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Version: 24.3.x

Queue Routing

You can use an SQL command to route refresh jobs for all reflections on a dataset (either a table or a view), all reflections on tables and views that are in a folder, or all reflections that are on tables or views in a space, to a specific queue.

For more information, see Queue Routing.


ALTER [ DATASET "<path>"."<dataset_name>" | FOLDER "<path>"."<folder_name>" | SPACE "<space_name>" ]
ROUTE REFLECTIONS TO [ DEFAULT QUEUE | QUEUE "[ <queue_name> | <queue_uuid> ]" ]


DATASET "<path>"."<dataset_name>" String   Optional

If you want to route refresh jobs for all reflections on a table or a view, use the keyword DATASET and specify the path and name of the table or view.

FOLDER "<path>"."<folder_name>" String   Optional

If you want to route refresh jobs for all reflections on tables or a view that are in a folder, use the keyword FOLDER and specify the path and name of the folder. To use this functionality, enable this support key: reflection_routing_inheritance_enabled.

SPACE "<space_name>" String   Optional

If you want to route refresh jobs for all reflections on tables or a view that are in a space in Dremio, use the keyword SPACE and specify the name of the space. To use this functionality, enable this support key: reflection_routing_inheritance_enabled.

[ DEFAULT QUEUE | QUEUE "[ <queue_name> | <queue_uuid> ]" ] String

Specify a queue to route reflections to. You can route to the default queue, or to a queue that you identify by name or UUID.