Source Configuration
Dremio supports a variety of source types, and the available parameters of the config
object differ among the source types. This page provides examples of the config
object for each supported source type and descriptions of the config
object's parameters that are available for each source type.
The source object contains the same parameters for all source types except for the parameters of the config
object. Read the Source page for information about the parameters all source types have in common.
Amazon OpenSearch Service
Amazon OpenSearch Service Source config Object{
"config": {
"scriptsEnabled": true,
"showHiddenIndices": false,
"showIdColumn": false,
"readTimeoutMillis": 60000,
"scrollTimeoutMillis": 300000,
"usePainless": true,
"scrollSize": 4000,
"allowPushdownOnNormalizedOrAnalyzedFields": false,
"pushdownWithKeyword": false,
"warnOnRowCountMismatch": false,
"forceDoublePrecision": false,
"hostname": "",
"port": 443,
"authenticationType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"accessSecret": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"overwriteRegion": true,
"regionName": "US_WEST_1"
Amazon OpenSearch Service config Parameters
scriptsEnabled Body Boolean Optional
If Dremio should use script pushdowns, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
showHiddenIndices Body Boolean Optional
To show hidden indices, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
showIdColumn Body Boolean Optional
To show the OpenSearch ID column, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
readTimeoutMillis Body Integer Optional
Time to wait to read data from the source, in milliseconds. Default is 60000
Example: 60000
scrollTimeoutMillis Body Integer Optional
Time to wait for each scroll request, in milliseconds. Default is 300000
Example: 300000
usePainless Body Boolean Optional
To use the Painless scripting language when connecting to Amazon OpenSearch Service, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
scrollSize Body Integer Optional
Scroll size for Dremio's Amazon OpenSearch Service requests. Default is 4000
Example: 4000
allowPushdownOnNormalizedOrAnalyzedFields Body Boolean Optional
To enable pushdown filters and aggregations on analyzed text fields and normalized keyword fields, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). May produce unexpected results when enabled.
Example: false
pushdownWithKeyword Body Boolean Optional
If Dremio should perform keyword searches when pushing down fields mapped as text and keyword, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
warnOnRowCountMismatch Body Boolean Optional
If Dremio should warn the user when a query returns fewer Amazon OpenSearch Service records than expected instead of failing the query, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
encryptionValidationMode Body String Optional
Method to use to validate data encryption for the source.
forceDoublePrecision Body Boolean Optional
To force precision for double values, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
hostname Body String
Name of the host to use to connect to the Amazon OpenSearch Service source.
port Body String
Port to use with the specified hostname to connect to the Amazon OpenSearch Service source. Default is 443
Example: 443
authenticationType Body String
Type of authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source.
accessKey Body String
AWS access key. Required for credentialType ACCESS_KEY
accessSecret Body String
The AWS access secret in plaintext or as the reference for the AWS access secret in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for credentialType ACCESS_KEY
. To keep the access secret secure, Dremio returns the accessSecret value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext accessSecret values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_access_secret>
. Plaintext accessSecret values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_access_secret>
overwriteRegion Body Boolean Optional
To override the default region for your AWS account with the region you specify with the regionName
parameter, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
regionName Body String Optional
Name of the AWS region to use to overwrite the default region for your AWS account. Required if overwriteRegion
is set to true
Example: US_WEST_1
Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift Source config Object{
"config": {
"connectionString": "jdbc:redshift://",
"username": "redshift-owner",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"propertyList": [
"name": "ApplicationName",
"value": "testingDashboard"
"fetchSize": 200,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0
Amazon Redshift config Parameters
connectionString Body String
JDBC connection string for the Redshift database.
Example: jdbc:redshift://
username Body String
Username for authentication with master credentials or a secret resource URL.
Example: redshift-owner
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
secretResourceUrl Body String
For secret-based authentication, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the secret. To keep the secret secure, Dremio returns the secretResourceUrl value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012㊙️my-rds-secret-VNenFy
authenticationType Body String
Type of authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source.
: No authentication is needed.MASTER
: Use credentials from a master database user or use a secret resource URL.AWS_PROFILE
: Use an AWS source.
Example: MASTER
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "ApplicationName","value": "testingDashboard"}]
fetchSize Body Integer Optional
Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200
. If set to 0
, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.
Example: 200
maxIdleConns Body Integer Optional
Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8
Example: 8
idleTimeSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60
Example: 60
queryTimeoutSec Body Integer
Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0
Example: 0
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: ApplicationName
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: testingDashboard
Amazon S3
Amazon S3 Source config Object{
"config": {
"accessKey": "EXAMPLE78HT89VS4YJEL",
"accessSecret": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"secure": true,
"externalBucketList": [
"propertyList": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"rootPath": "/",
"enableAsync": true,
"compatibilityMode": false,
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"whitelistedBuckets": [
"requesterPays": false,
"enableFileStatusCheck": true,
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"isPartitionInferenceEnabled": false,
"credentialType": "ACCESS_KEY"
Amazon S3 config Parameters
accessKey Body String
AWS access key. Required for credentialType ACCESS_KEY
accessSecret Body String
The AWS access secret in plaintext or as the reference for the AWS access secret in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for credentialType ACCESS_KEY
. To keep the access secret secure, Dremio returns the accessSecret value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext accessSecret values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_access_secret>
. Plaintext accessSecret values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_access_secret>
assumedRoleARN Body String Optional
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to assume. Optional for credentialType ACCESS_KEY
. Not applicable for credentialType AWS_PROFILE
and NONE
Example: arn:aws:iam::594632595346:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole
awsProfile Body String
AWS profile name. If you do not provide a profile name, Dremio uses the default profile.
Example: example-profile
secure Body Boolean Optional
If set to enable a secure connection with SSL encryption between the Amazon S3 bucket and Dremio, the value is true
(default). Otherwise, the value is false
Example: true
externalBucketList Body Array of String Optional
List of external buckets that are not included with the specified AWS account credentials.
