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Rule Enterprise

Use the Workload Management (WLM) API to create, retrieve, update, and delete WLM rules.

The rule object includes a rules array (also called the ruleset). Each object in the rules array represents an individual rule. Dremio processes rules in the order they are listed within the rules array: the highest-priority rule is listed first, and the lowest-priority rule is listed last.

Rule Object
"tag": "VmqwaZ90VY4=",
"rules": [
"name": "High Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047",
"acceptName": "High Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "fa1ec87d-923b-414c-9064-e079f39f5c49"
"name": "Low Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "0dbc50a0-034d-40f6-92f7-ff11eda0c760",
"acceptName": "Low Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "dcf15b80-403c-4eba-b600-41ea9319e103"
"name": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Rule",
"conditions": "query_label() in ('COPY','OPTIMIZATION')",
"acceptId": "450ea2a5-9a64-4679-99cb-7b01bf6bba27",
"acceptName": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Queue",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "a7f27aea-1e23-4699-8846-51e731c219e9"
"name": "High Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "c2917cce-b566-4c6a-be63-2e28488a6928",
"acceptName": "High Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "880d84a2-548d-4040-b6ba-a5371e87aecf"
"name": "Low Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332",
"acceptName": "Low Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "c0fa6e0b-e479-497b-846a-ad543009a309"
"defaultRule": {
"name": "All Other Queries",
"action": "REJECT",
"id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"

Rule Attributes

tag String

Unique identifier of the version of the rule. Dremio changes the tag whenever a rule changes and uses the tag to ensure that PUT requests apply to the most recent version of the rules.

Example: VmqwaZ90VY4=

rules Array of Object

List of rule objects in the Dremio instance.

defaultRule Object

Information about the default rule for queries. Dremio applies the default rule to queries that do not meet the conditions for any other rule.

Example: {"name": "All Other Queries","action": "REJECT","id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"}

Attributes of Objects in the rules Array

name String

User-provided name for the rule.

Example: High Cost Reflections

conditions String

Conditions that queries must match to be placed in the queue.

Example: query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() >= 30000000

acceptId String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the queue in which the rule places queries.

Example: 1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047

acceptName Integer

User-provided name for the queue in which the rule places queries.

Example: High Cost Reflections

rejectMessage Integer

For rules whose action is REJECT, a user-provided message for queries that do not match the rule conditions.

Example: Rejected because query does not meet the rule conditions

action Integer

Action the rule takes for queries that match the rule conditions.


Example: PLACE

id String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the rule, in UTC format.

Example: fa1ec87d-923b-414c-9064-e079f39f5c49

Attributes of the defaultRule Object

name String

User-provided name for the default rule.

Example: All Other Queries

acceptId String (UUID)

For default rules whose action is PLACE, the unique identifier of the queue in which the default rule places queries.

Example: a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332

acceptName Integer

For default rules whose action is PLACE, the user-provided name for the queue in which the rule places queries.

Example: Low Cost User Queries

rejectMessage Integer

For default rules whose action is REJECT, a user-provided message for queries that do not match any rule conditions.

Example: Rejected because query does not meet any rule conditions

action String

Action the default rule takes for queries that do not match the conditions for any other rule.


Example: REJECT

id String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the default rule.

Example: 8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81

Creating or Updating a Rule

Create or update a WLM rule.

In the WLM API, you interact with the ruleset in the rules array rather than individual rules themselves. To add or update an individual rule, you must include the entire rules array in the request body. It is not necessary to specify the ID for the rule you want to delete in the request URL.

Method and URL
PUT /api/v3/wlm/rule


tag Body   String

Unique identifier of the rules instance. Dremio uses the tag to ensure that PUT requests apply to the most recent version of the rules. Omit if you are creating rules for the organization for the first time.

Example: VmqwaZ90VY4=

rules Body   Array of Object

List of rule objects in the Dremio instance. To add or update an individual rule, you must include the entire rules array in the request body.


defaultRule Body   Object

Information about the default rule for queries. Dremio applies the default rule to queries that do not meet the conditions for any other rule. To add or update an individual rule, you must include the defaultRule object in the request body.

