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Version: current [25.0.x]


Use the Catalog API to retrieve information about the home space and the child objects it contains.

Home Object
"entityType": "home",
"id": "87049e43-8564-4ee7-8bb6-5bdaf5bd0959",
"name": "",
"tag": "8S9cTZ5IsWo=",
"children": [
"id": "1e16c0e5-c890-4f87-b1a6-ac9325aafa2c",
"path": [
"tag": "KgFBPW3+Cyc=",
"type": "CONTAINER",
"containerType": "FOLDER"
"id": "a59815d0-3c21-41ad-b9bc-2ba105251fa6",
"path": [
"tag": "OaQT64frevc=",
"type": "DATASET",
"datasetType": "PROMOTED",
"createdAt": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"id": "37401663-8666-4e00-bc03-668abb43ccd7",
"path": [
"tag": "+H5TpLYoosY=",
"type": "DATASET",
"datasetType": "VIRTUAL",
"createdAt": "2023-02-07T21:26:14.385Z"

Home Attributes

entityType String

Type of the catalog object. For the home space, the entityType is home.

Example: home

id String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the home space.

Example: 87049e43-8564-4ee7-8bb6-5bdaf5bd0959

name String

Name of the home space. Automatically generated based on the username.


tag String

Unique identifier of the version of the home space. Dremio uses tags to ensure that PUT requests apply to the most recent version of the resource being updated. However, home spaces cannot be changed, so the tag is listed in the home space object but not used.

Example: 8S9cTZ5IsWo=

children Array of Object

Information about each catalog object in the home space.

Example: [{"id":"1e16c0e5-c890-4f87-b1a6-ac9325aafa2c","path": ["@dremio","Business"],"tag":"KgFBPW3+Cyc=","type":"CONTAINER","containerType":"FOLDER"},{"id":"a59815d0-3c21-41ad-b9bc-2ba105251fa6","path": ["@dremio","meeting_rooms_lookup"],"tag":"OaQT64frevc=","type":"DATASET","datasetType":"PROMOTED","createdAt":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},{"id":"37401663-8666-4e00-bc03-668abb43ccd7","path": ["@dremio","NYC-trips-quarterly"],"tag":"+H5TpLYoosY=","type":"DATASET","datasetType":"VIRTUAL","createdAt":"2023-02-07T21:26:14.385Z"}]

Attributes of Objects in the children Array

id String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the catalog object.

Example: 1e16c0e5-c890-4f87-b1a6-ac9325aafa2c

path Array of String

Path of the catalog object within Dremio, expressed as an array. The path consists of the home space, followed by any folder and subfolders, followed by the catalog object itself as the last item in the array.

Example: ["","Business"]

tag String

Unique identifier of the version of the catalog object. Dremio changes the tag whenever the catalog object changes and uses the tag to ensure that PUT requests apply to the most recent version of the object.

Example: KgFBPW3+Cyc=

type String

Type of the catalog object.



containerType String

For catalog entities with the type CONTAINER, the type of container.


Example: FOLDER

datasetType String

For catalog entities with the type DATASET, the type of dataset. For tables, the datasetType is PROMOTED. For views, the datasetType is VIRTUAL.



createdAt String

For catalog entities with the type DATASET, date and time that the catalog object was created, in UTC format.

Example: 2023-02-07T21:26:14.385Z

Retrieving the Home Space by ID

Retrieve information about the home space and its contents by specifying the home space's ID.

Method and URL
GET /api/v3/catalog/{id}


id Body   String (UUID)

Unique identifier of the home space that you want to retrieve.

Example: 87049e43-8564-4ee7-8bb6-5bdaf5bd0959

Example Request
curl -X GET 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/catalog/63505c60-bc86-42aa-a622-24e5f22ce50b' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"entityType": "home",
"id": "87049e43-8564-4ee7-8bb6-5bdaf5bd0959",
"name": "",
"tag": "8S9cTZ5IsWo=",
"children": [
"id": "1e16c0e5-c890-4f87-b1a6-ac9325aafa2c",
"path": [
"tag": "KgFBPW3+Cyc=",
"type": "CONTAINER",
"containerType": "FOLDER"
"id": "a59815d0-3c21-41ad-b9bc-2ba105251fa6",
"path": [
"tag": "OaQT64frevc=",
"type": "DATASET",
"datasetType": "PROMOTED",
"createdAt": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"id": "37401663-8666-4e00-bc03-668abb43ccd7",
"path": [
"tag": "+H5TpLYoosY=",
"type": "DATASET",
"datasetType": "VIRTUAL",
"createdAt": "2023-02-07T21:26:14.385Z"

Response Status Codes

200   OK

400   Bad Request

401   Unauthorized

403   Forbidden

404   Not Found

Retrieving the Home Space by Path

Retrieve information about the home space and its contents by specifying the home space's path.

Method and URL
GET /api/v3/catalog/by-path/{path}


path Path   String

Path of the home space whose information you want to retrieve. The home space path is the username, preceded with the @ symbol.


Example Request
curl -X GET 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/catalog/by-path/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
"entityType": "home",
"id": "87049e43-8564-4ee7-8bb6-5bdaf5bd0959",
"name": "",
"tag": "8S9cTZ5IsWo=",
"children": [
"id": "1e16c0e5-c890-4f87-b1a6-ac9325aafa2c",
"path": [
"tag": "KgFBPW3+Cyc=",
"type": "CONTAINER",
"containerType": "FOLDER"
"id": "a59815d0-3c21-41ad-b9bc-2ba105251fa6",
"path": [
"tag": "OaQT64frevc=",
"type": "DATASET",
"datasetType": "PROMOTED",
"createdAt": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"id": "37401663-8666-4e00-bc03-668abb43ccd7",
"path": [
"tag": "+H5TpLYoosY=",
"type": "DATASET",
"datasetType": "VIRTUAL",
"createdAt": "2023-02-07T21:26:14.385Z"

Response Status Codes

200   OK

400   Bad Request

401   Unauthorized

403   Forbidden

404   Not Found