You can use the legacy Dremio JDBC driver to run DbVisualizer, a SQL runner that works with any JDBC-compliant data source.
Supported Versions
You can use any version of DbVisualizer, if you use the legacy Dremio JDBC Driver 14.0.0 or later.
Supported Authentication Methods
You can use your Dremio username and password, or you can use a personal access token (PAT) that you obtained from Dremio.
- Download the legacy Dremio JDBC driver.
- If you want to authenticate your connection to Dremio by using a personal access token, see Creating a PAT for the steps to obtain one.
Connecting to Dremio
Add the legacy Dremio JDBC Driver to DbVisualizer's Driver Manager. You need to do this only once, and can skip this step if DbVisualizer already lists this driver in its Driver Manager dialog:
a. In the menubar, select Tools > Driver Manager.
b. In the Driver Name list of the Driver Manager dialog, select Dremio.
c. Click the folder icon to find and select the downloaded Dremio JDBC driver.
d. Close the Driver Manager dialog.
Create a connection to Dremio:
a. In the menubar, select Database > Create Database Connection.
b. Double-click Dremio in the Driver Name list.
c. Name the connection.
d. Ensure that these default values are set:
Field Value Settings Format Server Info Connection Type Direct Database Port 31010 e. In the Database Server field, specify the hostname of your coordinator node.
f. In the Database Userid and Database Password fields, specify your authentication credentials:
To use a personal access token that you obtained from Dremio:
In the Database Userid field, specify the username for which the PAT was generated.
In the Database Password field, paste your personal access token.
To use your Dremio username and password:
In the Database Userid field, specify your username.
In the Database Password field, your password.
g. (Optional) Click Ping Server to test the connection.
h. Click Finish.
DbVisualizer creates the connection and opens it.