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Adding Data Sources with ARP Connectors

Advanced relational pushdown (ARP) connectors are mostly code-free and allow you to modify the queries that Dremio issues using a configuration file. Use Dremio’s ARP framework to create custom connectors for data sources that have a JDBC driver and accept SQL as a query language.

Dremio provides ARP connector configuration files for the following data sources:


Creating an ARP connector requires the following three files. Examples for Salesforce, SQLite, and Sybase are available in the Dremio Hub repository.

  • <your-data-source> The configuration file provides the details Dremio needs to display the data source correctly in the Dremio console and connect to the data source's JDBC driver. This file is also called the conf file.

  • <your-data-source>-layout.json: The layout file defines what fields appear on the configuration page for the data source in the Dremio console.

  • <your-data-source>-arp.yaml: The ARP file modifies the SQL queries that Dremio sends to the JDBC driver, specifies support for data types and functions, and allows you to rewrite data types and functions as needed to conform with the data source.

You also need the JDBC driver for the data source you want to connect.

To install your ARP connector after it is configured, you must install Maven on your computer.

Example: Create an ARP Connector for SQLite

This page uses SQLite as an example to demonstrate how to create an ARP connector. The steps are similar for other data sources, but configuration details vary. Read the documentation for your data source carefully before you begin.

Before you begin, make sure that you have the SQLite JDBC driver and have cloned the Dremio Hub repository for the SQLite ARP connector.

Update the Conf File

  1. In your local directory for the ARP connector, navigate to src/main/java/com/dremio/exec/store/jdbc/conf/ and open the file in a text editor.

  2. Update the following lines as shown below to add details about the connector name, layout file name, AbstractArpConf class, ARP file name, and JDBC driver class:

    Connector name and layout file name
    @SourceType(value = "SQLITE", label = "SQLite", uiConfig = "sqlite-layout.json", externalQuerySupported = true)
    Extend the AbstractArpConf class to support the SQLite source
    public class SqliteConf extends AbstractArpConf&lt;SqliteConf> {
    ARP file name
    private static final String ARP_FILENAME = "arp/implementation/sqlite-arp.yaml";
    JDBC driver class
    private static final String DRIVER = "org.sqlite.JDBC";

    The JDBC driver class is different for each data source. Read the documentation for your data source to find the correct JDBC driver class.

  3. Update the following lines as shown below to enable the connection parameters to include for the data source in the Dremio console:

    Connection parameters for data source
    @DisplayMetadata(label = "Database")
    public String database;
    @DisplayMetadata(label = "Record fetch size")
    public int fetchSize = 200;

    SQLite only requires the Database and Record fetch size parameters, which will be displayed in the connection dialog for the SQLite data source in the Dremio console.

    By default, each connection parameter is considered metadata-impacting, which means that changing the parameter's value could result in different metadata and affect how Dremio displays information. For example, service account username is metadata-impacting because different users may have different privileges that allow them to view different objects in Dremio. In this case, Database and Record fetch size are not metadata-impacting. The @NotMetadataImpacting tag tells Dremio that the parameter is not considered metadata-impacting.

  4. Update the following lines as shown below to configure the database URL:

    Update variable names in toJdbcConnectionString class
    public String toJdbcConnectionString() {
    // If database field is empty in Add Data Source dialog in Dremio console,
    // show a Missing Database error and throw a NullPointerException().
    final String database = checkNotNull(this.database, "Missing database.");
    // Make a JDBC connection string from database.
    return String.format("jdbc:sqlite:%s", databasename);

    Read the documentation for your data source to find the correct structure for its database URL and the name of its driver.

    The driver manager identifies the data source driver for the database connection based on the driver name. The connector loads the driver into memory and registers it as an available driver for Dremio. Then, a connection string is built that allows Dremio to connect to the SQLite database using the driver. For SQLite, the name of the driver is org.sqlite.JDBC and the connection string format is jdbc:sqlite:databasename. The databasename is the name of a previously created SQLite database. If there are no databases named databasename, SQLite creates a new database with that name.

  5. Save the file and close it.

Configure the ARP File


A complete representation of the ARP file for an SQLite connector is available in the SQLite ARP connector GitHub repository.