Example: {"name": "All Other Queries","action": "REJECT","id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"}

Parameters of Objects in the rules Array

name Body   String

User-provided name for the rule.

Example: DevOps and Engineering

conditions Body   String

Conditions that queries must match to be placed in the queue.

Example: is_member('DevOps') OR is_member('Engineering')

acceptId Body   String (UUID)

For rules whose action is PLACE, the unique identifier of the queue in which the rule should place queries.

Example: b9g7r35c-bda9-e4fb-bagf-9ceaceb9f7c1

acceptName Body   Integer   Optional

For rules whose action is PLACE, the user-provided name for the queue in which the rule should place queries.

Example: High Cost Reflections

rejectMessage Body   Integer

For rules whose action is REJECT, a user-provided message for queries that do not match the rule conditions.

Example: Rejected because query does not meet the rule conditions

action Body   Integer   Optional

Action the rule should take for queries that match the rule conditions. Default is PLACE.


Example: PLACE

Parameters of the defaultRule Object

name Body   String

User-provided name for the default rule.

Example: All Other Queries

acceptId Body   String (UUID)

For default rules whose action is PLACE, the unique identifier of the queue in which the default rule places queries.

Example: a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332

acceptName Body   Integer

For default rules whose action is PLACE, the user-provided name for the queue in which the rule places queries.

Example: Low Cost User Queries

rejectMessage Body   Integer

For default rules whose action is REJECT, a user-provided message for queries that do not match any rule conditions.

Example: Rejected because query does not meet any rule conditions

action Body   String

Action the default rule should take for queries that do not match the conditions for any other rule.


Example: REJECT

id Body   String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the default rule.

Example: 8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81

This example request demonstrates how to add a DevOps and Engineering rule to the ruleset:

Example Request to Add a Rule
curl -X PUT 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/wlm/rule' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"tag": "VmqwaZ90VY4=",
"rules": [
"name": "DevOps and Engineering",
"conditions": "is_member('DevOps') OR is_member('Engineering')",
"acceptId": "b9g7r35c-bda9-e4fb-bagf-9ceaceb9f7c1",
"acceptName": "DevOps and Eng Testing",
"action": "PLACE"
"name": "High Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047",
"acceptName": "High Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "fa1ec87d-923b-414c-9064-e079f39f5c49"
"name": "Low Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "0dbc50a0-034d-40f6-92f7-ff11eda0c760",
"acceptName": "Low Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "dcf15b80-403c-4eba-b600-41ea9319e103"
"name": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Rule",
"conditions": "query_label() in ('COPY','OPTIMIZATION')",
"acceptId": "450ea2a5-9a64-4679-99cb-7b01bf6bba27",
"acceptName": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Queue",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "a7f27aea-1e23-4699-8846-51e731c219e9"
"name": "High Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "c2917cce-b566-4c6a-be63-2e28488a6928",
"acceptName": "High Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "880d84a2-548d-4040-b6ba-a5371e87aecf"
"name": "Low Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332",
"acceptName": "Low Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "c0fa6e0b-e479-497b-846a-ad543009a309"
"defaultRule": {
"name": "All Other Queries",
"action": "REJECT",
"id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"
Example Response
"tag": "3uzixTFD134=",
"rules": [
"name": "DevOps and Engineering",
"conditions": "is_member('DevOps') OR is_member('Engineering')",
"acceptId": "b9g7r35c-bda9-e4fb-bagf-9ceaceb9f7c1",
"acceptName": "DevOps and Eng Testing",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "e4983ad5-cd4b-4b4a-9410-b5c37021ce34"
"name": "High Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047",
"acceptName": "High Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "fa1ec87d-923b-414c-9064-e079f39f5c49"
"name": "Low Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "0dbc50a0-034d-40f6-92f7-ff11eda0c760",
"acceptName": "Low Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "dcf15b80-403c-4eba-b600-41ea9319e103"
"name": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Rule",
"conditions": "query_label() in ('COPY','OPTIMIZATION')",
"acceptId": "450ea2a5-9a64-4679-99cb-7b01bf6bba27",
"acceptName": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Queue",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "a7f27aea-1e23-4699-8846-51e731c219e9"
"name": "High Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "c2917cce-b566-4c6a-be63-2e28488a6928",
"acceptName": "High Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "880d84a2-548d-4040-b6ba-a5371e87aecf"
"name": "Low Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332",
"acceptName": "Low Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "c0fa6e0b-e479-497b-846a-ad543009a309"
"defaultRule": {
"name": "All Other Queries",
"action": "REJECT",
"id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"

