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Function NameDescription
ABSComputes the absolute value of a numeric expression.
ACOSComputes the arccosine (inverse cosine) of a value in radians.
ASINComputes the arcsine (inverse sine) of a value in radians.
ATANComputes the Arctangent (inverse Tangent) of a value.
ATAN2Computes the Arctangent (inverse Tangent) of the ratio of its two arguments.
BROUNDReturns the rounded result of the numeric expression using HALF_EVEN rounding mode.
CBRTComputes the cube root of a numeric expression.
CEILINGReturns the nearest equal or larger value of the input expression. Can also be called using CEIL().
COSComputes the cosine of a value in radians.
COSHComputes the hyperbolic cosine of a value in radians.
COTComputes the cotangent of a value in radians.
DEGREESConverts radians to degrees.
EReturns Euler's number, a constant approximately equal to 2.718281828459045.
EXPCalculates Euler's number, e, raised to the power of the specified value.
FACTORIALComputes the factorial of the numeric expression. The input expression must be an integer from 0 to 20.
FLOORReturns the value from the specifed expression rounded to the nearest equal or smaller integer.
LNReturns the natural logarithm of of the numeric expression.
LOGReturns the logarithm of the numeric input expression. If no base is specified, the natural log (ln) will be calculated.
LOG10Returns the log base 10 of the numeric input expression.
MODReturns the remainder of the input expression divided by the second input expression.
PIReturns the value of pi, which is approximately 3.14592654.
PMODReturns the positive remainder after dividend / divisor. Returns an error if the divisor is 0.
POW, POWERReturns the result of raising the input value to the specified power.
RADIANSConvert a value in degrees to radians.
RANDOMEach call returns a random generated number between 0 and 1 for each row.
ROUNDReturns the rounded value for the inputted value. If no scale is specified, the closest whole number is returned.
SIGNReturns the sign of the input expression.
SINComputes the sine of a value.
SINHComputes the hyperbolic sine of the input expression.
SQRTReturns the square root of the non-negative numeric expression.
STDDEVReturns the standard deviation of non-NULL values in a column with a numeric data type. If all records inside a group are NULL, returns NULL.
STDDEV_POPReturns the population standard deviation (square root of variance) of non-NULL values in a column with a numeric data type. If all records inside a group are NULL, returns NULL.
STDDEV_SAMPReturns the sample standard deviation (square root of sample variance) of non-NULL values in a column with a numeric data type. If all records inside a group are NULL, returns NULL.
TANComputes the tangent of a value in radians.
TANHComputes the hyperbolic tangent of the input expression.
TRUNCATERounds the input expression down the nearest of equal integer depending on the specified number of places before or after the decimal point.