The content of the ARP file varies depending on the data source. Read the documentation for your data source for source-specific information. Read ARP File Structure for information about the contents of ARP files.

  1. In your local directory for the ARP connector, navigate to src/main/resources/arp/implementation and open the sqlite-arp.yaml file in a text editor.

  2. Add the data source name, API name, and ARP file version in the metadata mapping:

    Add data source name, API name, and ARP file version
    name: SQLITE
    apiname: sqlite
    spec_version: '1'
  3. Add general syntax information in the syntax mapping:

    Add general syntax information;
    identifier_quote: '"'
    identifier_length_limit: 128
    map_boolean_to_bit_expr: false
    supports_catalogs: false
    supports_schemas: false
  4. Configure the data_types mapping to specify the supported data types, the names of the data types as they appear in the JDBC driver, and how the driver's data types map to Dremio data types. For more information, read the data_types Mapping section below. Refer to the SQLite ARP connector GitHub repository to view a complete data_types mapping for an SQLite data source.

  5. Configure the relational_algebra mapping to specify supported aggregate functions and operations and related rewrites for SQL queries. For more information, read the relational_algebra Mapping section below. Refer to the SQLite ARP connector GitHub repository to view a complete relational_algebra mapping for an SQLite data source.

  6. Configure the expressions mapping to specify supported general operations and related rewrites for SQL queries. For more information, read the expressions Mapping section below. Refer to the SQLite ARP connector GitHub repository to view a complete expressions mapping for an SQLite data source.

  7. Save the sqlite-arp.yaml file and close it.

Build the SQLite Connector

  1. Ensure that your local directory for the ARP connector contains the following files:

    • Pom.xml


    • src/main/resources/arp/implementation/sqlite-arp.yaml

    • src/main/java/com/dremio/exec/store/jdbc/conf/

  2. Navigate to your local directory for the ARP connector on the command line and run the following Maven command to compile, test, package, and install the SQLite connector:

    Install the SQLite connector
    mvn clean install
  3. To confirm that the installation is complete, look for the following confirmation message:

    Installation confirmation message
    Build Success
  4. Confirm that your local directory for the ARP connector contains a target subdirectory.


If there are any errors in the build, Maven displays an error message that includes the exact location of the error. Refer to Troubleshooting to resolve the issue. When finished, save any updated files and repeat the steps in this section.

Add the SQLite Data Source in Dremio

  1. Make sure that Dremio is not running.

  2. In your local directory for the ARP connector, open the target subdirectory and copy the **.jar file. Paste the **.jar file in the /$DREMIO_HOME/jars directory.

  3. Move the JDBC driver to the /$DREMIO_HOME/jars/3rdparty directory.

  4. Start Dremio and log in to the Dremio console.

  5. In the Datasets panel in the Dremio console, next to Sources, click The Add Source icon. .

  6. In the Add Data Source dialog, select SQLite.

  7. Enter the connection and authentication parameters for the data source.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Confirm that your SQLite source and contents are listed in the Datasets panel under Sources.

Conf Files

Conf files provide the details Dremio needs to display the data source correctly in the Dremio console and connect to the data source's JDBC driver.

You need a conf file for every data source, but the required contents of the conf file depend on the data source you're adding. A typical conf file might include sections that specify the hostname and port, JDBC URL, username, and password for the data source. The SQLite conf file is self-contained and requires only a database field. Read the documentation for your data source to learn which sections are required for the conf file.

Each conf file has a corresponding layout file that defines what fields appear on the configuration page for the data source in the Dremio console. The layout file name is the value for the uiConfig key in the @SourceType section in the conf file. For example, the @SourceType section in the SQLite conf file lists the layout file name sqlite-layout.json:

SQLite layout file name sqlite-layout.json
@SourceType(value = "SQLITE", label = "SQLite", uiConfig = "sqlite-layout.json", externalQuerySupported = true)

In this example, the file sqlite-layout.json defines the configuration page for the SQLite data source in the Dremio console.

ARP File Structure

ARP files contain the following mappings:

  • metadata: High-level metadata about the ARP connector.