Example: ["external_bucket_1","external_bucket_2"]
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "","value": ""}]
rootPath Body String Optional
Root path of the Amazon S3 bucket. Default is /
Example: /
enableAsync Body Boolean Optional
To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
compatibilityMode Body Boolean Optional
To enable the use of Amazon S3-compatible storage, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
isCachingEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
maxCacheSpacePct Body Integer Optional
Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Used only when isCachingEnabled is set to true
. Minimum is 1
. Maximum is 100
Example: 100
whitelistedBuckets Body Array of String Optional
List of approved S3 buckets to include in the source. Buckets entered must be valid. Misspelled or non-existent buckets will not appear in the resulting source. Omit to include all buckets that are available in the source. If you omit the whitelistedBuckets array in a PUT request, Dremio updates the source to include all available buckets. To keep existing approved buckets while making other updates, duplicate the existing whitelistedBuckets array in the PUT request.
Example: ["","logs_east-1","logs_west-1"]
requesterPays Body Boolean Optional
If the requester (instead of the bucket owner) pays the cost of the S3 request and the data downloaded from the Amazon S3 bucket, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
enableFileStatusCheck Body Boolean Optional
To allow Dremio to check whether a file exists in the Amazon S3 bucket before handling errors gracefully, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
. If no files are missing from the Amazon S3 bucket or a file's access permissions have not changed, set to false
to reduce communication with the Amazon S3 bucket.
Example: true
defaultCtasFormat Body String Optional
Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG
Example: ICEBERG
isPartitionInferenceEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable partition column inference, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). For more information, read Partition Column Inference.
Example: false
credentialType Body String Optional
Type of credential for Dremio to use to connect to the source.
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
AWS Glue Data Catalog
AWS Glue Data Catalog Source config Object{
"config": {
"regionNameSelection": "US_EAST_1",
"accessKey": "EXAMPLE78HT89VS4YJEL",
"accessSecret": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"secure": true,
"enableAsync": true,
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"assumedRoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::594632595346:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole",
"lakeFormationEnableAccessPermissions": false,
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"propertyList": [
"name": "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir",
"value": "s3a://"
"credentialType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"allowedDatabases": ["sales","finance"]
Amazon Glue Data Catalog config Parameters
regionNameSelection Body String
AWS region where the Glue Data Catalog is located.
Example: US_EAST_1
accessKey Body String
AWS access key.
accessSecret Body String
The AWS access secret in plaintext or as the reference for the AWS access secret in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for credentialType ACCESS_KEY
. To keep the access secret secure, Dremio returns the accessSecret value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext accessSecret values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_access_secret>
. Plaintext accessSecret values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_access_secret>
awsProfile Body String
AWS profile name. If you do not provide a profile name, Dremio uses the default profile.
Example: example-profile
secure Body Boolean Optional
To enable a secure connection with SSL encryption between the Glue Data Catalog and Dremio, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
enableAsync Body Boolean Optional
To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
isCachingEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
maxCacheSpacePct Body Integer Optional
Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Used only when isCachingEnabled is set to true
. Minimum is 1
. Maximum is 100
Example: 100
assumedRoleARN Body String Optional
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to assume. Optional for credentialType ACCESS_KEY
. Not applicable for credentialType AWS_PROFILE
and NONE
Example: arn:aws:iam::594632595346:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole
lakeFormationEnableAccessPermissions Body Boolean
To enforce Lake Formation access permissions on datasets so that Dremio confirms whether users have the required permissions to perform queries, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
defaultCtasFormat Body String Optional
Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG
Example: ICEBERG
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir","value": "s3a://"}]
credentialType Body String Optional
Type of credential for Dremio to use to connect to the source.
allowedDatabases Body Array of String
A list of the databases that users of Dremio are allowed to access. Present the names in a comma-separated list. Databases entered must be valid. Misspelled or non-existent databases will not appear in the resulting source.
If one or more databases are added or removed from the list, the change takes effect immediately.
Example: ["sales","finance”]
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: hive.metastore.warehouse.dir
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: s3a://
Azure Storage
Azure Storage Source config Object{
"config": {
"accountKind": "STORAGE_V2",
"accountName": "azurestoragev2accountname",
"rootPath": "/",
"enableSSL": true,
"enableAsync": true,
"credentialsType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"propertyList": [
"name": "",
"value": "STORAGE_V2"
"isPartitionInferenceEnabled": false
Azure Storage config Parameters
accountKind Body String
Type of Azure Storage account.
Example: STORAGE_V2
accountName Body String
Name of the Azure Storage account.
Example: azurestoragev2accountname
accessKey Body String
The Azure access key in plaintext or as the reference for the Azure access key in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for credentialsType ACCESS_KEY
. To keep the Azure access key secure, Dremio returns the accessKey value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext accessKey values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_access_key>
. Plaintext accessKey values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_access_key>
clientSecret Body String
The Azure client secret in plaintext or as the reference for the Azure client secret in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Include only for credentialsType AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
. To keep the Azure client secret secure, Dremio returns the clientSecret value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext clientSecret values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_client_secret>
. Plaintext clientSecret values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_client_secret>
rootPath Body String Optional
Root path of the Azure Storage source. Default is /
Example: /
enableSSL Body Boolean Optional
To enable a secure connection with SSL encryption between the Azure Storage source and Dremio, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
enableAsync Body Boolean Optional
To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
credentialType Body String Optional
Type of credential for Dremio to use to connect to the source.
isCachingEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
maxCacheSpacePct Body Integer Optional
Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Used only when isCachingEnabled is set to true
. Minimum is 1
. Maximum is 100
Example: 100
defaultCtasFormat Body String Optional
Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG
Example: ICEBERG
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "","value": "STORAGE_V2"}]
isPartitionInferenceEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable partition column inference, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). For more information, read Partition Column Inference.
Example: false
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: STORAGE_V2
Dremio-to-Dremio Connector
Dremio-to-Dremio Connector Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostType": "DIRECT",
"hostname": "",
"port": "31010",
"username": "exampleuser",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"useSsl": false,
"userImpersonation": false,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"propertyList": [
"name": "disableCertificateVerification",
"value": "false"
Dremio-to-Dremio Connector config Parameters
hostType Body String
Connection method to use. To connect directly to a coordinator node of the cluster, DIRECT
. To connect to an external ZooKeeper instance that coordinates the nodes of the cluster, ZOOKEEPER
Example: DIRECT
hostname Body String
Hostname of the coordinator node or ZooKeeper instance.
port Body String
Port number of the coordinator node or ZooKeeper instance. Default is 31010
Example: 31010
username Body String
Username for authentication.
