specify AWS as the storageProvider value and ACCESS_KEY as the credentialType value.


awsAccessSecret Body   String   Optional

The AWS access secret for the Amazon S3 bucket to use for storage. Required only if you specify AWS as the storageProvider value and ACCESS_KEY as the credentialType value.

awsRootPath Body   String   Optional

The Amazon S3 path prefix that Dremio should use as the write location for new Iceberg metadata and data. The root path includes the name of the Amazon S3 bucket, followed by the names of any folders. Required if you are using Amazon S3 as the storage provider for your Arctic catalog source.

Example: /

assumedRoleARN Body   String   Optional

Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to assume. Include only if you specify AWS as the storageProvider value.

Example: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root

azureStorageAccount Body   String   Optional

The name of the Azure Storage account to use for the Arctic catalog source. Include only if you specify AZURE as the storageProvider value.

Example: teamStorage

azureRootPath Body   String   Optional

The path in your Azure Storage account that Dremio should use as the write location for new Iceberg metadata and data. The root path includes the name of the Azure Storage container, followed by the names of any folders. Include only if you specify AZURE as the storageProvider value.

Example: newCatalogStorage/folder

azureAuthenticationType Body   String   Optional

The method you want to use to authenticate to Azure Storage: access key (ACCESS_KEY) or Microsoft Entra ID (AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY). If you choose ACCESS_KEY, you must also include the azureAccessKey parameter in your request. If you choose AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, you must also include the azureApplicationId, azureClientSecret, and azureOAuthTokenEndpoint parameters in your request. Include only if you specify AZURE as the storageProvider value.


azureAccessKey Body   String   Optional

The shared access key for the Azure Storage account. Include only if you specify AZURE as the storageProvider value and ACCESS_KEY as the azureAuthenticationType value.

Example: abc123DEF456ghi789JKL012mno345PQR678stu901vwx234yzA567bcd890EFG123hij45EXAMPLE=

azureApplicationId Body   String   Optional

The ID for the application (client) in Azure. Include only if you specify AZURE as the storageProvider value and AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY as the azureAuthenticationType value.

Example: ac2e0fbf-2507-4a32-983e-9550eb5b3191

azureClientSecret Body   String   Optional

The Azure client secret. Include only if you specify AZURE as the storageProvider value and AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY as the azureAuthenticationType value.

Example: cb^tB3dDor.YtxywDuSvxgdRHEXAMPLE

azureOAuthTokenEndpoint Body   String   Optional

The OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v1.0), including the tenant ID, that the application uses to get an access token or a refresh token. Include only if you specify AZURE as the storageProvider value and AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY as the azureAuthenticationType value.


propertyList Body   Array of Object   Optional

Connection properties for the source. Each object in propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.

Example: [{"name": "","value": ""}]

asyncEnabled Body   Boolean

Option to enable asynchronous access, when this functionality is available in your Arctic source. This option enables cloud caching for the source to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing. Set to true to enable asynchronous access.

isCachingEnabled Body   Boolean

Option to enable local caching, when this functionality is available in your Arctic source. Set to true to enable local caching.

maxCacheSpacePct Body   Integer

Sets the maximum percent of total available cache space to use when possible. The value, in percent, must be between 1 and 100.

Example: 100

defaultCtasFormat Body   String

The default format for tables you create in Dremio. The available value is ICEBERG.

arcticCatalogId Body   String

The unique ID of the Arctic catalog you want to use.

Example: ab12cdef-a123-b456-ab1234-cdef5678ghij

Examples of Different Configurations for credentialType and azureAuthenticationType