  • syntax: General syntax preferences, such as the quote character to use for identifiers.

  • data_types: Data types that the ARP connector supports and mapping details for data type names.

  • relational_algebra: Supported aggregate functions and operations and related rewrites for SQL queries.

  • expressions: Supported general operations and related rewrites for SQL queries.

The ARP file must contain all of these mappings, although some nodes within the mappings are optional.

If a user's SQL query uses an operation or function that is not specified in the mappings in the ARP file, Dremio handles the operation itself. If a supported operation must be stacked on an unsupported operation, Dremio does not push the operation down to the SQL query.

For example, suppose a user runs the SQL query SELECT MAX(age) from CUSTOMER on a table in your source.

  • If the ARP file includes MAX as a supported function, Dremio sends the equivalent of MAX(age) to the source database, and the database returns only one value to Dremio. The query runs quickly and efficiently.

  • If the ARP file does not include MAX as a supported function, Dremio retrieves every value of age in the table. Then, from that data, Dremio calculates the MAX(age) value itself. The query takes more time and resources to complete and is slower as a result.

metadata Mapping

Example metadata mapping
name: SQLITE
apiname: sqlite
spec_version: '1'

The metadata mapping in the ARP file includes the following nodes:

Node NameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringyesName of the ARP source to display in the Dremio console . The name must match the value of the @SourceType annotation in the code.

Example: name: My Connector
apinamestringyesUnique, abbreviated name for the ARP source. The apiname is not displayed in the Dremio console.

Example: apiname: mydb
spec_versionstringyesUser-selected name that identifies the version of the ARP file. The spec_version can contain numbers, letters, and symbols.

Example: spec_version: ''

syntax Mapping

Example syntax mapping
identifier_quote: SQLITE
identifier_length_limit: 128
map_boolean_to_bit_expr: false
supports_catalogs: false
supports_schemas: false
inject_numeric_cast_project: false
inject_approx_numeric_cast_project: false

The syntax mapping in the ARP file includes the following nodes:

Node NameTypeRequiredDescription
identifier_quotestringyesIdentifier to use for quotes. If [, Dremio uses the ] character as the end quote.

Enum: ", ', [

Example: identifier_quote: '"'
identifier_length_limitintegernoMaximum length of a database object name, such as the name of a table. If no value is provided, Dremio does not apply a limit (default). If a value is provided, it must be at least 1.

Example: identifier_length_limit: 128
map_boolean_to_bit_exprBooleannoIf true, Dremio maps true/false literals to 1/0. Otherwise, false (default).
supports_catalogsBooleannoIf true (default), overrides automatic detection of catalog support in the data source. Otherwise, false.
supports_schemasBooleannoIf true (default), overrides automatic detection of schema support in the data source. Otherwise, false.
inject_numeric_cast_projectBooleannoIf true, Dremio adds an explicit cast for all decimal columns within a projection. Use max_precision, max_scale, and required_cast_args in the data_types mapping to specify the arguments needed for the cast. Otherwise, false (default).
inject_approx_numeric_cast_projectBooleannoIf true, Dremio adds an explicit cast for all approximate numeric columns within a projection. Otherwise, false (default).

data_types Mapping

Example data_types mapping
- source:
name: BIGINT
name: bigint

The data_types mapping includes the mappings sequence, where you can manually map Dremio data types to the data types that your source's JDBC driver uses. In the example above, the JDBC driver data type is specified in, and the Dremio data type is specified in

Dremio supports the following data types for

Data EquivalentDescription
bigintROWID, BIGINTEight-byte signed integer.
BooleanBIT, BOOLEANLogical operator.
dateDATEDate in YYYY-MM-DD format.
decimalDECIMALExact fractional value.
doubleREAL, DOUBLE, FLOAT (NUMERIC, DECIMAL)Eight-byte floating point.
floatFLOATImprecise fractional value.
integerTINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGERFour-byte signed integer.
interval_day_secondINTERVALInterval data type from day to second in DD HH:MM:SS format. For example, to specify 1 day, 2 hours, 34 minutes, 56 seconds: 1 2:34:56.
interval_year_monthINTERVALInterval data type from year to month in YY-MM format. For example, to specify 12 years, 3 months: 12-3.
timeTIMETime of day in HH:MM:SS format.
timestampTIMESTAMPDate and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS format.
varbinaryBINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, BLOBVariable-length binary string.