Example: exampleuser
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
useSsl Body Boolean Optional
If the source cluster is configured to use TLS for connections, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
userImpersonation Body Boolean Optional
To allow users to run queries on the source cluster under their own user IDs rather than the user ID for the account used to authenticate, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). If set to true
, the source cluster must be configured to allow inbound impersonation. For more information, read Inbound Impersonation.
Example: false
maxIdleConns Body Integer Optional
Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8
Example: 8
idleTimeSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60
Example: 60
queryTimeoutSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0
Example: 0
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "disableCertificateVerification","value": "false"}]
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: disableCertificateVerification
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: false
Elasticsearch Source config Object{
"config": {
"scriptsEnabled": true,
"showHiddenIndices": false,
"showIdColumn": false,
"readTimeoutMillis": 60000,
"scrollTimeoutMillis": 300000,
"usePainless": true,
"scrollSize": 4000,
"allowPushdownOnNormalizedOrAnalyzedFields": false,
"warnOnRowCountMismatch": false,
"forceDoublePrecision": false,
"hostList": [
"hostname": "",
"port": 9200
"authenticationType": "ANONYMOUS",
"sslEnabled": false,
"useWhitelist": false
Elasticsearch config Parameters
scriptsEnabled Body Boolean Optional
If Dremio should use script pushdowns, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
showHiddenIndices Body Boolean Optional
To show hidden indices, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
showIdColumn Body Boolean Optional
To show the elasticsearch ID column, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
readTimeoutMillis Body Integer Optional
Time to wait to read data from the source, in milliseconds. Default is 60000.
Example: 60000
scrollTimeoutMillis Body Integer Optional
Time to wait for each scroll request, in milliseconds. Default is 300000.
Example: 300000
usePainless Body Boolean Optional
To use the Painless scripting language when connecting to Elasticsearch 5.0+, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
scrollSize Body Integer Optional
Scroll size for Dremio's Elasticsearch requests. Default is 4000. The scrollSize value must be less than or equal to the setting for index.max_result_window in Elasticsearch.
Example: 4000
allowPushdownOnNormalizedOrAnalyzedFields Body Boolean Optional
To enable pushdown filters and aggregations on analyzed text fields and normalized keyword fields, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). May produce unexpected results when enabled.
Example: false
warnOnRowCountMismatch Body Boolean Optional
If Dremio should warn the user when a query returns fewer Elasticsearch records than expected instead of failing the query, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
encryptionValidationMode Body String Optional
Method to use to validate data encryption for the source.
forceDoublePrecision Body Boolean Optional
To force precision for double values, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
hostList Body Array of Object
Information about Elasticsearch hosts. Each object in the hostList includes the hostname and the corresponding port for the host.
Example: [{"hostname": "","port": 9200}]
authenticationType Body String
Type of authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source.
username Body String
Username for authenticating with master credentials. Required for authenticationType MASTER
Example: exampleuser
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for authenticationType MASTER
. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
sslEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable a secure connection with SSL encryption between Elasticsearch and Dremio, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
useWhitelist Body Boolean Optional
To query only the hosts specified in the hostList, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
Parameters of Objects in the hostList
hostname Body String Optional
Name of the host to use to connect to the Elasticsearch source.
port Body Integer Optional
Port to use with the specified hostname to connect to the Elasticsearch source. Default is 9200
Example: 9200
Google Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Storage Source config Object{
"config": {
"projectId": "dremio-4321",
"authMode": "AUTO",
"rootPath": "/",
"asyncEnabled": true,
"cachingEnable": true,
"cachePercent": 70,
"privateKeyId": "",
"clientEmail": "",
"clientId": "",
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"propertyList": [
"name": "dremio.gcs.clientEmail",
"value": ""
"isPartitionInferenceEnabled": false
Google Cloud Storage config Parameters
projectId Body String
Project ID for the Google Cloud Storage project.
Example: dremio-4321
authMode Body String
Type of authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source.
Example: AUTO
rootPath Body String Optional
Root path of the Google Cloud Storage source. Default is /
Example: /
asyncEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
cachingEnable Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
cachePercent Body Integer Optional
Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Used only when cachingEnable is set to true
. Default is 70
. Minimum is 1
. Maximum is 100
Example: 70
privateKeyId Body String
Service account key ID for the Google Cloud Storage service account. Required for authMode SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYS
Example: f302b86d0247be19393bb66ea142887fc9621360
privateKey Body String
The service account key in plaintext or as the reference for the service account key in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for authMode SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYS
. To keep the service account key secure, Dremio returns the privateKey value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext privateKey values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_service_account_key>
. Plaintext privateKey values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_service_account_key>
clientEmail Body String
Email address associated with the Google Cloud Storage service account. Required only if authenticating with the Service Account Keys method.
clientId Body String
Client ID for the key pair. Required only if authenticating with the Service Account Keys method.
Example: 243769857672272684657
defaultCtasFormat Body String Optional
Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG
Example: ICEBERG
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "dremio.gcs.clientEmail","value": ""}]
isPartitionInferenceEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable partition column inference, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). For more information, read Partition Column Inference.
Example: false
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: dremio.gcs.clientEmail
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
HDFS Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": 8020,
"enableImpersonation": false,
"rootPath": "/",
"shortCircuitFlag": "SYSTEM",
"enableAsync": true,
"isCachingEnabled": false,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"isPartitionInferenceEnabled": false,
"impersonationUserDelegationMode": "AS_IS",
"propertyList": [
"name": "dfs.client.socket-timeout",
"value": "120000"
"vdsAccessDelegationEnabled": true
HDFS config Parameters
hostname Body String
HDFS NameNode hostname to use to connect to the HDFS source.
port Body Integer
HDFS NameNode port to use to connect to the HDFS source. Default is 8020
Example: 8020
enableImpersonation Body Boolean Optional
To enable user-specific file access permissions by turning on impersonation in HDFS sources, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
rootPath Body String Optional
Root path of the HDFS source. Default is /
Example: /
shortCircuitFlag Body String Optional
Implementation status for short-circuit local reads. Default is SYSTEM
Example: SYSTEM
shortCircuitSocketPath Body String Optional
Socket path to use, if shortCircuitFlag is enabled.