Authentication parameters to include for credentialType PROJECT_DATA_CRED and storageProvider AWS
"credentialType": "PROJECT_DATA_CRED",
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root"
Authentication parameters to include for credentialType ACCESS_KEY and storageProvider AWS
"credentialType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root",
"awsAccessSecret": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"
Authentication parameters to include for credentialType ACCESS_KEY and storageProvider AZURE
"azureAuthenticationType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"azureAccessKey": "8iWvLxAFwBkFQuzkKEU8iPEdX%Zrm&ChyZfXUBMQQ*r$gCnidpRsAwPe^AjcieN!V9sJu/cefsSrGfEXAMPLE=="
Authentication parameters to include for credentialType AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY and storageProvider AZURE
"azureAuthenticationType": "AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY",
"azureApplicationId": "ac2e0fbf-2507-4a32-983e-9550eb5b3191",
"azureClientSecret": "cb^tB3dDor.YtxywDuSvxgdRHEXAMPLE",
"azureOAuthTokenEndpoint": ""

AWS Glue Data Catalog

Dremio source type: AWSGLUE. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for AWS Glue, see Adding an AWS Glue Data Catalog for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to an AWS Glue Data Catalog
"config": {
"credentialType": [
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root",
"awsAccessSecret": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY",
"regionNameSelection": "us-east-1",
"secure": false,
"enableAsync": true,
"propertyList": [
"name": "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir",
"value": "s3://bucket-name/folder"
"allowedDatabases": ["sales","finance"],
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100


credentialType Body   String

Specifies the type of credential to enable Dremio to connect to the source. Must be either ACCESS_KEY or PROJECT_DATA_CRED.


assumedRoleARN Body   String   Optional

The ARN of the IAM role to assume.

Example: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root

awsAccessKey Body   String

The AWS access key.


awsAccessSecret Body   String

The AWS access secret.


regionNameSelection Body   String

Sets the AWS Region where the AWS Glue Data Catalog is located.

Example: us-east-1

secure Body   Boolean

Option to enable a secure connection via SSL encryption between the AWS Glue Data Catalog and Dremio. Set to true to enable SSL encryption.

enableAsync Body   Boolean

Option to enable asynchronous access, which allows cloud caching for the source to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing. Set to true to enable asynchronous access. Read AWS Glue Data Catalog > Advanced Options for more information.

propertyList Body   Array of Object

An array of name/value pairs defining optional connection properties. Use a comma separated list to specify multiple name value pairs.

Example: [{"name": "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir", "value": "s3://bucket-name/folder"}]

allowedDatabases Body   Array of String

A list of the databases that users of Dremio are allowed to access. Present the names in a comma-separated list. Databases entered must be valid. Misspelled or non-existent databases will not appear in the resulting source.

If one or more databases are added or removed from the list, the change takes effect immediately.

Example: ["sales","finance”]

isCachingEnabled Body   Boolean

Option to enable local caching. When local caching is possible, set this parameter to true to enable it. Read AWS Glue Data Catalog > Advanced Options for more information.

maxCacheSpacePct Body   Integer

Sets the maximum percent of total available cache space to use when possible. The value, in percent, must be between 1 and 100.

Example: 100

Examples of Different Configurations for credentialType

Project data credentials
"credentialType": "PROJECT_DATA_CRED"
Data source credentials (IAM role)
"credentialType": "PROJECT_DATA_CRED",
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root"
Data source credentials (access key)
"credentialType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root",
"awsAccessSecret": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"

Azure Storage

Dremio source type: AZURE_STORAGE. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for Azure Storage, see Adding an Azure Storage Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to an Azure Storage source
"config": {
"accountKind": "STORAGE_V2",
"accountName": "testazure",
"accessKey": "l3kertpoifkegoivns93c/9AEUa+hie8XEF039/oiWrgbx2g7e+T3bk9H/4R7vua7ljA2pwDKscPZTEXAMPLE==",
"rootPath": "/",
"propertyList": [
"name": "",
"value": "STORAGE_V2"
"enableSSL": true,
"enableAsync": true,
"credentialsType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"isPartitionInferenceEnabled": false


accountKind Body   String

Type of the Azure storage account.


Example: STORAGE_V2

accountName Body   String

Name of the Azure storage account.

Example: testazure

credentialsType Body   String

Specifies the type of authentication to use to enable Dremio to connect to the source.


accessKey Body   String

If using the ACCESS_KEY credentialsType, the Azure access key for the Azure Storage account. To keep the access key secure, Dremio returns the accessKey value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$ in API responses.

