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Version: current [25.0.x]

Administering Dremio on Azure

This topic provides information about how to scale the Dremio executor nodes, start and stop Dremio.

Scaling Executor Nodes

To scale the Dremio executor nodes (up or down):

  1. Go to Resource groups > YourResourceName > Overview.
  2. Click on <DremioClusterName>-executors.
  3. Click on the left Scaling menu item.
  4. With the Configure > Override condition option, change the instance count value
    to the desired number of executors and Save.

Stopping and Restarting Dremio Nodes

To stop the Dremio cluster, shutdown the executor and coordinator nodes in the following order:

  1. Deallocate the executer nodes(s).
  2. Stop the coordinator node.

To restart the Dremio cluster, start the executor and coordinator nodes in the following order:

  1. Start the coordinator node.
  2. Start the executor node(s).

Shutting Down the Executor Node

To shutdown the Dremio executor node(s):

  1. Go to Resource groups > YourResourceName > Overview.
  2. Click on <DremioClusterName>-executors.
  3. Click on the top Deallocate menu item.
  4. When prompted with Deallocate virtual machine scale set, select Yes.

Shutting Down the Coordinator Node

To shutdown the Dremio coordinator node:

  1. Go to Resource groups > YourResourceName > Overview.
  2. Click on <DremioClusterName>-master.
  3. Click on the top Stop menu item.
  4. When prompted with Stop this virtual machine, select Yes.

Starting the Coordinator Node

To start the Dremio coordinator node:

  1. Go to Resource groups > YourResourceName > Overview.
  2. Click on <DremioClusterName>-master.
  3. Click on the top Start menu item.

Starting the Executor Node

To start the Dremio executor node(s):

  1. Go to Resource groups > YourResourceName > Overview.
  2. Click on <DremioClusterName>-executors.
  3. Click on the top Start menu item.