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Version: current [25.0.x]

RPM and Tarball Install


Download and install the required Java version.

RPM Installation

Perform these steps on each node of your Dremio cluster:

  1. Download and install Dremio via RPM.

    $ sudo yum install dremio-<VERSION>.rpm
  2. (Optional) Enable dremio to start at boot.

    $ sudo chkconfig --level 3456 dremio on
  3. Configure Dremio. See Dremio Configuration for more information.

Default Configuration

The following configurations are created by default when you install Dremio using the RPM package.

Software location/opt/dremio
dremio.conf configuration file/etc/dremio/dremio.conf
dremio-env environment configuration file/etc/dremio/dremio-env
Local path (for data location)/var/lib/dremio
Log directory/var/log/dremio
PID files directory/var/run/dremio

Changing the Dremio User and Group

The generic installation steps assume a user called dremio.

To run the Dremio daemon service under a different username (for example, testuser), apply the following changes before configuring.

  1. Update the DREMIO_USER in the /etc/sysconfig/dremio file to testuser.
  2. Apply the following permissions:
    sudo chown -R testuser:testuser /var/log/dremio
    sudo chown -R testuser:testuser /var/lib/dremio
    sudo chown -R testuser:testuser /var/run/dremio

Using a Tarball

Perform these steps on each node of your Dremio cluster:

  1. Create a dremio group.

    sudo groupadd -r dremio
  2. Create a dremio user.

    sudo useradd -r -g dremio -d /var/lib/dremio -s /sbin/nologin dremio
  3. Create Dremio directories.

    sudo mkdir /opt/dremio
    sudo mkdir /var/run/dremio && sudo chown dremio:dremio /var/run/dremio
    sudo mkdir /var/log/dremio && sudo chown dremio:dremio /var/log/dremio
    sudo mkdir /var/lib/dremio && sudo chown dremio:dremio /var/lib/dremio
  4. Unpack Dremio into the /opt/dremio directory.

    sudo tar xvf dremio-enterprise-<VERSION>.tar.gz -C /opt/dremio --strip-components=1

    For Community Edition, the Tarball package file name is dremio-community-<VERSION>.tar.gz.

  5. Create a symbolic link for the configuration folder.

    sudo ln -s /opt/dremio/conf /etc/dremio
  6. (Optional) Set up your service configuration (SystemD setup).

    a. Copy the unit file for the dremio daemon from <DREMIO_HOME>/share/dremio.service to /etc/systemd/system/dremio.service.

    sudo cp <DREMIO_HOME>/share/dremio.service /etc/systemd/system/dremio.service

    b. Restart systemd.

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

    c. (Optional) Enable dremio to start at boot.

    sudo systemctl enable dremio
  7. Configure Dremio. See Dremio Configuration for more information.

Sample Service Configuration

The following snippet shows the configuration in the <DREMIO_HOME>/share/dremio.service file:

# Installation is assumed to be under /opt/dremio
Description=Dremio Daemon Server

ExecStart=/opt/dremio/bin/dremio start-fg
# Set maximum number of file descriptors Dremio can open.
# Dremio requires a large number to work correctly.