Example: l3kertpoifkegoivns93c/9AEUa+hie8XEF039/oiWrgbx2g7e+T3bk9H/4R7vua7ljA2pwDKscPZTEXAMPLE==

clientId Body   String

If using the AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY credentialsType, the client ID of the registered app in Azure.

Example: ba72f3e5-edc6-4aec-ad0a-c1147e81dc8d

tokenEndpoint Body   String

If using the AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY credentialsType, the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint for the registered app in Azure.


clientSecret Body   String

If using the AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY credentialsType, the client secret for the registered app in Azure. To keep the client secret secure, Dremio returns the accessKey value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$ in API responses.

Example: pbt+a]xWAk2E*2.WmjU0wtfiLEXAMPLE

rootPath Body   String   Optional

Root path of the Azure Storage source. Default is /

Example: /

propertyList Body   Array of Object   Optional

An array of name/value pairs defining optional connection properties. Use a comma-separated list to specify multiple name/value pairs.

Example: [{"name": "", "value": "STORAGE_V2"}]

enableSSL Body   Boolean   Optional

To enable a secure connection with SSL encryption between the Azure Storage source and Dremio, set to true (default). Otherwise, set to false.

Example: true

enableAsync Body   Boolean   Optional

To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true (default). Otherwise, set to false.

Example: true

isCachingEnabled Body   Boolean   Optional

To enable local caching, set to true (default). Otherwise, set to false.

Example: true

maxCacheSpacePct Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Used only when isCachingEnabled is set to true. Minimum is 1. Maximum is 100 (default).

Example: 100

defaultCtasFormat Body   String   Optional

Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG.


Example: ICEBERG

isPartitionInferenceEnabled Body   Boolean   Optional

To enable partition column inference, set to true. Otherwise, set to false (default).

Example: false

Examples of Different Configurations for credentialsType

Microsoft Entra ID
"credentialsType": "AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY",
"clientId": "ba72f3e5-edc6-4aec-ad0a-c1147e81dc8d",
"tokenEndpoint": "",
"clientSecret": "pbt+a]xWAk2E*2.WmjU0wtfiLEXAMPLE"

Google BigQuery

Config attributes for connecting to an Google BigQuery source
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": "443",
"projectId": "your_project_id",
"clientEmail": "",
"privateKey": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
"fetchSize": 1000,
"maxIdleConns": 10,
"idleTimeSec": 300,
"queryTimeoutSec": 600,
"propertyList": []


hostname Body   String

Google BigQuery hostname. Expected value is

port Body   String

Google BigQuery port number. Expected value is 433.

projectId Body   String

Google Cloud Project ID.

Example: Project_unique_id

authMode Body   String

Authentication mode for the Google BigQuery connector. Expected value is SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYS.


clientEmail Body   String

Google service account email address.


privateKey Body   String   Optional

Service account key associated with the supplied service account. The REST API expects the JSON object within the service account key JSON file.


"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "project-id",
"private_key_id": "key-id",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nprivate-key\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "service-account-email",
"client_id": "client-id",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": ""

fetchSize Body   Integer   Optional

Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200. If set to 0, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.

Example: 200

maxIdleConns Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60.

Example: 60

queryTimeoutSec Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0.

Example: 0

propertyList Body   Array of Object   Optional

Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.

Example: [{"name": "deferPrepares","value": "true"}]


Config attributes for connecting to an IBM Db2 Source
"config": {
"database": "tpch",
"hostname": "",
"username": "exampleuser",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"port": "50000",
"fetchSize": 200,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"propertyList": [
"name": "deferPrepares",
"value": "true"


database Body   String

IBM Db2 database for Dremio to use.

Example: tpch

hostname Body   String

IBM Db2 hostname.


username Body   String

Username for authentication.

Example: exampleuser

password Body   String

The password in plaintext. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$ in API responses.

Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:, — for example, data:,<plaintext_password>. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64, — for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>.

port Body   String

IBM Db2 port number. Default is 50000.