Example: /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/dn-socket
enableAsync Body Boolean Optional
To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
isCachingEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
maxCacheSpacePct Body Integer Optional
Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Used only when cachingEnable is set to true
. Minimum is 1
. Maximum is 100
Example: 100
defaultCtasFormat Body String Optional
Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG
Example: ICEBERG
isPartitionInferenceEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable partition column inference, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). For more information, read Partition Column Inference.
Example: false
impersonationUserDelegationMode Body String Optional
Capitalization method to use for impersonation usernames. Default is AS_IS
Example: AS_IS
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "dfs.client.socket-timeout","value": "120000"}]
vdsAccessDelegationEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To use the view owner as the impersonated username when enableImpersonation is enabled, set to true
(default). To use the user who submits the query as the impersonated username, set to false
Example: true
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: dfs.client.socket-timeout
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: 120000
Hive 2.x
Hive 2.x Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": 9083,
"enableSasl": false,
"propertyList": [
"name": "hive.server2.enable.doAs",
"value": "false"
"secretPropertyList": [
"name": "fs.s3a.secret.key",
"value": "70SPup32UsIZaA6c2n6bf3rQONTD6Zn6OqvcUhBy"
"enableAsync": true,
"isCachingEnabledForS3AndAzureStorage": true,
"isCachingEnabledForHDFS": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"authType": "STORAGE",
"rangerServiceName": "",
"rangerHostURL": "",
"impersonationUserDelegationMode": "AS_IS",
"vdsAccessDelegationEnabled": true
Hive 2.x config Parameters
hostname Body String
IP address for the Hive metastore host.
port Body Integer
Port to use with the specified hostname to connect to the Hive source. Default is 9083
Example: 9083
enableSasl Body Boolean Optional
To enable Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
kerberosPrincipal Body String Optional
Name of the Kerberos principal identity for SASL. Required only if enableSasl is true
Example: primary/instance@REALM
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "hive.server2.enable.doAs","value": "false"}]
secretPropertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Additional connection properties for the source. The values are kept masked in the Credentials section of the Advanced Options page of the Source Settings dialog in the Dremio UI. Each object includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use and to keep secret.
Example: [{"name": "fs.s3a.secret.key","value": "70SPup32UsIZaA6c2n6bf3rQONTD6Zn6OqvcUhBy"}]
enableAsync Body Boolean Optional
To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
isCachingEnabledForS3AndAzureStorage Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching for Amazon S3 and Azure Storage, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
isCachingEnabledForHDFS Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching for Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
maxCacheSpacePct Body Integer Optional
Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Minimum is 1
. Maximum is 100
Example: 100
defaultCtasFormat Body String Optional
Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG
Example: ICEBERG
authType Body Boolean Optional
Type of authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source. Default is STORAGE
Example: STORAGE
rangerServiceName Body String Optional
The Ranger service name, if you are using Ranger-based authentication.
Example: hivedev
rangerHostURL Body String Optional
The Ranger host URL, if you are using Ranger-based authentication.
impersonationUserDelegationMode Body String Optional
Capitalization method to use for impersonation usernames. Default is AS_IS
Example: AS_IS
vdsAccessDelegationEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To use the view owner as the impersonated username when enableImpersonation is enabled, set to true
(default). To use the user who submits the query as the impersonated username, set to false
Example: true
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: hive.server2.enable.doAs
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: false
Parameters of Objects in the secretPropertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: fs.s3a.secret.key
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property. The value is masked in the Dremio UI.
Example: 70SPup32UsIZaA6c2n6bf3rQONTD6Zn6OqvcUhBy
Hive 3.x
Hive 3.x Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": 9084,
"enableSasl": false,
"propertyList": [
"name": "",
"value": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.SimpleAWSCredentialsProvider"
"secretPropertyList": [
"name": "fs.s3a.secret.key",
"value": "70SPup32UsIZaA6c2n6bf3rQONTD6Zn6OqvcUhBy"
"enableAsync": true,
"isCachingEnabledForS3AndAzureStorage": true,
"isCachingEnabledForHDFS": false,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"authType": "STORAGE",
"rangerServiceName": "",
"rangerHostURL": "",
"impersonationUserDelegationMode": "AS_IS",
"vdsAccessDelegationEnabled": true
Hive 3.x config Parameters
hostname Body String
IP address for the Hive metastore host.
port Body Integer
Port to use with the specified hostname to connect to the Hive source. Default is 9083
Example: 9084
enableSasl Body Boolean Optional
To enable Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
kerberosPrincipal Body String Optional
Name of the Kerberos principal identity for SASL. Required only if enableSasl is true
Example: primary/instance@REALM
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "","value": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.SimpleAWSCredentialsProvider"}]
secretPropertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Additional connection properties for the source. The values are kept masked in the Credentials section of the Advanced Options page of the Source Settings dialog in the Dremio UI. Each object includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use and to keep secret.
Example: [{"name": "fs.s3a.secret.key","value": "70SPup32UsIZaA6c2n6bf3rQONTD6Zn6OqvcUhBy"}]
enableAsync Body Boolean Optional
To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
isCachingEnabledForS3AndAzureStorage Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching for Amazon S3 and Azure Storage, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
isCachingEnabledForHDFS Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching for Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
maxCacheSpacePct Body Integer Optional
Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Minimum is 1
. Maximum is 100
Example: 100
defaultCtasFormat Body String Optional
Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG
Example: ICEBERG
authType Body Boolean Optional
Type of authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source. Default is STORAGE
Example: STORAGE
rangerServiceName Body String Optional
The Ranger service name, if you are using Ranger-based authentication.
