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Version: 24.3.x

RPM Install and Upgrade

This topic describes how to install and upgrade Dremio using an RPM package.

Installing Dremio

Perform these steps on each node of your Dremio cluster:

  1. Download and install Dremio via RPM.

    Download and install Dremio
    sudo yum install dremio-<VERSION>.rpm
  2. (Optional) Enable dremio to start at boot.

    Enable dremio start at boot (optional)
    sudo chkconfig --level 3456 dremio on
  3. Configure Dremio. See Dremio Configuration for more information.

Default Configuration

The following configurations are created by default when you install Dremio using the RPM package.

Software location/opt/dremio
dremio.conf configuration file/etc/dremio/dremio.conf
dremio-env environment configuration file/etc/dremio/dremio-env
Local path (for data location)/var/lib/dremio
Log directory/var/log/dremio
PID files directory/var/run/dremio

Changing the Dremio User and Group

The generic installation steps assume a user called dremio.

To run the Dremio daemon service under a different username (for example, testuser), apply the following changes before configuring.

  1. Update the DREMIO_USER in the /etc/sysconfig/dremio file to testuser.

  2. Apply the following permissions:

    Permissions to apply
    sudo chown -R testuser:testuser /var/log/dremio
    sudo chown -R testuser:testuser /var/lib/dremio
    sudo chown -R testuser:testuser /var/run/dremio

Upgrading Dremio

This topic provides upgrade instructions for RPM-based installations. These instructions assume you are using the default RPM installation paths for configuration, data and logging.

Before you begin, do the following:

To upgrade your Dremio installation:

  1. Ensure that your existing Dremio cluster is backed up. See Create a backup for more information.

  2. Shut down all Dremio provisioned nodes. For example: service dremio stop

  3. On each Dremio node in your cluster, copy your old Dremio installation to another location on the node. For example:

    Copy and move Dremio installation
    cp -rL /var/lib/dremio /var/lib/dremio_bak
    cp -rL /opt/dremio /opt/dremio_bak
  4. Download and install the new Dremio version. For example:

    Download and install Dremio
    sudo yum install dremio-<version>.rpm
    • For YARN deployments, install on each coordinator node in your Dremio cluster.
    • For non-YARN deployments, install on all nodes in your Dremio cluster.
  5. Copy the /conf directory and associated configuration files from your backup-copy location (from Step# 3) to the new installation location. As a result, the default files from the fresh install are overwritten. For example:

    Copy and move the /conf directory and files
    cp /opt/dremio_bak/conf/* /opt/dremio/conf
    • For YARN deployments, perform this step on each coordinator node in your Dremio cluster.
    • For non-YARN deployments, perform this step on all nodes in your Dremio cluster.
  6. On the coordinator node, copy the metastore files from your backup-copy location (from Step #3) to the new installation location. For example:

    Copy and move the metastore files
    cp -r /var/lib/dremio_bak/* /var/lib/dremio
  1. On the coordinator node, execute the upgrade script as the user running the Dremio Daemon service. For example, as "dremio":

    Execute upgrade script
    dremio-<version>/bin/dremio-admin upgrade
  2. Start up all Dremio provisioned nodes in the Dremio cluster. For example: service dremio start.

  3. Backup your new Dremio cluster. See Create a backup for more information.