Example: 50000

fetchSize Body   Integer   Optional

Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200. If set to 0, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.

Example: 200

maxIdleConns Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60.

Example: 60

queryTimeoutSec Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0.

Example: 0

propertyList Body   Array of Object   Optional

Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.

Example: [{"name": "deferPrepares","value": "true"}]

Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics

Config attributes for connecting to a Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics source
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": "1433",
"username": "exampleuser",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"fetchSize": 200,
"useSsl": false,
"enableServerVerification": true,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"database": "dedicatedpool",
"propertyList": [
"name": "applicationIntent",
"value": "ReadWrite"


hostname Body   String

Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics hostname.


port Body   String   Optional

Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics port number. Default is 1433.

Example: 1433

username Body   String

Username for authentication. Required for authenticationType MASTER.

Example: exampleuser

password Body   String

The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for authenticationType MASTER. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$ in API responses.

Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:, — for example, data:,<plaintext_password>. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64, — for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>.

authenticationType Body   String

Type of authentication to use to allow Dremio to connect to the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics source.

  • ANONYMOUS: No authentication is needed.
  • MASTER: Use credentials from a master database user.

Example: MASTER

fetchSize Body   Integer   Optional

Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200. If set to 0, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.

Example: 200

useSsl Body   Boolean   Optional

If the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics source is configured to use TLS for connections, set to true. Otherwise, set to false (default).

Example: false

enableServerVerification Body   Boolean   Optional

To verify the certificate for the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics source when connecting, set to true. Otherwise, set to false (default).

Example: false

maxIdleConns Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60.

Example: 60

queryTimeoutSec Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0.

Example: 0

database Body   String   Optional

Default Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics database for Dremio to use.

Example: dedicatedpool

propertyList Body   Array of Object   Optional

Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.

Example: [{"name": "applicationIntent","value": "ReadWrite"}]

Parameters of Objects in the propertyList Array

name Body   String   Optional

Name of the connection property.

Example: applicationIntent

value Body   String   Optional

Value for the connection property.

Example: ReadWrite

Microsoft SQL Server

Dremio source type: MSSQL. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for SQL Server, see Configuring SQL Server as a Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server source
"config": {
"authenticationType": [
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword".
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": "1433",
"database": "my_database",
"useSsl": true,
"showOnlyConnectionDatabase": false,
"fetchSize": 200,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"enableServerVerification": true,
"hostnameOverride": "localhost",
"propertyList": [
"name": "applicationIntent",
"value": "ReadWrite"


authenticationType Body   String

Specifies the type of authentication to enable Dremio to connect to the source. Use ANONYMOUS when no authentication is needed and MASTER when credentials from a master database user is required.


username Body   String

The SQL Server user name.

Example: myUsername

password Body   String

The SQL Server password.

Example: myPassword

hostname Body   String

The SQL Server host name.

Example: localhost

port Body   String

The SQL Server port number. The commonly used default port numbers for SQL Server are 1433 and 1434.

Example: 1433

database Body   String   Optional

The database name.

Example: my_database

useSsl Body   Boolean

Option to enable SSL encryption. Set to true to enable this option.

showOnlyConnectionDatabase Body   Boolean

Option to show only the initial database used for connecting. Set to true to enable this option.

fetchSize Body   String

The number of records to fetch per request. Set to 0 to enable Dremio to automatically set the size.

Example: 200

maxIdleConns Body   Integer

Sets the maximum number of idle connections that you want to keep.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer

Sets the idle time, in seconds, before a connection is evaluated for closure.

Example: 60

enableServerVerification Body   Boolean

Option to verify the server certificate. Set to true to enable this option.

hostnameOverride Body   String

This parameter can be used when the SSL/TLS server certificate contains a distinguished name. You can leave this blank if the hostname in the certificate matches the server name.

Example: localhost

propertyList Body   Array of Object

An array of name/value pairs defining optional connection properties. Use a comma separated list to specify multiple name value pairs.