Example: hivedev
rangerHostURL Body String Optional
The Ranger host URL, if you are using Ranger-based authentication.
impersonationUserDelegationMode Body String Optional
Capitalization method to use for impersonation usernames. Default is AS_IS
Example: AS_IS
vdsAccessDelegationEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To use the view owner as the impersonated username when enableImpersonation is enabled, set to true
(default). To use the user who submits the query as the impersonated username, set to false
Example: true
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.SimpleAWSCredentialsProvider
Parameters of Objects in the secretPropertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: fs.s3a.secret.key
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property. The value is masked in the Dremio UI.
Example: 70SPup32UsIZaA6c2n6bf3rQONTD6Zn6OqvcUhBy
IBM Db2 Source config Object{
"config": {
"database": "tpch",
"hostname": "",
"username": "exampleuser",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"port": "50000",
"fetchSize": 200,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"propertyList": [
"name": "deferPrepares",
"value": "true"
IBM Db2 config Parameters
database Body String
IBM Db2 database for Dremio to use.
Example: tpch
hostname Body String
IBM Db2 hostname.
username Body String
Username for authentication.
Example: exampleuser
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
port Body String
IBM Db2 port number. Default is 50000
Example: 50000
fetchSize Body Integer Optional
Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200
. If set to 0
, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.
Example: 200
maxIdleConns Body Integer Optional
Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8
Example: 8
idleTimeSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60
Example: 60
queryTimeoutSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0
Example: 0
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "deferPrepares","value": "true"}]
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: deferPrepares
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: true
MapR File System (MapR FS)
MapR FS Source config Object{
"config": {
"clusterName": "",
"enableImpersonation": false,
"secure": false,
"rootPath": "/",
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"isPartitionInferenceEnabled": false,
"impersonationUserDelegationMode": "AS_IS",
"vdsAccessDelegationEnabled": true
MapR FS config Parameters
clusterName Body String
Name of the MapR FS cluster.
enableImpersonation Body Boolean Optional
To enable user-specific file access permissions by turning on impersonation in MapR FS sources, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
secure Body Boolean Optional
To enable a secure connection with SSL encryption between MapR FS and Dremio, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
rootPath Body String Optional
Root path of the MapR FS source. Default is /
Example: /
defaultCtasFormat Body String Optional
Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG
Example: ICEBERG
isPartitionInferenceEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable partition column inference, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). For more information, read Partition Column Inference.
Example: false
impersonationUserDelegationMode Body String Optional
Capitalization method to use for impersonation usernames. Default is AS_IS
Example: AS_IS
vdsAccessDelegationEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To use the view owner as the impersonated username when enableImpersonation is enabled, set to true
(default). To use the user who submits the query as the impersonated username, set to false
Example: true
Microsoft Azure Data Explorer
Microsoft Azure Data Explorer Source config Object{
"config": {
"clusterUri": "",
"tenantId": "6e334262-b0c6-4c36-9faf-380e97e42964",
"appId": "c3e4554f-514a-4912-8b75-93800f0d6c71",
"databaseName": "datatypes",
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0
Microsoft Azure Date Explorer config Parameters
clusterUri Body String
URI for the Microsoft Entra ID tenant used by Dremio.
tenantId Body String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant.
Example: 6e334262-b0c6-4c36-9faf-380e97e42964
appId Body String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra ID application used when Dremio connects
Example: c3e4554f-514a-4912-8b75-93800f0d6c71
appSecret Body String
The application secret in plaintext or as the reference for the application secret in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. To keep the application secret secure, Dremio returns the appSecret value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext appSecret values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_application_secret>
. Plaintext appSecret values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_application_secret>
databaseName Body String
Default Azure Data Explorer database for Dremio to use.
Example: datatypes
maxIdleConns Body Integer Optional
Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8
Example: 8
idleTimeSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60
Example: 60
queryTimeoutSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0
Example: 0
Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics
Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": "1433",
"username": "exampleuser",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"fetchSize": 200,
"useSsl": false,
"enableServerVerification": true,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"database": "dedicatedpool",
"propertyList": [
"name": "applicationIntent",
"value": "ReadWrite"
Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics config Parameters
hostname Body String
Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics hostname.
port Body String Optional
Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics port number. Default is 1433
Example: 1433
username Body String
Username for authentication. Required for authenticationType MASTER
Example: exampleuser
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for authenticationType MASTER
. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
authenticationType Body String
Type of authentication to use to allow Dremio to connect to the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics source.
: No authentication is needed.MASTER
: Use credentials from a master database user.
Example: MASTER
fetchSize Body Integer Optional
Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200
. If set to 0
, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.
Example: 200
useSsl Body Boolean Optional
If the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics source is configured to use TLS for connections, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
enableServerVerification Body Boolean Optional
To verify the certificate for the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics source when connecting, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
maxIdleConns Body Integer Optional
Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8
Example: 8
idleTimeSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60
Example: 60
queryTimeoutSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0
Example: 0
database Body String Optional
Default Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics database for Dremio to use.
Example: dedicatedpool
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "applicationIntent","value": "ReadWrite"}]
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: applicationIntent
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: ReadWrite
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": "1433",
"username": "tpch",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"fetchSize": 200,
"useSsl": false,
"enableServerVerification": true,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"showOnlyConnectionDatabase": false,
"propertyList": [
"name": "applicationIntent",
"value": "ReadWrite"
Microsoft SQL Server config Parameters
hostname Body String
Microsoft SQL Server hostname.
port Body String
Microsoft SQL Server port number. Default is 5432
Example: 1433
username Body String
Username for authentication. Required for authenticationType MASTER
Example: tpch
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for authenticationType MASTER
. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
authenticationType Body String
Type of authentication to use to allow Dremio to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server source.
: No authentication is needed.MASTER
: Use credentials from a master database user.
Example: MASTER
fetchSize Body Integer Optional
Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200
. If set to 0
, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.