Dremio supports the following optional nodes for data_types.mappings.dremio:

Node NameTypeDescription
default_cast_specBooleanFor data_types.mappings that map multiple JDBC driver data types to a single Dremio data type, include and set to true to specify which data type is preferred when going from Dremio to JDBC. Default is false.
required_cast_argsstringUse to specify the cast argument to use if inject_numeric_cast_project: true in the syntax mapping.

Enum: none (default), precision, scale, precision_scale
max_precisionintegerMaximum number of digits in a number.
max_scaleintegerMaximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number.

You can map multiple JDBC driver data types to a single Dremio data type. The following example maps the JDBC data types LONG and BIGINT to the Dremio data type bigint. Because default_cast_spec: true is set for BIGINT, bigint will be mapped to BIGINT rather than LONG when going from Dremio to JDBC.

Example data_types.mappings with multiple JDBC data types
- source:
name: LONG
name: bigint
- source:
name: BIGINT
name: bigint
default_cast_spec: true

The example below shows how to use required_cast_args:

Example data_types.mappings mapping with cast arguments
- source:
max_precision: 38
max_scale: 28
required_cast_args: precision_scale
name: decimal

relational_algebra Mapping

Example relational_algebra mapping
enable: true
- interval_day_second
- interval_year_month
- varbinary
distinct: true
enable: true
enable: true
enable: true
- names:
- avg
- args:
- double
return: double
- args:
- integer
return: double
- names:
- max
- min
- args:
- integer
return: integer
- args:
- double
return: double
- args:
- varchar
return: varchar
- names:
- sum
- args:
- double
return: double
- args:
- integer
return: bigint
enable: false
enable: true
enable: true
enable: true
enable: true
inequality: true
enable: true
inequality: true
enable: false
inequality: false
enable: false
inequality: false
enable: true
enable: true
default_nulls_ordering: high
enable: true
format: 'LIMIT {1} OFFSET {0}'
enable: false
enable: true
format: 'LIMIT {0}'
enable: false
enable: false
enable: false
method: values

The relational_algebra mapping in the ARP file includes the following nodes:

Node NameTypeRequiredDescription
  • Specify the aggregate functions that the data source supports and their signatures.
  • Specify rewrites to modify the SQL for aggregate functions as needed for the data source.
exceptmappingyesSpecify whether the data source supports the EXCEPT clause: include enable: true if supported or enable: false if not supported.
projectmappingyesSpecify whether the data source supports the PROJECT operator: include enable: true if supported or enable: false if not supported.
joinmappingyesSpecify whether the data source supports the JOIN clause, including specific types. Read join Mapping for details.
sortmappingyesSpecify whether the data source supports the SORT operator, including specific types. Read sort Mapping for details.
unionmappingyesSpecify whether the data source supports the UNION operator: include enable: true if supported or enable: false if not supported.
union_allmappingyesSpecify whether the data source supports the UNION_ALL operator: include enable: true if supported or enable: false if not supported.
  • Specify whether the data source supports the VALUES command: include enable: true if supported or enable: false if not supported.
  • Specify how to construct the dummy table: include method: values to allow a pushdown of the VALUES clause in SQL or method: dummy_table to use a dummy table instead of pushing down the VALUES clause.

aggregation Mapping

The following nodes are supported for the aggregation mapping:

Node NameTypeRequiredDescription
enableBooleanyesIf true, the source supports aggregate functions. Otherwise, false.
group_by_type_exclusionssequenceyesDremio data types that the source does not support for queries that include a GROUP BY statement.