To change the order in which Dremio processes rules, send a PUT request that lists the rules in the desired order within the rules array, with the highest-priority rule listed first, and the lowest-priority rule listed last.

This example request reorders the rules so that the COPY & OPTIMIZATION Rule will be the highest-priority rule:

Example Request to Reorder Rules
curl -X PUT 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/wlm/rule' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"tag": "VmqwaZ90VY4=",
"rules": [
"name": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Rule",
"conditions": "query_label() in ('COPY','OPTIMIZATION')",
"acceptId": "450ea2a5-9a64-4679-99cb-7b01bf6bba27",
"acceptName": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Queue",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "a7f27aea-1e23-4699-8846-51e731c219e9"
"name": "High Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047",
"acceptName": "High Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "fa1ec87d-923b-414c-9064-e079f39f5c49"
"name": "Low Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "0dbc50a0-034d-40f6-92f7-ff11eda0c760",
"acceptName": "Low Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "dcf15b80-403c-4eba-b600-41ea9319e103"
"name": "High Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "c2917cce-b566-4c6a-be63-2e28488a6928",
"acceptName": "High Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "880d84a2-548d-4040-b6ba-a5371e87aecf"
"name": "Low Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332",
"acceptName": "Low Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "c0fa6e0b-e479-497b-846a-ad543009a309"
"defaultRule": {
"name": "All Other Queries",
"action": "REJECT",
"id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"
Example Response
"tag": "3uzixTFD134=",
"rules": [
"name": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Rule",
"conditions": "query_label() in ('COPY','OPTIMIZATION')",
"acceptId": "450ea2a5-9a64-4679-99cb-7b01bf6bba27",
"acceptName": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Queue",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "a7f27aea-1e23-4699-8846-51e731c219e9"
"name": "High Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047",
"acceptName": "High Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "fa1ec87d-923b-414c-9064-e079f39f5c49"
"name": "Low Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "0dbc50a0-034d-40f6-92f7-ff11eda0c760",
"acceptName": "Low Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "dcf15b80-403c-4eba-b600-41ea9319e103"
"name": "High Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "c2917cce-b566-4c6a-be63-2e28488a6928",
"acceptName": "High Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "880d84a2-548d-4040-b6ba-a5371e87aecf"
"name": "Low Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332",
"acceptName": "Low Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "c0fa6e0b-e479-497b-846a-ad543009a309"
"defaultRule": {
"name": "All Other Queries",
"action": "REJECT",
"id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"

Response Status Codes

200   OK

400   Bad Request

401   Unauthorized

403   Forbidden

404   Not Found

409   Conflict

Retrieving All Rules

Retrieve all WLM rules.

