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Version: 24.3.x

Enabling TLS for Dremio UI on Azure

This topic describes how to enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) for Dremio UI on Azure.


In Dremio 24+, the keyStorePassword property can be encrypted using the dremio-admin encrypt CLI command.

To enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) for Dremio, determine which of the following methods you want to implement:

  • Self-signed certificate
  • CA-certified certificate

Enabling TLS with a Self-Signed Certificate

To enable TLS with a self-signed certificate:

  1. Go to Resource groups > YourResourceName > Overview.

  2. Click on <DremioClusterName>-master.

  3. Locate the DNS name for the master node. In the following sample screenshot, the DNS name is

  4. Access the Dremio cluster master node on Azure via the DNS name and become root. For example, using a terminal window, SSH to the Azure IP address with the username and password that you provided during the initial configuration.

    SSH to the Azure IP address
    $ sudo su -
  5. Configure Dremio by editing the /opt/dremio/conf/dremio.conf file and adding the following properties to the end of the file.

    Add properties to /opt/dremio/conf/dremio.conf file
    services.coordinator.web.ssl.enabled: true true
  6. Restart the Dremio service. See Start, Stop, and Status for RPM commands.

    Restart Dremio service
    service dremio restart
  7. Log into the Dremio UI:

    Log in to Dremio UI
    https://<dremio master DNS name>:9047

Self-signed certificates are not secure unless you can verify the certificate in the browser (by comparing fingerprints for example).

Enabling TLS with a CA-certified Certificate

To enable TLS with a CA-certified certificate:

  1. Go to Resource groups > YourResourceName > Overview.

  2. Click on <DremioClusterName>-master.

  3. Locate the DNS name for the master node. In the following sample screenshot, the DNS name is

  4. Access the Dremio cluster master node on Azure via the DNS name and become root. For example, using a terminal window, SSH to the Azure IP address with the username and password that you provided during the initial configuration.

    SSH to Azure IP address
    sudo su -
  5. Obtain a TLS certificate for your DNS Name. For example, if you are using Let's Encrypt, install certbot, and generate the certificate.

    • The FQDN is set to the DNS name for the master node obtained in a previous step.

    • Make note of the last command output for the cert and cert key files.

    • Note: This certificate is valid for 90 days and must be renewed. After renewal, the subsequent Dremio configuration steps (steps 7 - 9) must be repeated.

      Install certbot and generate certificate
      FQDN=<DNS name of the host>
      curl -o certbot-auto
      mv certbot-auto /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto
      chown root /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto
      chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/certbot-auto
      certbot-auto certonly -d $FQDN --standalone -n --agree-tos --email
  6. Create a keystore for Dremio. For example, the following example uses the output from the previous step.

    Create keystore for Dremio
    openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -inkey $LETSENCRYPT_BASE/$FQDN/privkey.pem \
    -in $LETSENCRYPT_BASE/$FQDN/cert.pem \
    -out $DREMIO_DATA_DIR/store.pkcs12 \
    -passout pass:$PASSWORD
    chown dremio:dremio $DREMIO_DATA_DIR/store.pkcs12
  7. Configure Dremio by editing the /opt/dremio/conf/dremio.conf file and adding the following properties to the end of the file. The keystore path and password were generated by the previous step. If you supplied a different keystore path and password, be sure to provide them instead.

    Properties to add to /opt/dremio/conf/dremio.conf file
    services.coordinator.web.ssl.enabled: true false
    services.coordinator.web.ssl.keyStore: "/var/lib/dremio/store.pkcs12"
    services.coordinator.web.ssl.keyStorePassword: "yourpassword"
  8. Restart the Dremio service. See Start, Stop, and Status for RPM commands.

    Restart Dremio service
    service dremio restart
  9. Log into the Dremio UI:

    Log in to Dremio UI
    https://<dremio master DNS name>:9047