Example: 200
useSsl Body Boolean Optional
If the Microsoft SQL Server source is configured to use TLS for connections, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
enableServerVerification Body Boolean Optional
To verify the certificate for the Microsoft SQL Server source when connecting, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
maxIdleConns Body Integer Optional
Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8
Example: 8
idleTimeSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60
Example: 60
queryTimeoutSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0
Example: 0
showOnlyConnectionDatabase Body Boolean Optional
To hide all databases that the credentialed user can access except the specified connection database, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "applicationIntent","value": "ReadWrite"}]
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: applicationIntent
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: ReadWrite
MongoDB Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostList": [
"hostname": "",
"port": 27017
"useSsl": false,
"authenticationType": "ANONYMOUS",
"authDatabase": "admin",
"authenticationTimeoutMillis": 2000,
"secondaryReadsOnly": false,
"subpartitionSize": 0,
"sampleSize": 4095,
"sampleMethod": "FIRST",
"propertyList": [
"name": "maxPoolSize",
"value": "100"
"useCaseInsensitiveFieldNames": false
MongoDB config Parameters
hostList Body Array of Object
Information about MongoDB hosts. Each object in the hostList includes the hostname and the corresponding port for the host.
Example: [{"hostname": "","port": 27017}]
useSsl Body Boolean Optional
To force a secure connection with SSL encryption between MongoDB and Dremio, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
authenticationType Body String
Type of authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source.
username Body String
Username for authentication. Required for authenticationType MASTER
Example: exampleuser
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for authenticationType MASTER
. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
authDatabase Body String
Name of the MongoDB database to authenticate against.
Example: admin
authenticationTimeoutMillis Body Integer Optional
Time to wait for authentication requests, in milliseconds. Default is 2000.
Example: 2000
secondaryReadsOnly Body Boolean Optional
To disable reading from primaries, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). Enabling secondaryReadsOnly may degrade performance.
Example: false
subpartitionSize Body String Optional
Number of records to read by query fragments. Use subpartitionSize to increase query parallelism. Default is 0
Example: 0
sampleSize Body Integer Optional
Number of records to read when sampling to determine the schema for a collection. Default is 4095
. If the value is 0
, the sample size is unlimited.
Example: 4095
sampleMethod Body String Optional
Method by which records should be read when sampling a collection to determine the schema. Default is FIRST
Example: FIRST
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "maxPoolSize","value": "100"}]
useCaseInsensitiveFieldNames Body Boolean Optional
To treat field names as case-insensitive, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). If set to true
, Dremio records all known variations of a field name when learning the schema and uses them when pushing an operation down to MongoDB.
Example: false
Parameters of Objects in the hostList
hostname Body String
Name of the host to use to connect to the MongoDB source. If MongoDB is sharded, use the mongos host. Otherwise, use the mongod host.
port Body Integer
Port to use with the specified hostname to connect to the MongoDB source. Default is 27017
Example: 27017
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: maxPoolSize
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: 100
MySQL Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": "3306",
"username": "exampleuser",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"fetchSize": 200,
"netWriteTimeout": 60,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"propertyList": [
"name": "DataSource",
"value": "sales2021"
"queryTimeoutSec": 0
mySQL config Parameters
hostname Body String
Name of the host to use to connect to the mySQL source.
Example: rdbms-linux-20221031.c.dremio-4321.internal
port Body Integer
Port to use with the specified hostname to connect to the mySQL source. Default is 3306
Example: 3306
username Body String
Username for authentication. Required for authenticationType MASTER
Example: exampleuser
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for authenticationType MASTER
. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
authenticationType Body String
Type of authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source.
Example: MASTER
fetchSize Body Integer Optional
Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200
. If set to 0
, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.
Example: 200
netWriteTimeout Body Integer Optional
Length of time, in seconds, before an idle connection is eligible to be closed. Default is 60
Example: 60
maxIdleConns Body Integer Optional
Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8
Example: 8
idleTimeSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60
Example: 60
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "DataSource","value": "sales2021"}]
queryTimeoutSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0
Example: 0
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: DataSource
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: sales2021
Network-attached Storage (NAS)
NAS Source config Object{
"config": {
"path": "/home/dremio/",
"defaultCtasFormat": "ICEBERG",
"isPartitionInferenceEnabled": false
NAS config Parameters
path Body String
Path on the filesystem to use as the root for the source. The path must be accessible on all nodes.
Example: /home/dremio/
defaultCtasFormat Body String Optional
Default format for the tables you create in Dremio. Default is ICEBERG
Example: ICEBERG
isPartitionInferenceEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable partition column inference, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
(default). For more information, read Partition Column Inference.
Example: false
Nessie Source config Object{
"config": {
"nessieEndpoint": "",
"nessieAuthType": "BEARER",
"nessieAccessToken": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"asyncEnabled": true,
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"credentialType": "ACCESS_KEY",
"awsAccessSecret": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"awsRootPath": "/",
"propertyList": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"secure": true
Nessie config Parameters
nessieEndpoint Body String
IP address and port that you have set up for your Nessie server.
nessieAuthType Body String Optional
Type of Nessie authentication for Dremio to use to connect to the source. If set to NONE
, Nessie authentication is not enforced on the Nessie server and other Dremio users can view the source without authenticating. If set to BEARER
, Nessie authentication is enforced with an OpenID bearer token (default).
Example: BEARER
nessieAccessToken Body String Optional
The bearer access token in plaintext or as the reference for the bearer access token in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for nessieAuthType BEARER
. To keep the bearer access token secure, Dremio returns the nessieAccessToken value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext nessieAccessToken values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_nessie_access_token>
. Plaintext nessieAccessToken values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_nessie_access_token>
asyncEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
isCachingEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
maxCacheSpacePct Body Integer Optional
Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Used only when isCachingEnabled is set to true
. Minimum is 1
. Maximum is 100
Example: 100
storageType Body String
The storage provider that you are using for your Nessie source.
Example: AWS
awsRootPath Body String Optional
The Amazon S3 path prefix that Dremio should use as the write location for new Iceberg metadata and data. The root path includes the name of the Amazon S3 bucket, followed by the names of any folders. Required if you are using Amazon S3 as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
Example: /
credentialType Body String Optional
Type of credential for Dremio to use to connect to AWS for storage of metadata and data files for tables and views. Required if you are using Amazon S3 as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
awsAccessKey Body String Optional
AWS access key. Required if you are using credentialType ACCESS_KEY
and Amazon S3 as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
awsAccessSecret Body String Optional
The AWS access secret in plaintext or as the reference for the AWS access secret in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for credentialType ACCESS_KEY
. To keep the access secret secure, Dremio returns the awsAccessSecret value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext awsAccessSecret values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_access_secret>
. Plaintext awsAccessSecret values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_access_secret>
assumedRoleARN Body String Optional
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to assume. Optional for credentialType ACCESS_KEY
. Not applicable for credentialType AWS_PROFILE
and NONE
Example: arn:aws:iam::594632595346:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole
awsProfile Body String Optional
The AWS profile name. Applies only if you are using the credentialType AWS_PROFILE
and Amazon S3 as the storage provider for your Nessie source. If you do not provide a profile name, Dremio uses the default profile.