Example: [{"name": "applicationIntent", "value": "ReadWrite"}]

Examples of Different Configurations for authenticationType

No authentication required
"authenticationType": "ANONYMOUS"
Master credentials
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword"


Dremio source type: MYSQL. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for MySQL, see Configuring MySQL as a Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to a MySQL source
"config": {
"authenticationType": [
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword"
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": "3306",
"netWriteTimeout": 60,
"fetchSize": 200,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"propertyList": [
"name": "DataSource",
"value": "sales2023"


authenticationType Body   String

Specifies the type of authentication to enable Dremio to connect to the source. Use ANONYMOUS when no authentication is needed and MASTER when credentials from a master database user is required.


username Body   String

The MySQL user name.

Example: myUsername

password Body   String

The MySQL password.

Example: myPassword

hostname Body   String

The MySQL host name.

Example: localhost

port Body   String

The MySQL port number. The commonly used default port number for MySQL is 3306.

Example: 3306

netWriteTimeout Body   Integer

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for data from the server before aborting the connection.

Example: 60

fetchSize Body   Integer

The number of records to fetch per request. Set to 0 to enable Dremio to automatically set the size.

Example: 200

maxIdleConns Body   Integer

Sets the maximum number of idle connections that you want to keep.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer

Sets the idle time, in seconds, before a connection is evaluated for closure.

Example: 60

propertyList Body   Array of Object

An array of name/value pairs defining optional connection properties. Use a comma separated list to specify multiple name value pairs.

Example: [{"name": "DataSource", "value": "sales2023"}]

Examples of Different Configurations for authenticationType

No authentication required
"authenticationType": "ANONYMOUS"
Master credentials
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword"


Dremio source type: ORACLE. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for Oracle, see Configuring Oracle as a Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to an Oracle source
"config": {
"authenticationType": [
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword",
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": "1521",
"instance": "sales",
"useSsl": true,
"nativeEncryption": "ACCEPTED",
"useTimezoneAsRegion": true,
"includeSynonyms": false,
"mapDateToTimestamp": true,
"fetchSize": 200,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"useLdap": false,
"bindDN": String,
"sslServerCertDN": String,
"propertyList": [
"name": "connect_timeout",
"value": "0"


authenticationType Body   String

Specifies the type of authentication to enable Dremio to connect to the source. Use ANONYMOUS when no authentication is needed, MASTER when either credentials from a master database user or a secret resource URL is required, or KERBEROS if Kerberos is configured.


username Body   String

The Oracle user name.

Example: myUsername

password Body   String

The Oracle password.

Example: myPassword

secretResourceUrl Body   String

For secret-based authentication, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the secret. To keep the secret secure, Dremio returns the secretResourceUrl value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$ in API responses.

Example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:my-rds-secret-VNenFy

useKerberos Body   Boolean

Set to true if you are using Kerberos.

hostname Body   String

The Oracle host name.

Example: localhost

port Body   String

The Oracle port number. The commonly used default port numbers for Oracle are 1521 and 1830.

Example: 1521

instance Body   String   Optional

The Oracle service name.

Example: sales

useSsl Body   Boolean

Option to enable SSL encryption. Set to true to enable this option.

nativeEncryption Body   Boolean

Sets the Oracle native encryption. This parameter can only be used if useSsl is set to false.


useTimezoneAsRegion Body   Boolean

Option to use the timezone to set the connection region. Set to true to enable this option.

includeSynonyms Body   Boolean

Option to include synonyms as datasets. Set to true to enable this option.

mapDateToTimestamp Body   Boolean

Option to display Oracle DATE columns as a TIMESTAMP. Set to true to enable this option.

fetchSize Body   Integer

The number of records to fetch per request. Set to 0 to enable Dremio to automatically set the size.

Example: 200

maxIdleConns Body   Integer

Sets the maximum number of idle connections that you want to keep.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer

Sets the idle time, in seconds, before a connection is evaluated for closure.

