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Viewing Usage

The usage of Dremio Cloud within an organization is measured in Dremio Consumption Units (DCUs). DCUs are consumed only when Dremio Cloud engines are running.

How Usage is Calculated

The number of DCUs consumed by an engine depends on two factors:

  • The size of the engine
  • How long the engine and its replicas have been running for

DCU consumption for an engine is calculated as (Total uptime for the engine and its replicas) * (DCU consumption rate for that engine size).

Uptime is measured in seconds and has a 60-second minimum.

The DCU consumption rate for each engine size supported in Dremio Cloud is listed in the "Overview" section of Managing Engines.


Example 1

An organization has two Dremio Cloud engines defined: Engine A and Engine B, where Engine A is a 2XSmall engine, and Engine B is a Medium engine.

Suppose that between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. one day:

  • Engine A had 2 replicas running for 40 minutes each, so it accumulates a total of 80 minutes of engine uptime.
  • Engine B had 5 replicas running for 50 minutes each, so it accumulates a total of 250 minutes of engine uptime.

The total usage for Engine A for this hour is (80/60) * (4 DCUs/hour) = 5.34 DCUs.

The total usage for Engine B for this hour is (250/60) * (32 DCUs/hour) = 133.34 DCUs.

Example 2

An organization has one Dremio Cloud engine defined: Engine A, where Engine A is a Medium engine.

Suppose that between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. one day:

  • Engine A had 1 replica running for the entire hour (60 minutes).
  • Engine A needed to spin up an additional replica for 30 minutes to tackle a workload spike.

Engine A accumulated a total of 90 minutes of engine uptime, so the total usage for Engine A for this hour is (90/60) * (32 DCUs/hour) = 48 DCUs.

Viewing Usage

On the Usage page, you can view DCU consumption across all the projects in your organization. You can click into an individual project or an engine within a project to drill down into its usage, and apply date filters to view usage data over various date ranges.

Times in the usage data are displayed in UTC.


After a job is completed, it will take one to two hours before the Usage page reflects the number of DCUs that the job used.

To view DCU consumption for your organization:

  1. Click the Organization This is the icon that represents the Organization. icon in the side navigation bar.

  2. Click the Settings This is the icon that represents the Organization settings. icon at the top of the Organization page.

  3. Select Usage in the organization settings sidebar.


You can also view usage statistics using the sys.organization.usage system table.

How Usage Is Billed

Dremio creates a row in the sys.organization.usage system table for each hour (or partial hour) that the replica is running. Rows within the sys.organization.usage table appear with a two-hour delay from the period during which the replica was used.

Dremio uses the data in the sys.organization.usage table to determine the total monthly bill. Dremio calculates the DCU count for each row by multiplying column values instance_count * instance_hourly_cost_dcus * (end_time - start_time). Then, Dremio sums the DCU count for each row that occurred within the billing period.

If an hour of usage is split between two billing periods, Dremio uses only the uptime within the current billing period when calculating the row's DCU sum: Row uptime = min(billing period end, row end time) - max(billing period start time, row start time).

After calculating the DCU count for each row, Dremio sums the total DCU count and deducts it from the billing account balance.

View the total sum for the billing period on the Transactions page for the billing account.