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Version: 24.3.x


The SELECT command queries table data and table metadata, and can query by timestamp and snapshot ID.


Dremio supports only the copy-on-write storage mechanism and reads only the latest data files for each Iceberg v2 table that you run SQL commands against. Dremio does not support Iceberg v2 tables that have merge-on-read manifests.

Querying a Table's Data

SELECT [ <column1_name> [ , <column2_name> ... ] | * ]
FROM <table_name>
[WHERE where_condition]


<column1_name> [ , <column2_name> ... ] String

The name of the column or columns that you want to query.


Indicates that you want to query all columns in the table.

<table_name> String

The name of the table that you want to query.

WHERE where_condition String

The condition to use to query a subset of the rows in the table.

contructs String

The SELECT command supports many constructs, such as GROUP BY, ORDER BY, SORT, and more.

Metadata Queries

Iceberg includes helpful system-table references which provide an easy access to Iceberg-specific information on tables, including:

  • The data files for a table
  • The history of a table
  • The manifest files for a table
  • The partitions of a table
  • The snapshots for a table
  • Information about records from CSV or JSON files that were in error and not loaded into a table by a COPY INTO operation for which ON ERROR was set to 'continue'

Querying a Table's Data File Metadata

Queries use the table_files() function.

FROM TABLE( table_files('<table_name>') )

Dremio returns records that have these fields:

ColumnData TypeDescription
file_pathVARCHARFull file path and name
file_formatVARCHARFormat, e.g. PARQUET
record_countBIGINTNumber of rows
file_size_in_bytesBIGINTSize of file
column_sizesVARCHARList of columns with size of each column
value_countsVARCHARList of columns with number of records with a value
null_value_countsVARCHARList of columns with number of records as NULL
nan_value_countsVARCHARList of columns with number of records as NaN
lower_boundsVARCHARList of columns with lower bound of each
upper_boundsVARCHARList of columns with upper bound of each
key_metadataVARCHARKey metrics
split_offsetsVARCHARSplit offsets


<table_name> String

The name of the table that you want to query.

Querying a Table's History Metadata

Queries use the table_history() function.

FROM TABLE( table_history('<table_name>') )

Dremio returns records that have these fields:

ColumnData TypeDescription
made_current_atTIMESTAMPThe timestamp the Iceberg snapshot was made at
snapshot_idVARCHARThe Iceberg snapshot ID
parent_idVARCHARThe parent snapshot ID, null if not exists
is_current_ancestorBOOLEANIf the snapshot is part of the current history, shows abandoned snapshots


Example with table_history()
FROM TABLE( table_history('myTable'))
WHERE snapshot_id = 4593468819579153853

Querying a Table's Manifest File Metadata

Queries use the table_manifests() function.

FROM TABLE( table_manifests('<table_name>') )

Dremio returns records that have these fields:

ColumnData TypeDescription
pathVARCHARFull path and name of manifest file
lengthBIGINTSize in bytes
added_snapshot_idVARCHARID of snapshot added to manifest
added_data_files_countBIGINTNumber of new data files added
existing_data_files_countBIGINTNumber of existing data files
deleted_data_files_countBIGINTNumber of files removed
partition_summariesVARCHARPartition information

Querying a Table's Partition Metadata

Queries use the table_partitions() function to return partition-related statistics.

FROM TABLE( table_partitions('<table_name>') )

Dremio returns records that have these fields:

Column NameData TypeDescription
partitionCHARACTER VARYINGThe partition key
record_countINTEGERThe number of records in the partition
file_countINTEGERThe number of data files in the partition
spec_idINTEGERThe ID of the partition specification on which partition is based.

Querying a Table's Snapshot Metadata

Queries use the table_snapshot() function.

FROM TABLE( table_snapshot('<table_name>') )

Dremio returns records that have these fields:

ColumnData TypeDescription
committed_atTIMESTAMPThe timestamp the Iceberg snapshot was committed
snapshot_idVARCHARThe Iceberg snapshot ID
parent_idVARCHARThe parent snapshot ID, null if not exists
operationVARCHARThe Iceberg operation (e.g. append)
manifest_listVARCHARList of manifest files for the snapshot
summaryVARCHARAdditional attributes (records added, etc)


Finds the number of snapshots for a table
SELECT count(*)
FROM TABLE( table_snapshot('myTable'))
GROUP BY snapshot_id

Querying information about rejected records in CSV or JSON files used by a COPY INTO operation for which ON_ERROR was set to 'continue'

Queries use the copy_errors() function.

FROM TABLE(copy_errors(<table_name>, [<query_id>])
  • <table_name>
    The name of the target table on which the COPY INTO operation was performed.

  • <query_id>
    Optional parameter. The ID of the job that ran the COPY INTO operation. You can obtain this ID from the SYS.COPY_ERRORS_HISTORY system table. If you do not specify an ID, the default value is the ID of the last job started by the current user to run COPY INTO on the target table.

The records returned consist of these fields:

ColumnData TypeDescription
job_idstringThe ID of the job that ran the COPY INTO operation.
file_namestringThe full path of the file where the validation error was encountered.
line_numberlongThe number of the line (physical position) in the file where the error was encountered.
row_numberlongThe row (record) number in input file.
column_namestringThe name of the column where the error was encountered.
errorstringA message describing the error.

This function reconstructs the original COPY INTO command and executes it in validation mode. No records are inserted into the target table. The maximum number of input files that it uses is determined by the dremio.copy.into.errors_max_input_files support key, which has a default value of 100. The selection of input files is based on alphabetical sorting and might represent a subset of the original list of input files that contain rejected records.

Time Travel Queries

Iceberg tables support both TIMESTAMP-based references and Snapshot ID-based references to specify an earlier version of a table to read.

Time Travel by Timestamps

The query returns an error stating that the reference for this table was out of range if either of these two conditions is true:

  • The value of the timestamp is some time in the future, even by one second.
  • The value of the timestamp is older than the oldest valid snapshot for the table.

To run a SELECT command, the user must have Dremio's SELECT privilege.

SELECT <column_name>
FROM <table_name> AT <timestamp>


<column_name> String

The name of the column that you want to query.

<table_name> String

The name of the table that you want to query.

<timestamp> String

Uses the most recent Iceberg snapshot as of the provided timestamp. <timestamp> may be any SQL expression that resolves to a single timestamp type value, for example: CAST( DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE,1) AS TIMESTAMP ) or TIMESTAMP '2022-07-01 01:30:00.000'.


Time travel query on an Iceberg table using a timestamp
SELECT count(*)
FROM my_table AT TIMESTAMP '2022-07-01 01:30:00.000'

Time Travel by Snapshot ID

To run a SELECT command, the user must have Dremio's SELECT privilege.

SELECT <column_name>
FROM <table_name> AT SNAPSHOT '<snapshot-id>'


<column_name> String

The name of the column that you want to query.

<table_name> String

The name of the table that you want to query.

<snapshot_id> String

A snapshot ID obtained either through the table_history() or table_snapshot() metadata function.


Time travel query on an Iceberg table using a snapshot ID
FROM myTable AT SNAPSHOT '5393090506354317772'