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Autoingesting Data into Apache Iceberg Enterprise

You can use autoingest pipes to automatically ingest data into Apache Iceberg tables.

Autoingest pipes are objects in Dremio that represent event-driven ingestion pipelines, which collect and load data into a centralized data repository for further analysis and utilization. Event-driven ingestion, or autoingestion, occurs when a new file is added to a specified cloud storage location, which sets off an event in Dremio to copy the new file into an Iceberg table. Dremio automatically ingests the file with micro-batch processing, loading files in small, predefined batches at regular intervals.

  • File Deduplication: File deduplication eliminates copies of files and enhances storage utilization. Dremio's autoingest pipes provide file deduplication by ensuring that your pipe loads semantics only once and preventing files with the same name from loading in a given time period (the DEDUPE_LOOKBACK_PERIOD).

  • Event-Based Execution of COPY INTO: After a new file is added in the source location, an event is sent to Dremio to run a COPY INTO statement. Ingested files are processed in micro-batches to optimize user resources and ensure that the data is efficiently loaded into Dremio.

  • Execution Monitoring and Error Handling: For common issues that can occur with data pipelines, such as single rows that do not conform to the target table schema or read permissions being revoked on the source, Dremio takes the appropriate action to alert the user and suggest potential solutions.

  • Efficient Batching for Optimal Engine Utilization: When implementing an event-based loading system, users often execute a load command for every file immediately after the file is added to cloud storage. This frequent loading increases the likelihood that Iceberg file sizes will be smaller than the optimal size and the engine will be overutilized. Both of these issues result in higher total cost of ownership because they require running OPTIMIZE TABLE jobs more frequently to compact Iceberg tables, which uses engine resources inefficiently. Dremio’s autoingest pipes efficiently organize requests into micro-batches that minimize the cost of loading data and maintain acceptable latency in a data lifecycle.


Autoingest pipes can only ingest data from Amazon S3 sources in Dremio.

Autoingest Pipe Operation

When you use the CREATE PIPE SQL command to create an autoingest pipe, use the following parameters to define the pipe's behavior. Read Configuring an Autoingest Pipe for examples that show how to use these parameters.

Syntax for CREATE PIPE
[ DEDUPE_LOOKBACK_PERIOD <number_of_days> ]
NOTIFICATION_PROVIDER <notification_provider>
NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_REFERENCE <notification_queue_ref>
AS COPY INTO <table_name>
[ AT BRANCH <branch_name> ]
FROM '@<storage_location_name>/[ /<folder_name> ]'
[ FILE_FORMAT 'csv' | 'json' | 'parquet']
[ ( [csv_format_options] | [json_format_options] | [parquet_format_options]) ]
DEDUPE_LOOKBACK_PERIODOptional parameter that specifies how many days to look back when comparing incoming files to previously loaded files. If the autoingest pipe writes two files with the same name to the storage location within the lookback period, Dremio considers the second file a duplicate record and does not load it, even if a user explicitly deletes and reuploads a file with the same name. The default value is 14 days. You can set the DEDUPE_LOOKBACK_PERIOD parameter to any value from 0 to 90 days. If you set the parameter to 0 days, Dremio does not perform file deduplication.
NOTIFICATION_PROVIDERRequired parameter that specifies the provider of the event notification queue.
NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_REFERENCERequired parameter that specifies the unique identifier of the event notification queue.
COPY INTORequired parameter that specifies the target table and expected file format.
@<storage-location-name>Required parameter that specifies the storage directory where new files are loaded. Autoingest pipes can load from a hierarchical directory structure, but they do not load file paths or Hive partition columns that are embedded in the file paths.

Configuring an Autoingest Pipe

Follow the steps in this section to configure an autoingest pipe.


For the configuration, you will need to address the following prerequisites:

Step 1: Create an Iceberg Table

You can create the table in any catalog, although the table schema must match the expected schema for all files in the cloud storage source. See the example below:

Example of creating an Iceberg table
(Col_one int, Col_two varchar)

If a file has at least one record that does not match the schema, Dremio skips the entire file. To check the file load status, see sys.copy_file_history.

Step 2: Create an Autoingest Pipe

When you use the CREATE PIPE command to create an autoingest pipe, you must use a preconfigured data source in Dremio that allows for ingesting files, which is used as the @<storage_location_name> in the COPY INTO statement. In this source, you can specify the folder or its subfolders by adding /<folder_name>. Any new files that are added to the specified folder or its subdirectories are loaded into the target table.

The following example shows how to create an autoingest pipe for an Amazon S3 source:

Example of creating a pipe
CREATE PIPE Example_pipe
NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_REFERENCE "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:444455556666:queue1"
AS COPY INTO Pipe_sink
FROM '@s3_source/folder'

The NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_REFERENCE is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SQS queue where S3 event notifications are sent.

Step 3: Add New Files to Your Amazon S3 Source

Now that you have established connectivity between your SQS queue and Dremio, the autoingest pipe will run every time you add new files to the source.


For other autoingest pipe commands, see ALTER PIPE, DESCRIBE PIPE, and DROP PIPE.


Iceberg Optimization

If a pipe is operating frequently, you may need to run OPTIMIZE TABLE to compact small data files in your Iceberg table. The frequency of maintenance depends on the incoming file size and load frequency.