Enum: bigint, boolean, date, decimal, double, float, integer, interval_day_second, interval_year_month, time, timestamp, varbinary, varchar
distinctBooleanyesIf true, the source supports DISTINCT queries. Otherwise, false.
count_functionsmappingyesInformation about the count functions that the source supports. Within count_functions, you may list sub-mappings for count_star, count, count_multi, count_distinct, and count_distinct_multi. For each sub-mapping, indicate whether the function is supported (enable: true) or not supported (enable: false). You can also include the variable_rewrite mapping to specify how to translate the function definition if the data source does not support the function. Within the variable_rewrite mapping, separator_sequence specifies the string sequence to separate each operand, and rewrite_format specifies the rewritten function that the data source supports.
functionssequenceyesInformation about the aggregate functions that the source supports. Read functions Sequence for details.

Read aggregate functions to learn which aggregate functions Dremio supports.

functions Sequence

The example below shows a functions sequence for avg, max, and min functions:

Example functions sequence
- names:
- avg
- args:
- double
return: double
- names:
- max
- min
- args:
- integer
return: integer

The following nodes are supported for the functions sequence. If you do not specify a names or signatures node in the functions sequence, Dremio does not push down the unspecified function to the data source.

Node NameTypeDescription
namesarrayNames of the functions that the data source supports.
signaturessequenceDefinitions for the data types that the data source supports as inputs and outputs for the functions listed in aggregation.functions.names. Use the args array to specify input data type and the return node to specify output data type.

Enum: bigint, boolean, date, decimal, double, float, integer, interval_day_second, interval_year_month, time, timestamp, varbinary, varchar

join Mapping

Example join mapping
enable: true
enable: true
enable: true
inequality: true
enable: true
inequality: true
enable: false
inequality: false
enable: false
inequality: false

The following nodes are supported for the join mapping:

Node NameTypeRequiredDescription
enableBooleanyesIf true, the data source supports JOIN clauses. Otherwise, false.
crossmappingyesInclude enable: true if the data source supports CROSS JOIN clauses or enable: false if the data source does not support CROSS JOIN clauses.
  • Include enable: true if the data source supports INNER JOIN clauses or enable: false if the data source does not support INNER JOIN clauses.
  • Include inequality: true if the data source supports inequality constraints for INNER JOIN clauses or inequality: false if the data source does not support inequality constraints for INNER JOIN clauses.
  • Include enable: true if the data source supports LEFT JOIN clauses or enable: false if the data source does not support LEFT JOIN clauses.
  • Include inequality: true if the data source supports inequality constraints for LEFT JOIN clauses or inequality: false if the data source does not support inequality constraints for LEFT JOIN clauses.
  • Include enable: true if the data source supports RIGHT JOIN clauses or enable: false if the data source does not support RIGHT JOIN clauses.
  • Include inequality: true if the data source supports inequality constraints for RIGHT JOIN clauses or inequality: false if the data source does not support inequality constraints for RIGHT JOIN clauses.
  • Include enable: true if the data source supports FULL JOIN clauses or enable: false if the data source does not support FULL JOIN clauses.
  • Include inequality: true if the data source supports inequality constraints for FULL JOIN clauses or inequality: false if the data source does not support inequality constraints for FULL JOIN clauses.

sort Mapping

Example sort mapping
enable: true
enable: true
default_nulls_ordering: high
enable: true
format: 'LIMIT {1} OFFSET {0}'
enable: false
enable: true
format: 'LIMIT {0}'

The following nodes are supported for the sort mapping:

Node NameTypeRequiredDescription
enableBooleanyesIf true, the data source supports the SORT operator. Otherwise, false.
  • Include enable: true if the data source supports the ORDER BY clause or enable: false if the data source does not support the ORDER BY clause. If set to enable: true, you must also include default_nulls_ordering in the order_by mapping.
  • Specify the order in which nulls appear.
    • default_nulls_ordering: first: Nulls always appear first, regardless of direction.
    • default_nulls_ordering: high: Nulls appear first when descending.
    • default_nulls_ordering: last: Nulls always appear last, regardless of direction.
    • default_nulls_ordering: low: Nulls appear last when descending.
fetch_offsetmappingyesThe fetch_offset mapping includes three further mapping options:
  • offset_fetch:
    • Include enable: true if the data source supports the OFFSET FETCH clause or enable: false if the data source does not support the OFFSET FETCH clause.
    • format: Specify the format to use for OFFSET FETCH clauses.
  • offset_only: Include enable: true if the data source supports only the OFFSET clause or enable: false if the data source does not support only the OFFSET clause.
  • fetch_only:
    • Include enable: true if the data source supports only the FETCH clause or enable: false if the data source does not support only the FETCH clause.
    • format: Specify the format to use for FETCH clauses.

