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Creating a Route Table

You may need to create a route table if it is not already configured for your VPC setup. See the steps for creating this resource using the VPC Dashboard in the AWS Management Console.

To create a route table in the AWS Management Console:

  1. From the VPC Dashboard, click Route tables in the side navigation bar.

  2. Click the Create route table button in the top right.

  3. On the Create route table page, set the following:

    a. (Optional) For Name, enter a name for your new route table.

    b. For VPC, select the VPC to associate with your route table.

  4. Click the Create route table button.

  5. After you are directed to your new route table, click the Edit routes button in the bottom left.

  6. On the Edit routes page, click the Add route button and set the following:

    a. For Destination, select

    b. For Target, select Internet Gateway. Then select your internet gateway from the dropdown.

  7. For private subnets only, click the Add route button again and set the following:

    a. For Destination, select

    b. For Target, select NAT Gateway. Then select your NAT gateway from the dropdown.


You will need to use a different destination CIDR block.

  1. Click Save changes.