Method and URL
GET /api/v3/wlm/rule
Example Request
curl -X GET 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/wlm/rule' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"tag": "3uzixTFD134=",
"rules": [
"name": "DevOps and Engineering",
"conditions": "is_member('DevOps') OR is_member('Engineering')",
"acceptId": "b9g7r35c-bda9-e4fb-bagf-9ceaceb9f7c1",
"acceptName": "DevOps and Eng Testing",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "e4983ad5-cd4b-4b4a-9410-b5c37021ce34"
"name": "High Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047",
"acceptName": "High Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "fa1ec87d-923b-414c-9064-e079f39f5c49"
"name": "Low Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "0dbc50a0-034d-40f6-92f7-ff11eda0c760",
"acceptName": "Low Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "dcf15b80-403c-4eba-b600-41ea9319e103"
"name": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Rule",
"conditions": "query_label() in ('COPY','OPTIMIZATION')",
"acceptId": "450ea2a5-9a64-4679-99cb-7b01bf6bba27",
"acceptName": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Queue",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "a7f27aea-1e23-4699-8846-51e731c219e9"
"name": "High Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "c2917cce-b566-4c6a-be63-2e28488a6928",
"acceptName": "High Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "880d84a2-548d-4040-b6ba-a5371e87aecf"
"name": "Low Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332",
"acceptName": "Low Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "c0fa6e0b-e479-497b-846a-ad543009a309"
"defaultRule": {
"name": "All Other Queries",
"action": "REJECT",
"id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found

409   Conflict

500   Internal Server Error

Deleting a Rule

Delete a WLM rule from the ruleset.

In the WLM API, you interact with the ruleset in the rules array rather than individual rules themselves. To delete a rule, send a PUT request that omits the rule from the rules array. It is not necessary to specify the ID for the rule you want to delete in the request URL.


The default rule can be updated but cannot be deleted.

Method and URL
PUT /api/v3/wlm/rule/

This example request demonstrates how to remove the DevOps and Engineering rule added in the Creating or Updating a Rule example:

Example Request
curl -X PUT 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/wlm/rule' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"tag": "3uzixTFD134=",
"rules": [
"name": "High Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047",
"acceptName": "High Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "fa1ec87d-923b-414c-9064-e079f39f5c49"
"name": "Low Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "0dbc50a0-034d-40f6-92f7-ff11eda0c760",
"acceptName": "Low Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "dcf15b80-403c-4eba-b600-41ea9319e103"
"name": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Rule",
"conditions": "query_label() in ('COPY','OPTIMIZATION')",
"acceptId": "450ea2a5-9a64-4679-99cb-7b01bf6bba27",
"acceptName": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Queue",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "a7f27aea-1e23-4699-8846-51e731c219e9"
"name": "High Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "c2917cce-b566-4c6a-be63-2e28488a6928",
"acceptName": "High Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "880d84a2-548d-4040-b6ba-a5371e87aecf"
"name": "Low Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332",
"acceptName": "Low Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "c0fa6e0b-e479-497b-846a-ad543009a309"
"defaultRule": {
"name": "All Other Queries",
"action": "REJECT",
"id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"
Example Response
"tag": "VmqwaZ90VY4=",
"rules": [
"name": "High Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047",
"acceptName": "High Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "fa1ec87d-923b-414c-9064-e079f39f5c49"
"name": "Low Cost Reflections",
"conditions": "query_type() = 'Reflections' AND query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "0dbc50a0-034d-40f6-92f7-ff11eda0c760",
"acceptName": "Low Cost Reflections",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "dcf15b80-403c-4eba-b600-41ea9319e103"
"name": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Rule",
"conditions": "query_label() in ('COPY','OPTIMIZATION')",
"acceptId": "450ea2a5-9a64-4679-99cb-7b01bf6bba27",
"acceptName": "COPY & OPTIMIZATION Queue",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "a7f27aea-1e23-4699-8846-51e731c219e9"
"name": "High Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() >= 30000000",
"acceptId": "c2917cce-b566-4c6a-be63-2e28488a6928",
"acceptName": "High Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "880d84a2-548d-4040-b6ba-a5371e87aecf"
"name": "Low Cost User Queries",
"conditions": "query_cost() < 30000000",
"acceptId": "a254d63e-9b0e-41be-af4a-1acc5bfe2332",
"acceptName": "Low Cost User Queries",
"action": "PLACE",
"id": "c0fa6e0b-e479-497b-846a-ad543009a309"
"defaultRule": {
"name": "All Other Queries",
"action": "REJECT",
"id": "8df37560-68c5-45a6-8e1f-4ee2e8438f81"

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found

409   Conflict

500   Internal Server Error