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Credit Balances

Use the Billing API to list the credit balances for a billing account.

Credit-Balance Object
"balance": 10,
"expireDate": 1644624000000

Credit-Balance Attributes

balance Double

Remaining DCUs.

Example: 10

expireDate Integer

The number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch at which the credits will expire.

Example: 1644624000000

Listing All Credit Balances for a Billing Account

Lists the balances in DCUs for a billing account specified by its ID.

Method and URL
GET /v0/billing/{id}/credits


id Path   String

The UUID for the billing account.

Example: cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d

Example Request
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <personal access token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"data": [
"balance": 10,
"expireDate": 1644624000000
"balance": 23,
"expireDate": 1644624000000
"balance": 12,
"expireDate": 1644624000000
"balance": 9,
"expireDate": 1644624000000
"balance": 1,
"expireDate": 1644624000000
"balance": 303,
"expireDate": 1644796800000
"balance": 1000,
"expireDate": 1675962138905

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found