expressions Mapping

Example expressions mapping
correlated: true
scalar: true
in_clause: true
supports_case: true
supports_over: false
- names:
- =
- '!='
- <>
- '>'
- '>='
- <
- <=
- args:
- double
- double
return: boolean
- args:
- double
- integer
return: boolean
- args:
- double
- varchar
return: boolean
- args:
- integer
- double
return: boolean
- args:
- integer
- integer
return: boolean
- args:
- integer
- varchar
return: boolean
- args:
- varchar
- varchar
return: boolean
- names:
- not
- args:
- boolean
return: boolean
- names:
- sign
- args:
- double
return: double
- args:
- integer
return: integer
rewrite: 'SIGN({0})'
- names:
- and
- return: boolean
arg_type: boolean
- names:
- or
- return: boolean
arg_type: boolean
enable: true
format: AD
enable: true
format: AM
enable: true
format: CC
enable: true
format: '9'
enable: true
format: '0'

The expressions mapping in the ARP file includes the following nodes:

Node NameTypeRequiredDescription
subqueriesmappingyesSpecify the types of subqueries the data source supports:
  • correlated: If true, the data source supports pushing down correlated subqueries. Otherwise, false.
  • scalar: If true, the data source supports pushing down scalar subqueries. Otherwise, false.
  • in_clause: If true, the data source supports pushing down subqueries that use the IN clause. Otherwise, false.
supports_caseBooleanyesIf true, the data source supports pushing down queries that include the CASE expression. Otherwise, false.
supports_overBooleanyesIf true, the data source supports pushing down queries that include the OVER clause. Otherwise, false.
operatorssequenceyesSpecify the scalar functions that the data source supports, the signatures of the supported functions, and rewrites to modify the SQL for scalar functions as needed for the data source. Read operators Sequence for details.
variable_length_operatorssequenceyesSpecify the operators that may have a variable number of arguments that the data source supports, the signatures of the supported operator, and rewrites to modify the SQL for the operators as needed for the data source. Read variable_length_operators Sequence for details.
datetime_formatsmappingyesSpecify the format mappings that Dremio should use when converting a string type to a date/time format. Read datetime_formats Mapping for details.
numeric_formatsmappingyesSpecify the format mappings that Dremio should use when converting a string type to a numeric format. Read numeric_formats Mapping for details.

operators Sequence

Example operators sequence
- names:
- '='
- '!='
- '<>'
- '>'
- '>='
- '<'
- '<='
- args:
- double
- double
return: boolean
- args:
- double
- integer
return: boolean
- args:
- double
- varchar
return: boolean
- args:
- integer
- double
return: boolean
- args:
- integer
- integer
return: boolean
- args:
- integer
- varchar
return: boolean
- args:
- varchar
- varchar
return: boolean
- names:
- not
- args:
- boolean
return: boolean
- names:
- sign
- args:
- double
return: double
- args:
- integer
return: integer
rewrite: 'SIGN({0})'
- names:
- cast
- args:
- varchar
return: integer
- args:
- varchar
return: bigint

The following nodes are supported for the operators sequence:

Node NameTypeDescription
namesarrayNames of the operators that the data source supports. If you include a names array, you must also include a corresponding signatures sequence.
signaturessequenceDefinitions for the data types that the data source supports as inputs and outputs for the operators listed in expressions.operators.names. Use the args array to specify input data type, the return node to specify output data type, and the rewrite node to specify the rewritten function that the data source supports.

Refer to SQL Function Categories for supported functions for ARP files, listed by category.

