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Version: current [25.x]


Use the Scripts API to manage scripts, retrieve the contents of scripts for use in a scheduler, retrieve and update privileges on scripts, and migrate scripts between different environments.

Scripts Object
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e",
"name": "newScript",
"content": "SELECT * FROM sampledb",
"context": [
"owner": "8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e",
"createdAt": "2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z",
"createdBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e",
"modifiedAt": "2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z",
"modifiedBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e"
"id": "37dab994-3f1f-4de7-b2e7-49cb5ff0b395",
"name": "tmp_testing_04-15-24",
"content": "-- create table accounting_storage.\"\".test1(id INT);\n-- refresh dataset test1\nalter table test1 REFRESH METADATA;",
"context": [
"owner": "ba92bf87-174d-422e-becb-d526757c8099",
"createdAt": "2024-04-15T10:38:31.433Z",
"createdBy": "ba92bf87-174d-422e-becb-d526757c8099",
"modifiedAt": "2024-04-15T11:03:27.542Z",
"modifiedBy": "ba92bf87-174d-422e-becb-d526757c8099"
"id": "02fef13e-cedd-46ac-b5bf-abcdcd092146",
"name": "pop10000_A",
"content": "SELECT * FROM Samples.\"\".\"zips.json\" WHERE pop > 10000 AND STARTS_WITH(city, 'A');\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW myView AS\nSELECT city, state, pop FROM Samples.\"\".\"zips.json\"\nWHERE pop > 10000;\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW myView2 AS\nSELECT * FROM myView\nWHERE STARTS_WITH(city, 'A');\n\nALTER TABLE myView2 \nCREATE RAW REFLECTION myReflection \nUSING DISPLAY(city, state, pop);\n\nSELECT * FROM myView2;\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isMA(state VARCHAR)\n RETURNS BOOLEAN\n RETURN SELECT state = 'MA';\n\nALTER TABLE myView ADD ROW ACCESS POLICY isMA(\"state\");\n\nSELECT * FROM myView2;\n\n// Refresh the reflection\n\nSELECT * FROM myView2;",
"context": [
"owner": "7a92baf7-646a-4bc5-b0f4-eaf18d0a9921",
"createdAt": "2024-05-16T18:08:06.363Z",
"createdBy": "7a92baf7-646a-4bc5-b0f4-eaf18d0a9921",
"modifiedAt": "2024-05-16T18:31:22.593Z",
"modifiedBy": "7a92baf7-646a-4bc5-b0f4-eaf18d0a9921"

Scripts Attributes

total Integer

Total number of scripts in the organization.

Example: 3

data Array of Object

List of the scripts in the organization, with an individual object representing each script.

Attributes of Objects in the data Array

id String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the script. Generated by Dremio and immutable.

Example: 74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e

name String

User-provided name of the script.

Example: newScript

content String

The script's SQL.

Example: SELECT * FROM sampledb

context Array of String

Path where the SQL query specified in the content attribute runs. If no context is specified for the script, the value is an empty array.

Example: ["@dremio","scriptsFolder"]

owner String

Unique identifier for the user who owns the script.

Example: 8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e

createdAt String

Date and time that the script was created. In UTC format.

Example: 2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z

createdBy String

The unique identifier for the user who created the script.

Example: a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e

modifiedAt String

Date and time that the script was last modified. In UTC format.

Example: 2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z

modifiedBy String

The unique identifier for the user who last modified the script.

Example: a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e

Creating a Script

Create a script.

Method and URL
POST /api/v3/scripts


name Body   String

Name to use for the script.

Example: newScript

content Body   String

The SQL for the script.

Example: SELECT * FROM sampledb

context Body   Array of String   Optional

Path where the SQL query specified in the content attribute should run.

Example: ["@dremio","scriptsFolder"]

owner Body   String   Optional

Unique identifier for the user who should own the script. Default is the ID for the user who creates the script.

Example: 8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e

Example Request
curl -X POST 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/scripts' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "newScript",
"content": "SELECT * FROM sampledb",
"context": [
"owner": "8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e"
Example Response
"id": "f873a72e-12a5-4537-a393-f9675da7c5f8",
"name": "newScript",
"content": "SELECT * FROM sampledb",
"context": [
"owner": "8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e",
"createdAt": "2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z",
"createdBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e",
"modifiedAt": "2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z",
"modifiedBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e"

Response Status Codes

200   OK

400   Bad Request

401   Unauthorized

Retrieving All Scripts

Retrieve a list of all scripts in the organization.