Example: 60

useLdap Body   Boolean

Option to use LDAP naming services. Set to true to enable this option.

bindDN Body   String

Sets the LDAP hostname resolution when the useLdap parameter is set to true. You can omit this parameter if useLdap is set to false.

sslServerCertDN Body   String

Use when you have a SSL/TLS server certificate distinguished name. Otherwise, you can leave this parameter blank to disable DN match.

propertyList Body   Array of Object

An array of name/value pairs defining optional connection properties. Use a comma separated list to specify multiple name value pairs.

Example: [{"name": "connect_timeout", "value": "0"}]

Examples of Different Configurations for authenticationType

No authentication required
"authenticationType": "ANONYMOUS"
Master credentials
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword"
Secret resource URL
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"username": "myUsername",
"secretResourceUrl": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:my-rds-secret-VNenFy"
Using Kerberos
"credentialType": "KERBEROS",
"username": null,
"password": null,
"useKerberos": true


Dremio source type: POSTGRES. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for PostgreSQL, see Configuring PostgreSQL as a Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to a PostgreSQL source
"config": {
"authenticationType": [
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword",
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": "5432",
"databaseName": "sales_2023",
"useSsl": false,
"fetchSize": 200,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"propertyList": [
"name": "connect_timeout",
"value": "10&application_name=myapp"


authenticationType Body   String

Specifies the type of authentication to enable Dremio to connect to the source. Use ANONYMOUS when no authentication is needed and MASTER when either credentials from a master database user or a secret resource URL is required.


username Body   String

The PostgreSQL user name.

Example: myUsername

password Body   String

The PostgreSQL password.

Example: myPassword

secretResourceUrl Body   String

For secret-based authentication, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the secret. To keep the secret secure, Dremio returns the secretResourceUrl value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$ in API responses.

Example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012:secret:my-rds-secret-VNenFy

hostname Body   String

The PostgreSQL host name.

Example: localhost

port Body   String

The PostgreSQL port number. The commonly used default port number for PostgreSQL is 5432.

Example: 5432

databaseName Body   String   Optional

The database name.

Example: sales_2023

useSsl Body   Boolean

Option to enable SSL encryption. Set to true to enable this option.

fetchSize Body   Integer

The number of records to fetch per request. Set to 0 to enable Dremio to automatically set the size.

Example: 200

maxIdleConns Body   Integer

Sets the maximum number of idle connections that you want to keep.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer

Sets the idle time, in seconds, before a connection is evaluated for closure.

Example: 60

encryptionValidationMode Body   String

When encryption is enabled, you can set the validation mode to one of the available presets.


propertyList Body   Array of Object

An array of name/value pairs defining optional connection properties. Use a comma separated list to specify multiple name value pairs.

Example: [{"name": "connect_timeout", "value": "10&application_name=myapp"}]

Examples of Different Configurations for authenticationType

No authentication required
"authenticationType": "ANONYMOUS"
Master credentials
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword"


Dremio source type: SAPHANA. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for SAP HANA, see Configuring SAP HANA as a Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to an SAP HANA source
"config": {
"hostname": "sap://",
"port": "39017",
"schema": "marketing",
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword",
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"fetchSize": 2000,
"propertyList": []


hostname Body   String

The SAP HANA hostname. This can be a fully qualified domain name or an IP address.

Example: sap://

port Body   String

The SAP HANA port number. The commonly used default port number for SAP HANA is 39017.

Example: 39013

schema Body   String   Optional

Specifies the schema the connector will use.

Example: marketing

username Body   String

Username for authentication.

Example: myUsername

password Body   String

The SAP HANA password.

Example: myPassword

fetchSize Body   Integer

The number of records to fetch per request. Set to 0 to enable Dremio to automatically set the size.

Example: 2000

maxIdleConns Body   Integer

Sets the maximum number of idle connections that you want to keep.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer

Sets the idle time, in seconds, before a connection is evaluated for closure.

Example: 60

queryTimeoutSec Body   Integer

Sets the timeout, in seconds, for a query execution before it is canceled. if you do not want a timeout, enter 0.

Example: 0

propertyList Body   Array of Object   Optional

Connection properties for the source. Each object in propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property. For SAP HANA, see the list of supported JDBC Connection Properties.

