Creating a VPC and Subnets
Following are steps for creating an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and subnets through the AWS Management Console.
Creating a VPC
To create a VPC in your Amazon account:
Go to the AWS Management Console and sign in with your credentials.
Navigate to Services > Networking & Content Delivery > VPC.
On the VPC homepage, click the Create VPC button.
On the Create VPC page, set the following:
a. For Resources to create, select VPC only.
b. (Optional) For Name tag, enter a name for your new VPC.
c. For IPv4 CIDR, enter
d. Keep all other default settings.
Click the Create VPC button.
Creating Private or Public Subnets
To create a subnet in your Amazon account:
Select Subnets from the side navigation bar.
Click the Create subnet button in the top right.
On the Create subnet page, set the following:
a. For VPC ID, select your newly created VPC.
b. For Subnet name, enter a name for your subnet.
c. For Availability zone, select a compatible availability zone.
d. For IPv4 CIDR block, enter
e. Keep all other default settings.
Click the Create subnet button.
For public subnets only:
- On the Subnets page, select your subnet by checking the box next to it.
- Go to Actions > Edit subnet settings.
- Check the box next to Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address to enable.
- Click Save.
- On the Your VPCs page, select your VPC by checking the box next to it.
- Go to Actions > Edit VPC Settings.
- For Enable DNS hostnames, check the box to enable the setting.
- For Enable DNS resolution, check the box to enable the setting.
- Click Save.