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Version: current [25.x]

Row-Access & Column-Masking

Row-access and column-masking policies may be applied to tables, views, and individual columns by a user with the ADMIN role based on the criteria set by user-defined functions (UDFs). Row access entails the exclusion or inclusion of specific records from query results, whereas column-level masking hides sensitive information without altering the original data.

Setting a Masking Policy

ALTER { TABLE | VIEW } [ IF EXISTS ] <table_or_view_name>
MODIFY COLUMN <column_name>
SET MASKING POLICY <function_name> ( <column_name> [, ... ] );


[ IF EXISTS ] String   Optional

If included in a query, this clause prevents exceptions from being thrown, should the specified object not exist.

<table_or_view_name> String

The name of the table or view on which you want to set a masking policy.

<column_name> String

The column on which to either set a masking policy. The UDF serving as the masking policy must accept and return the same data type as the column it is masking.

<function_name> String

The function to be used for masking data. If a function with the given name does not exist, then the affected view will not be reachable until the policy is dropped or a UDF created.

<column_name> String

The column names to which this column-masking policy will apply. Multiple columns may be specified if they are separated by commas.


Set a column-masking policy to multiple columns
ALTER TABLE e.employees
SET MASKING POLICY protect_ssn (ssn_col, region);

Unset a Masking Policy

ALTER { TABLE | VIEW } [ IF EXISTS ] <table_or_view_name>
MODIFY COLUMN <column_name>
UNSET MASKING POLICY <function_name>;


[ IF EXISTS ] String   Optional

If included in a query, this clause prevents exceptions from being thrown, should the specified object not exist.

<table_or_view_name> String

The table or view to modify the column data for. This must match the name for the associated object type (e.g., TABLE or VIEW).

<column_name> String

The column from which to unset the masking policy.

<function_name> String

The function being used for the masking policy to unset. If a function with this name does not exist, then the system will display an error message.


Unset a column-masking policy
ALTER TABLE e.employees

Adding a Row-Access Policy

Creating a New Table/View

[ IF NOT EXISTS ] <table_or_view_name>
( <column_name> <data_type>
[ ROW ACCESS POLICY <function_name>
( <column_name> [, ... ] )


[ OR REPLACE ] String   Optional

If specified, any table or view with the same name will be replaced. This is primarily used to create new tables/views with security policies applied for restricted access. You cannot specify this parameter with the IF NOT EXISTS qualifier.

[ IF NOT EXISTS ] String   Optional When specified, this creates a table or view only if one does not exist. The creation of the object succeeds (without any errors) only if the specified entity does not already exist in the system. You cannot specify this parameter with OR REPLACE.

<table_or_view_name> String

The name of the table or view. Names within a project must be unique, cannot conflict with system-defined objects, and are case-insensitive.

<column_name> String

The unique name of the column. Multiple columns may be specified, provided they include their data type and column-name/data-type pairs are separated by commas.

<data_type> String

The data type associated with the column and its underlying data.

<function_name> String

The name of the UDF you wish to associate with this policy. Function names within a project must be unique and are case-insensitive.

<column_name> String

The column names to which this row-access policy will apply. Multiple columns may be specified if they are separated by commas.


Set a row-access policy to a column
CREATE TABLE e.employees
(ssn_col VARCHAR,region VARCHAR,state_col VARCHAR)
ROW ACCESS POLICY state_policy (state_col));

Using an Existing Table/View

ALTER { TABLE | VIEW } [ IF EXISTS ] <table_or_view_name>
ADD ROW ACCESS POLICY <function_name> ( <column_name> [, ... ] );


[ IF EXISTS ] String   Optional

If included in a query, this clause prevents exceptions from being thrown should the specified object not exist.

<table_or_view_name> String

The table or view to modify the column data for. This must match the name for the associated object type (e.g., TABLE or VIEW).

<function_name> String The function to use with this security policy. If a function with this name does not exist, then the affected table/view will not be reachable until the policy is dropped or a UDF created.

<column_name> String

The columns on which to apply the row-access policy to. Multiple column names may be specified if they are separated by commas.


Set a row-access policy to a column
ALTER TABLE e.employees
ADD ROW ACCESS POLICY state_policy ( state_col );

Dropping a Row-Access Policy

ALTER { TABLE | VIEW } [ IF EXISTS ] <table_or_view_name>
DROP ROW ACCESS POLICY <function_name> ( <column_name> [, ... ] );


[ IF EXISTS ] String   Optional

If included in a query, this clause prevents exceptions from being thrown should the specified object not exist.

<table_or_view_name> String

The table or view to modify the column data for. This must match the name for the associated object type (e.g., TABLE or VIEW).

<function_name> String

The function being used with this security policy. If a function with this name does not exist, then the system will display an error message.

<column_name> String

The columns on which the row-access policy applies. Multiple column names may be specified if they are separated by commas.


Unset a row-access policy
ALTER TABLE employees
DROP ROW ACCESS POLICY protect_ssn (ssn_col, region);