Example: example-profile
azureStorageAccount Body String Optional
The name of the Azure Storage account to use. Required if you are using Azure Storage as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
Example: prodstorage12
azureRootPath Body String Optional
The path in your Azure Storage account that Dremio should use as the write location for new Iceberg metadata and data. The root path includes the name of the Azure Storage container, followed by the names of any folders. Required if you are using Azure Storage as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
Example: /containername/folder1/folder2
azureAuthenticationType Body String Optional
The method you want to use to authenticate to Azure Storage: access key (ACCESS_KEY
). If you choose ACCESS_KEY
, you must also include the azureAccessKey
parameter in your request. If you choose AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
, you must also include the azureApplicationId
, azureClientSecret
, and azureOAuthTokenEndpoint
parameters in your request. Required if you are using Azure Storage as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
azureAccessKey Body String Optional
The shared access key for the Azure Storage account. Required if you are using the azureAuthenticationType ACCESS_KEY
and Azure Storage as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
Example: abc123DEF456ghi789JKL012mno345PQR678stu901vwx234yzA567bcd890EFG123hij45EXAMPLE=
azureApplicationId Body String Optional
The ID for the application (client) in Azure. Required if you are using the azureAuthenticationType AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
and Azure Storage as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
Example: 0d416550-e530-45ce-8367-e4aa4EXAMPLE
azureClientSecret Body String Optional
The Azure client secret in plaintext or as the reference for the Azure client secret in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required if you are using the azureAuthenticationType AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
and Azure Storage as the storage provider for your Nessie source. To keep the client secret secure, Dremio returns the azureClientSecret value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext azureClientSecret values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_client_secret>
. Plaintext azureClientSecret values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_client_secret>
azureOAuthTokenEndpoint Body String Optional
The OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v1.0), including the tenant ID, that the application uses to get an access token or a refresh token. Required if you are using the azureAuthenticationType AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
and Azure Storage as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
googleProjectId Body String Optional
The ID for your Google Cloud Storage (GCS) project. You can find the ID in the Project info pane at the top-left of your screen on the GCS Home page. Required if you are using GCS as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
Example: project-id-1234
googleRootPath Body String Optional
The Google Cloud Storage (GCS) path prefix that Dremio should use as the write location for new Iceberg metadata and data. The root path includes the name of the GCS bucket, followed by the names of any folders. Required if you are using GCS as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
Example: gcs-data/prod/nessie_gcs
googleAuthenticationType Body String Optional
The method you want to use to authenticate to Google Cloud Storage (GCS): service account key (SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYS
) or automatic/service account (AUTO
, you must also include the googleClientEmail
, googleClientId
, and googlePrivateKey
parameters in your request. If you choose AUTO
, and you are running Dremio on a Google Compute instance, Dremio uses the active service account for your instance and does not require any additional information to integrate with your data. Required if you are using GCS as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
Example: AUTO
googleClientEmail Body String Optional
The email address associated with the Google Cloud Storage (GCS) service account. Required if you are using googleAuthenticationType SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY
and GCS as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
googleClientId Body String Optional
The client ID for your Google Cloud Storage (GCS) key pair. Required if you are using googleAuthenticationType SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY
and GCS as the storage provider for your Nessie source.
Example: GA1.1.24470803.3400000000
googlePrivateKeyId Body String Optional
The key ID for your Google Cloud Storage key pair.
Example: ab7jqegoaz6ar4xplnf9vnxtoia86z0rnexample
googlePrivateKey Body String Optional
The key for your Google Cloud Storage (GCS) key pair in plaintext or as the reference for the Azure client secret in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required if you are using googleAuthenticationType SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY
and GCS as the storage provider for your Nessie source. To keep the key secure, Dremio returns the googlePrivateKey value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext googlePrivateKey values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_private_key>
. Plaintext googlePrivateKey values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_private_key>
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "","value": ""}]
secure Body Boolean Optional
If set to enable a secure connection with SSL encryption between the Amazon S3 bucket and Dremio, the value is true
(default). Otherwise, the value is false
Example: true
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Oracle Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": "1521",
"instance": "xe",
"username": "exampleuser",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"fetchSize": 200,
"useSsl": false,
"useTimezoneAsRegion": true,
"includeSynonyms": false,
"useLdap": false,
"nativeEncryption": "ACCEPTED",
"useKerberos": false,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"mapDateToTimestamp": true,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"propertyList": [
"name": "connect_timeout",
"value": "0"
Oracle config Parameters
hostname Body String
Oracle hostname.
port Body String
Oracle port number. Default is 1521
Example: 1521
instance Body String
Name of the Oracle database.
Example: xe
username Body String
Username for authentication. Required for authenticationType MASTER
Example: exampleuser
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for authenticationType MASTER
. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
secretResourceUrl Body String
For secret-based authentication, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the secret. To keep the secret secure, Dremio returns the secretResourceUrl value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012㊙️my-rds-secret-VNenFy
authenticationType Body String
Type of authentication to use to allow Dremio to connect to the Oracle source.
: No authentication is needed.MASTER
: Use credentials from a master database user or a secret resource URL.KERBEROS
: Authenticate with Kerberos.
Example: MASTER
fetchSize Body Integer Optional
Number of records to fetch at one time. Default is 200
. If set to 0
, Dremio automatically decides how many records to fetch.