The following list includes examples of supported operators for ARP files:

  • Not equal: !=
  • Modulo: %
  • Multiply: *
  • Add: +
  • Divide: /
  • Less than: <
  • Less than or equal to: <=
  • Not equal: <>
  • Equal: =
  • Concatenate: ||

variable_length_operators Sequence

Example variable_length_operators sequence
- names:
- and
- return: boolean
arg_type: boolean
- names:
- or
- return: boolean
arg_type: boolean

The following nodes are supported for the variable_length_operators sequence:

Node NameTypeDescription
namesarrayNames of the operators that may have a variable number of arguments that the data source supports. If you include a names array, you must also include a corresponding variable_signatures sequence.
variable_signaturessequenceDefinitions for the data types that the data source supports as inputs and outputs for the operators listed in expressions.variable_length_operators.names. Use the arg_type array to specify input data type and the return node to specify output data type.

datetime_formats Mapping

The datetime_formats mapping specifies the format mappings that Dremio should use when converting a string type to a date/time format. The example below shows the mappings for the era, meridian, and century date/time formats:

datetime_formats example
enable: true
format: AD
enable: true
format: AM
enable: true
format: CC

The following nodes are supported for each format listed in the datetime_formats mapping:

Node NameTypeRequiredDescription
enableBooleanyesIf true, the data source supports the format. Otherwise, false.
formatstringyesThe string formatting to use to parse.

The following date/time formats are supported:

day_of_yearformat: DDD
day_of_monthformat: DD
day_nameformat: DAY
day_name_abbreviatedformat: DY
year_4format: YYYY
year_2format: YY
eraformat: AD

format: BC
centuryformat: CC
week_of_yearformat: WW
month_nameformat: MONTH
month_name_abbreviatedformat: MON
monthformat: MM
hour_24format: HH24
hour_12format: HH12

format: HH
minuteformat: MI
secondformat: SS
meridianformat: AM

format: PM
millisecondformat: FFF
timezone_abbreviationformat: TZD
timezone_offsetformat: TZO
day_of_weekformat: D

numeric_formats Mapping

The numeric_formats mapping specifies the format mappings that Dremio should use when converting a string type to a numeric format. The example below shows the mappings for the digit and zero_digit date/time formats:

numeric_formats example
enable: true
format: '9'
enable: true
format: '0'

The following nodes are supported for each format listed in the numeric_formats mapping:

Node NameTypeRequiredDescription
enableBooleanyesIf true, the data source supports the format. Otherwise, false.
formatstringyesHow the format is represented in the source system. For example, in Oracle, a number is represented as 9. Other systems may use different formatting string, such as #. For all formats except quote_character, if you set enable: false, do not include format. The quote_character format is required: you must specify a format string for quote_character.

The following numeric formats are supported:

digitformat: 9
zero_digitformat: 0
decimalformat: '.'
group_separatorformat: ','
exponent_separatorformat: ','
quote_characterformat: '"'
digitformat: 9
digitformat: 9


This section describes some common issues that you might encounter when creating an ARP connector.

Maven Build Failures

When you run the mvn clean install command, you might see a BUILD FAILURE error. This means that something is incorrect in your <your-data-source> file. The error message should include the error's location (file name, line number, and character number) or the error and a description of the problem.

To resolve common errors in the <your-data-source> file:

  • Confirm that the value for private static final String DRIVER = is the correct JDBC class for the data source.

  • Confirm that the @DisplayMetadata variable names are uniform throughout the entire file.

  • Check the documentation for the source and confirm that the JDBC string is correct.

Read the documentation for Maven for more information.

Pushdown Failures

To debug pushdowns for queries, open the logback.xml file, which is located in the dremio/conf directory for your Dremio cluster, and add the following lines anywhere within the configuration block:

Lines to add to logback.xml
<logger name="">
<level value="${dremio.log.level:-trace}"/>

After you add the debug lines to logback.xml and run queries, Dremio logs pushdown errors in the server.log file as follows:

Example pushdown error
- 2019-07-11 18:56:24,001 [22d879a7-ce3d-f2ca-f380-005a88865700/0:foreman-planning] DEBUG - Operator / not supported. Aborting pushdown.

To troubleshoot aborted pushdowns, open the <your-data-source>.arp.yaml file and check it against the documentation for your data source to make sure that the supported SQL functions are listed correctly in the <your-data-source>.arp.yaml file.