Method and URL
GET /api/v3/scripts/


createdBy Query   String   Optional

Unique identifier for the user who created the scripts you want to retrieve. For more information, read createdBy Query Parameter.

maxResults Query   Integer   Optional

Maximum number of scripts to return in the response. Maximum valid value is 100. Default is 25. For more information, read maxResults Query Parameter.

offset Query   Integer   Optional

Number of rows to skip for pagination. Default is 0. Read limit and offset Query Parameters for usage examples.

orderBy Query   String   Optional

Organize the response in ascending (default) or descending order by name, createdAt, or modifiedAt. To specify descending order, precede the orderBy value with a - character. To organize the response by more than one attribute, use a comma-separated list: ?orderBy=createdAt,name. For more information, read orderBy Query Parameter.

ownedBy Query   String   Optional

Unique identifier for the user who owns the scripts you want to retrieve. For more information, read ownedBy Query Parameter.

search Query   String   Optional

The string for which to search the values of the name attributes in scripts. Read search Query Parameter for usage examples.

Example Request
curl -X GET 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/scripts' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"total": 3,
"data": [
"id": "74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e",
"name": "newScript",
"content": "SELECT * FROM sampledb",
"context": [
"owner": "8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e",
"createdAt": "2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z",
"createdBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e",
"modifiedAt": "2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z",
"modifiedBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e"
"id": "37dab994-3f1f-4de7-b2e7-49cb5ff0b395",
"name": "tmp_testing_04-15-24",
"content": "-- create table accounting_storage.\"\".test1(id INT);\n-- refresh dataset test1\nalter table test1 REFRESH METADATA;",
"context": [
"owner": "ba92bf87-174d-422e-becb-d526757c8099",
"createdAt": "2024-04-15T10:38:31.433Z",
"createdBy": "ba92bf87-174d-422e-becb-d526757c8099",
"modifiedAt": "2024-04-15T11:03:27.542Z",
"modifiedBy": "ba92bf87-174d-422e-becb-d526757c8099"
"id": "02fef13e-cedd-46ac-b5bf-abcdcd092146",
"name": "pop10000_A",
"content": "SELECT * FROM Samples.\"\".\"zips.json\" WHERE pop > 10000 AND STARTS_WITH(city, 'A');\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW myView AS\nSELECT city, state, pop FROM Samples.\"\".\"zips.json\"\nWHERE pop > 10000;\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW myView2 AS\nSELECT * FROM myView\nWHERE STARTS_WITH(city, 'A');\n\nALTER TABLE myView2 \nCREATE RAW REFLECTION myReflection \nUSING DISPLAY(city, state, pop);\n\nSELECT * FROM myView2;\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isMA(state VARCHAR)\n RETURNS BOOLEAN\n RETURN SELECT state = 'MA';\n\nALTER TABLE myView ADD ROW ACCESS POLICY isMA(\"state\");\n\nSELECT * FROM myView2;\n\n// Refresh the reflection\n\nSELECT * FROM myView2;",
"context": [
"owner": "7a92baf7-646a-4bc5-b0f4-eaf18d0a9921",
"createdAt": "2024-05-16T18:08:06.363Z",
"createdBy": "7a92baf7-646a-4bc5-b0f4-eaf18d0a9921",
"modifiedAt": "2024-05-16T18:31:22.593Z",
"modifiedBy": "7a92baf7-646a-4bc5-b0f4-eaf18d0a9921"

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

Retrieving a Script by ID

Retrieve the specified script.

Method and URL
GET /api/v3/scripts/{id}


id Path   String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the script you want to retrieve.

Example: 74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e

Example Request
curl -X GET 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/scripts/74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"id": "74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e",
"name": "newScript",
"content": "SELECT * FROM sampledb",
"context": [
"owner": "8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e",
"createdAt": "2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z",
"createdBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e",
"modifiedAt": "2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z",
"modifiedBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e"

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found

Updating a Script

Update the specified script.