Example: 200
useSsl Body Boolean Optional
If the Oracle source is configured to use TLS for connections, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
useTimezoneAsRegion Body Boolean Optional
To use the timezone to set the connection region, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
includeSynonyms Body Boolean Optional
To include Oracle synonyms as datasets in the source, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
nativeEncryption Body String Optional
If using Oracle native encryption for the connection, the encryption setting to use. Default is ACCEPTED
useKerberos Body Boolean Optional
To use Kerberos for authentication, set to true
. Otherwise, set to false
Example: false
maxIdleConns Body Integer Optional
Maximum number of connections that can be idle at any given time. Default is 8
Example: 8
idleTimeSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time that a connection can remain idle before Dremio terminates it, in seconds. Default is 60
Example: 60
mapDateToTimestamp Body Boolean Optional
If the DATE column should display values in timestamp format, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
queryTimeoutSec Body Integer Optional
Maximum time to allow for query execution, in seconds. When the query timeout expires, the connection returns to an idle state. Default is 0
Example: 0
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property.
Example: [{"name": "connect_timeout","value": "0"}]
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property.
Example: connect_timeout
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property.
Example: 0
Polaris Catalog
Polaris Catalog Source config Object{
"config": {
"propertyList": [
"name": "",
"value": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.SimpleAWSCredentialsProvider"
"secretPropertyList": [
"name": "fs.s3a.access.key",
"name": "fs.s3a.secret.key",
"enableAsync": true,
"isCachingEnabled": true,
"maxCacheSpacePct": 100,
"restEndpointUri": "",
"allowedNamespaces": [
"isRecursiveAllowedNamespaces": true,
"polarisCatalogWarehouse": "polaris-catalog",
"polarisClientId": "ImN1IMc4SvYjkB63X3aj0P8w7H86",
"polarisClientSecret": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"polarisScope": "PRINCIPAL_ROLE:ALL"
Polaris Catalog config Parameters
propertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Connection properties for the source. Each object in the propertyList includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use for the property. For a complete list of the catalog properties required for storage authentication, see Advanced Options on the Polaris Catalog page.
Example: [{"name": "","value": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.SimpleAWSCredentialsProvider"}]
secretPropertyList Body Array of Object Optional
Additional connection properties for the source. The values are kept masked in the Credentials section of the Advanced Options page of the Source Settings dialog in the Dremio console. Each object includes the name of the property and the corresponding value to use and to keep secret. To keep the secret secure, Dremio returns the secretPropertyList value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses. For a complete list of the catalog credentials required for storage authentication, see Advanced Options on the Polaris Catalog page.
Example: [{"name": "fs.s3a.access.key","value": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$"}]
enableAsync Body Boolean Optional
To enable asynchronous access for the source and allow cloud caching to support simultaneous actions such as adding and editing, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
isCachingEnabled Body Boolean Optional
To enable local caching, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
maxCacheSpacePct Body Integer Optional
Maximum percentage of the total available cache space to use on any single executor node. Used only when isCachingEnabled is set to true
. Minimum is 1
. Maximum is 100
Example: 100
restEndpointUri Body String
URI for the catalog service that Dremio should connect to.
allowedNamespaces Body Array of String Optional
A list of the namespaces that users of Dremio are allowed to access. Tables are organized into namespaces, which can be at the top level or nested within one another. Namespace names cannot contain periods or spaces. Present the names in a comma-separated list.
Example: ["sales","finance”]
isRecursiveAllowedNamespaces Body Boolean Optional
If allowedNamespaces include their whole subtrees, set to true
(default). Otherwise, set to false
Example: true
polarisCatalogWarehouse Body String
The Polaris Catalog name.
Example: polaris-catalog
polarisClientId Body String
The client ID created during the configuration of a service connection in Snowflake's Polaris Catalog.
Example: ImN1IMc4SvYjkB63X3aj0P8w7H86
polarisClientSecret Body String
The client secret in plaintext or as the reference for the client secret in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. To keep the client secret secure, Dremio returns the polarisClientSecret value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext polarisClientSecret values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_client_secret>
. Plaintext polarisClientSecret values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_client_secret>
polarisScope Body String Optional
The OAuth 2.0 scope limit specifying the principal role that is allowed access to the Polaris Catalog.
Parameters of Objects in the propertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property. For a complete list of the catalog properties required for storage authentication, see Advanced Options on the Polaris Catalog page.
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property. For a complete list of the catalog properties required for storage authentication, see Advanced Options on the Polaris Catalog page.
Example: org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.SimpleAWSCredentialsProvider
Parameters of Objects in the secretPropertyList
name Body String Optional
Name of the connection property. For a complete list of the catalog credentials required for storage authentication, see Advanced Options on the Polaris Catalog page.
Example: fs.s3a.secret.key
value Body String Optional
Value for the connection property. The value is masked in the Dremio console. For a complete list of the catalog credentials required for storage authentication, see Advanced Options on the Polaris Catalog page.
Example: l1hDG6w6E1w1LgTrRwDwxNaiWV5wn18210536VhD
PostgreSQL Source config Object{
"config": {
"hostname": "",
"port": "5432",
"databaseName": "postgres",
"username": "exampleuser",
"password": "$DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$",
"authenticationType": "MASTER",
"fetchSize": 200,
"useSsl": false,
"maxIdleConns": 8,
"idleTimeSec": 60,
"queryTimeoutSec": 0,
"propertyList": [
"name": "connect_timeout",
"value": "10"
PostgreSQLconfig Parameters
hostname Body String
PostgreSQL hostname.
port Body String
PostgreSQL port number. Default is 5432
Example: 5432
databaseName Body String
Default PostgreSQL database for Dremio to use.
Example: postgres
username Body String
Username for authentication. Required for authenticationType MASTER
Example: exampleuser
password Body String
The password in plaintext or as the reference for the password in Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. Required for authenticationType MASTER
. To keep the password secure, Dremio returns the password value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Plaintext password values must be prefixed with data:,
— for example, data:,<plaintext_password>
. Plaintext password values that contain a colon (:
) must be encoded in base64 format and prefixed with data:;base64,
— for example, data:;base64,<base64_encoded_password>
secretResourceUrl Body String
For secret-based authentication, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the secret. To keep the secret secure, Dremio returns the secretResourceUrl value as $DREMIO_EXISTING_VALUE$
in API responses.
Example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:123456789012