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Version: current [25.x]


The sys.jobs_recent table contains metadata for the jobs that ran in the Dremio instance during the previous number of days specified by the support key jobs.max.age_in_days.

FROM sys.jobs_recent

Example Output

1d3091b1-d0be-0169-8ace-e43f562c7000RUNNINGUI_RUNdremio[][NYC-taxi-trips-iceberg]12024-06-12 16:15:29.8342024-06-12 16:15:29.8342024-06-12 16:15:29.8342024-06-12 16:15:29.8422024-06-12 16:15:29.9912024-06-12 16:15:29.9912024-06-12 16:15:29.9982024-06-12 16:15:30.2862024-06-12 16:15:35.0771718208929834171820892983417182089298341718208929842171820892999117182089299911718208929998171820893028617182089350771.3877935193058197E9714243481920600002925000FALSELow Cost User Queriesempty textempty textSELECT * FROM "NYC-taxi-trips-iceberg"false21630908864


FieldData TypeDescription
job_idvarcharThe UUID to identify the job.
statusvarcharThe state of the job.
query_typevarcharThe mechanism used to submit the job.
user_namevarcharThe username of the user who submitted the job. For jobs that are triggered by Dremio, this value is $dremio$.
queried_datasets[varchar]An array representation of the fully-qualified dataset (table and view) names referenced by the job.
scanned_datasets[varchar]An array representation of the fully-qualified table names or reflection IDs scanned during the process.
Note: The scanned datasets are often different from the queried_datasets.
attempt_countintegerThe number of attempts that the job was attempted.
submitted_tstimestampThe date and time when the job was submitted to the system.
attempt_started_tstimestampThe date and time when latest attempt of the job was started. In most cases, this will be the same value as submitted_ts.
metadata_retrieval_tstimestampThe date and time when the metadata retrieval phase of the job started.
planning_start_tstimestampThe date and time when the planning phase of the job started.
query_enqueued_tstimestampThe date and time when the job was first submitted to the engine.
engine_start_tstimestampThe date and time when the engine replica start up was triggered.
execution_planning_tstimestampThe date and time when the execution planning phase of the job started.
execution_start_tstimestampThe date and time when the job started processing on the engine replicas.
final_state_tstimestampThe date and time when the job execution reached a final state (complete, failed, or canceled).
submitted_epoch_millisbigintThe date and time (in milliseconds) when the job was submitted to the system.
attempt_started_epoch_millisbigintThe date and time (in milliseconds) when this attempt started. In most cases, this will be the same value as submitted_epoch.
metadata_retrieval_epoch_millisbigintThe date and time (in milliseconds) when the metadata retrieval phase of the job started.
planning_start_epoch_millisbigintThe date and time (in milliseconds) when the planning phase of the job started.
query_enqueued_epoch_millisbigintThe date and time (in milliseconds) when the job was first submitted to the engine.
engine_start_epoch_millisbigintThe date and time (in milliseconds) when the engine replica startup was triggered.
execution_planning_epoch_millisbigintThe date and time (in milliseconds) when the execution planning phase of the job started.
execution_start_epoch_millisbigintThe date and time (in milliseconds) when the job started processing on the engine replicas.
final_state_epoch_millisbigintThe date and time (in milliseconds) when the job execution reached a final state (complete, failed, or canceled).
planner_estimated_costdoubleThe estimated cost value provided by the planner.
rows_scannedbigintThe sum of rows that were scanned by all the scans in the job.
bytes_scannedbigintThe sum of the bytes that were scanned by all the scans in the job.
rows_returnedbigintThe number of rows returned by the job.
bytes_returnedbigintThe number of bytes returned by the job results.
acceleratedBooleanIf the job was accelerated by a reflection, true. Otherwise, false.
queue_namevarcharThe name of the queue that the job is executing on.
enginevarcharThe name of the engine that the job is executing on.
error_msgvarcharThis value will contain the error message that resulted from the job if the job failed.
queryvarcharThe SQL query that was submitted.
is_profile_incompleteBooleanIf the job has incomplete telemetry data, true. Otherwise, false.
execution_allocated_bytesbigintThe number of bytes of direct memory that were allocated for the job execution (available as of Dremio 25.1.0+).
execution_cpu_time_millisbigintThe amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) spent on the job execution (available as of Dremio 25.1.0+).