Method and URL
PATCH /api/v3/scripts/{id}


id Path   String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the script.

Example: 74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e

name Body   String   Optional

User-provided name to use for the script.

Example: updatedScript

content Body   Array of String   Optional

The updated SQL for the script.

Example: SELECT * FROM Samples.""."zips.json"

context Body   String   Optional

Path where the SQL query specified in the content attribute should run.

Example: ["@dremio","secondScriptsFolder"]

owner Body   String   Optional

Unique identifier for the user who should own the script.

Example: a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e

Example Request
curl -X PATCH 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/scripts/74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "updatedScript",
"content": "SELECT * FROM Samples.""."zips.json"",
"context": [
"owner": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e"
Example Response
"id": "74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e",
"name": "updatedScript",
"content": "SELECT * FROM Samples.\"\".\"zips.json\"",
"context": [
"owner": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e",
"createdAt": "2024-05-24T17:42:00.304Z",
"createdBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e",
"modifiedAt": "2024-05-24T18:56:59.409Z",
"modifiedBy": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e"

Response Status Codes

200   OK

400   Bad Request

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found

Deleting a Script

Delete the specified script.

Method and URL
DELETE /api/v3/scripts/{id}


id Path   String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the script that you want to delete.

Example: 74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e

Example Request
curl -X DELETE 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/scripts/74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
No response

Response Status Codes

204   No Content

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found

Deleting a Group of Scripts

Delete the listed group of scripts.

Method and URL
POST /api/v3/scripts:batchDelete


ids Body   Array of String

Array of unique identifiers of the scripts that you want to delete.

Example: ["74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e","37dab994-3f1f-4de7-b2e7-49cb5ff0b395","02fef13e-cedd-46ac-b5bf-abcdcd092146"]

Example Request
curl -X POST 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/scripts:batchDelete' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"ids": [
Example Response
"unauthorizedIds": [],
"notFoundIds": [],
"otherErrorIds": []

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found

Retrieving Privilege Information for a Script

Retrieve information about the privileges granted on the specified script.

Method and URL
GET /api/v3/scripts/{id}/grants


id Path   String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the script whose privilege information you want to retrieve.

Example: 74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e

Example Request
curl -X GET 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/scripts/74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e/grants' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"users": [
"granteeId": "8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e",
"privileges": [
"granteeId": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e",
"privileges": [
"roles": []

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found

Updating Privileges Granted on a Script

Update the privileges that are granted on the specified script.

Method and URL
PUT /api/v3/scripts/{id}/grants


id Path   String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the script whose privilege grants you want to update.

Example: 74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e

users Body   Array of Object   Optional

Array of objects that specify which users should have privileges on the script, as well as each user's specific privileges.

roles Body   Array of Object   Optional

Array of objects that specify which roles should have privileges on the script, as well as each role's specific privileges.

Attributes of Objects in the users Array

granteeId Body   String   Optional

Unique identifier for the user for whom you want to add or update privileges.

Example: 8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e

privileges Body   Array of String   Optional

The array of privileges you want to add or update for the user.


Example: ["VIEW","MODIFY","DELETE"]

Attributes of Objects in the roles Array

granteeId Body   String   Optional

Unique identifier for the role for which you want to add or update privileges.

Example: 6a1725a3-5721-44e3-b64f-0b39a35749ab

privileges Body   Array of String   Optional

The array of privileges you want to add or update for the role.


Example: ["VIEW","MODIFY","DELETE"]

Example Request
curl -X PUT 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/scripts/74cfddfd-cb0b-4b2f-b555-cb8b827fec1e/grants' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"users": [
"granteeId": "8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e",
"privileges": [
"roles": [
"granteeId": "6a1725a3-5721-44e3-b64f-0b39a35749ab",
"privileges": [
Example Response
"users": [
"granteeId": "8be516f3-04c4-4d19-824d-5a70b3c4442e",
"privileges": [
"granteeId": "a97c694f-1e55-4f34-91aa-97f99fee802e",
"privileges": [
"roles": [
"granteeId": "6a1725a3-5721-44e3-b64f-0b39a35749ab",
"privileges": [

Response Status Codes

200   OK

401   Unauthorized

404   Not Found