Example: [{"name": "connectTimeout","value": "0"}]


Dremio source type: SNOWFLAKE. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for Snowflake, see Configuring Snowflake as a Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to a Snowflake source
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": "443",
"database": "REGRESSION",
"warehouse": "CONNECTOR_25GB",
"username": "dremio",
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"fetchSize": 2000,
"authMode": "KEY_PAIR",
"privateKey": "AsB86vDRA&Ew5+jSCwn3F2LqMcmu82DcN9ByfcDzcP2GE2oJivFAS53M9s4B=hnu5Eg"


hostname Body   String

The Snowflake host name.


port Body   String

The Snowflake port number. The commonly used default port number for Snowflake is 443.

Example: 443

database Body   String   Optional

Specifies the default database to use.


warehouse Body   String   Optional

Specifies the warehouse that will provide resources for executing DML statements and queries.


username Body   String

The Snowflake user name.

Example: dremio

password Body   String

The Snowflake password. Required if authMode is LOGIN_PASSWORD.

Example: myPassword

fetchSize Body   Integer

The number of records to fetch per request. Set to 0 to enable Dremio to automatically set the size.

Example: 2000

maxIdleConns Body   Integer

Sets the maximum number of idle connections that you want to keep.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer

Sets the idle time, in seconds, before a connection is evaluated for closure.

Example: 60

queryTimeoutSec Body   Integer

Sets the timeout, in seconds, for a query execution before it is canceled. if you do not want a timeout, enter 0.

Example: 0

authMode Body   String

Type of authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source. If you do not specify an authMode, the default is LOGIN_PASSWORD.


Example: KEY_PAIR

privateKey Body   String

The generated Snowflake private key in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format. Required if authMode is KEY_PAIR. To keep the service account key secure, Dremio returns the privateKey value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$ in API responses.

Example: AsB86vDRA&Ew5+jSCwn3F2LqMcmu82DcN9ByfcDzcP2GE2oJivFAS53M9s4B=hnu5Eg

privateKeyPassphrase Body   String   

The passphrase for an encrypted private key. Required if authMode is KEY_PAIR and the privateKey value is an encrypted private key.

Example: !jV#X=%k7cG=e%G64p#ozm

Examples of Different Configurations for authMode

Login-password authentication
"authenticationType": "LOGIN_PASSWORD",
"username": "dremio",
"password": "myPassword"
Key-pair authentication
"authenticationType": "KEY_PAIR",
"username": "dremio",
"privateKey": "AsB86vDRA&Ew5+jSCwn3F2LqMcmu82DcN9ByfcDzcP2GE2oJivFAS53M9s4B=hnu5Eg",
"privateKeyPassphrase": "!jV#X=%k7cG=e%G64p#ozm"


Dremio source type: VERTICA. This type determines the config parameters that display as specified in the Source Attributes. If you are not familiar with the following parameters that are available for Vertica, see Configuring Vertica as a Source for additional information.

Config attributes for connecting to a Vertica source
"config": {
"database": "vertica",
"hostname": "",
"username": "exampleuser",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"port": "5433",
"fetchSize": 200,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"propertyList": [
"name": "LoginTimeout",
"value": "30"


database Body   String

Default Vertica database for Dremio to use.

Example: vertica

hostname Body   String

Vertica hostname.


username Body   String

Username for authentication.

Example: exampleuser

password Body   String

The password in plaintext. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$ in API responses.

Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:, — for example, data:,<plaintext_password>. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64, — for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>.

port Body   String

Vertica port number. Default is 5433.

Example: 5433

fetchSize Body   Integer   Optional

Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200. If set to 0, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.

Example: 200

maxIdleConns Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8.

Example: 8

idleTimeSec Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60.

Example: 60

queryTimeoutSec Body   Integer   Optional

Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0.

Example: 0

propertyList Body   Array of Object   Optional

Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.

Example: [{"name": "LoginTimeout","value": "30&application_name=myapp"}]

Parameters of Objects in the propertyList Array

name Body   String   Optional

Name of the connection property.

Example: LoginTimeout

value Body   String   Optional

Value for the connection property.

Example: 30