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Billing Transactions

Use the Billing API to retrieve information about transactions performed on billing accounts.

Billing-Transaction Object
"id": "40bf837e-fd97-4d7d-bb3d-0cefd76ae9ca",
"billingId": "cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d",
"type": "CREDIT_LOAD",
"attributes": {
"description": "Free DCUs from Dremio!"
"invoice": "",
"creditDelta": 1000,
"createdAt": 1644423410015

Billing-Transaction Attributes

id String

The UUID of the billing transaction.

Example: 40bf837e-fd97-4d7d-bb3d-0cefd76ae9ca

billingId String

The UUID of the billing account the transaction refers to.

Example: cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d

type String

The type of transaction.



attributes String

Additional information about the transaction. The type of information included depends on the type of transaction.

Example: {"description": "Free DCUs from Dremio!"}

invoice String

A URL for the invoice associated with the transaction. Can be null.

creditDelta Double

The change in credits for this transaction.

Example: 1000

createdAt Integer

The number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch at which the transaction was created.

Example: 1644423410015

Attributes of the attributes Object

startDate Integer

When the transaction type is USAGE: The number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch at which the usage began.

endDate Integer

When the transaction type is USAGE: The number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch at which the usage ended.

description String

When the transaction type is CREDIT_LOAD: Optional additional notes about the transaction.

expiredAt Integer

When the transaction type is CREDIT_EXPIRED: The number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch at which the credit expired.

Listing All Transactions for a Billing Account

Lists the transactions that have been performed in the billing account specified by its ID.

Method and URL
GET /v0/billing/{id}/transactions 


id Path   String

The UUID for the billing account.

Example: cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d

Example Request
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <personal access token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"data": [
"id": "40bf837e-fd97-4d7d-bb3d-0cefd76ae9ca",
"billingId": "cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d",
"type": "CREDIT_LOAD",
"attributes": {
"description": "Adding 1000 DCUs."
"invoice": "",
"creditDelta": 1000,
"createdAt": 1644423410015
"id": "301f79b4-3d02-4ccf-b42e-bb8472cb32dc",
"billingId": "cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d",
"type": "CREDIT_LOAD",
"attributes": {
"description": "Adding 10 DCUs"
"invoice": "",
"creditDelta": 10,
"createdAt": 1644523726133
"id": "077192cb-cf99-4dd6-8371-0602dc807a1e",
"billingId": "cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d",
"type": "CREDIT_LOAD",
"attributes": {
"description": "Adding 23 DCUs"
"invoice": "",
"creditDelta": 23,
"createdAt": 1644524431748
"id": "d4ede155-b519-4237-9800-f55787d892e3",
"billingId": "cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d",
"type": "CREDIT_LOAD",
"attributes": {
"description": "Adding 15 DCUs"
"invoice": "",
"creditDelta": 15,
"createdAt": 1644524431748
"id": "2da12850-174a-4ab8-a353-083400fd7aaa",
"billingId": "cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d",
"type": "CREDIT_LOAD",
"attributes": {
"description": "Adding 30 DCUs"
"invoice": "",
"creditDelta": 30,
"createdAt": 1644524431748
"id": "ea0eef10-57ed-4cce-8d9b-7dcda36fe50a",
"billingId": "cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d",
"type": "CREDIT_LOAD",
"attributes": {
"description": "Adding 100 DCUs"
"invoice": "",
"creditDelta": 100,
"createdAt": 1644524431748
"id": "e7c9f50e-4193-4c69-9e3f-355a5ecb4b55",
"billingId": "cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d",
"type": "CREDIT_LOAD",
"attributes": {
"description": "Adding 50 DCUs"
"invoice": "",
"creditDelta": 50,
"createdAt": 1644523726133
"nextPageToken": null,
"previousPageToken": null,
"totalResults": 7

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found

Retrieving a Transaction for a Billing Account

Retrieves information about a transaction, specified by its ID, performed in a billing account specified by its ID.

Method and URL
GET /v0/billing/{billingId}/transactions/{id}


billingId Path   String

The UUID for the billing account.

Example: cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d

transactionId Path   String

The UUID for the transaction.

Example: 40bf837e-fd97-4d7d-bb3d-0cefd76ae9ca

Example Request
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <personal access token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"id": "40bf837e-fd97-4d7d-bb3d-0cefd76ae9ca",
"billingId": "cebe4692-498e-4c04-81ac-8ad04210ca9d",
"type": "CREDIT_LOAD",
"attributes": {
"description": "Adding 1000 DCUs"
"invoice": "",
"creditDelta": 1000,
"createdAt": 1644423410015

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found