User Enterprise
Use the User API to manage Dremio users, their privileges, and their personal access tokens.
User Object{
"@type": "EnterpriseUser",
"id": "b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43",
"name": "dremio",
"firstName": "Dre",
"lastName": "Mio",
"email": "",
"tag": "EuCNt1nnvdI=",
"roles": [
"id": "8ac1bbca-479c-4c47-87e9-7f946f665c13",
"name": "PUBLIC",
"type": "SYSTEM"
"id": "43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744",
"name": "ADMIN",
"type": "SYSTEM"
"source": "local",
"active": true
User Attributes
@type String
Type of user.
Enum: EnterpriseUser, User
Example: EnterpriseUser
id String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the user.
Example: b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43
name String
Username of the Dremio user account.
Example: dremio
firstName String
User's first name.
Example: Dre
lastName String
User's last name.
Example: Mio
email String
User's email address. If the user is managed with the Dremio Okta application, email is the primary email address in the user's Okta profile. If the user is managed with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD), email is the work email address in the user's Azure AD profile.
tag String
Unique identifier of the user version. Dremio changes the tag whenever the user changes and uses the tag to ensure that PUT requests apply to the most recent version of the user.
Example: EuCNt1nnvdI=
roles Array of Object
Information about the local and referenced external roles to which the user belongs.
Example: [{"id": "8ac1bbca-479c-4c47-87e9-7f946f665c13","name": "PUBLIC","type": "SYSTEM"},{"id": "43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744","name": "ADMIN","type": "SYSTEM"}]
source String
Information about how the user was created.
: User was imported with an external service like Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or a System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provider.local
: User was created manually in the Dremio user interface (UI) or with the User API.
Example: local
active Boolean
If the user account is active in Dremio, the value is true
. Otherwise, the value is false
. The active value is set to true
when the user is created and only changes if the user's status changes in external System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provisioning. When the user is activated in the SCIM application, Dremio sets the value to true
. When the user is deactivated in the SCIM application, Dremio sets the value to false
Example: true
Attributes of the roles
id String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the role.
Example: 43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744
name String
Name of the role.
Example: ADMIN
type String
Origin of the role.
: Role was created in the Dremio user interface (UI) or with the Role API.EXTERNAL
: Role was imported from an external service like Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or a System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provider.SYSTEM
: Role was predefined in Dremio.
Example: SYSTEM
Creating a User
Create a Dremio user.
Method and URLPOST /api/v3/user
name Body String
Username for the Dremio user account. The name must be unique and cannot be updated after the user is created.
Example: dremio
firstName Body String Optional
User's first name.
Example: Dre
lastName Body String Optional
User's last name.
Example: Mio
email Body String Optional
User's email address.
roles Body Array of Object Optional
Information about the roles to which the user should be assigned. All users are assigned to the PUBLIC role by default.
Example: [{"id": "8ac1bbca-479c-4c47-87e9-7f946f665c13","name": "PUBLIC","type": "SYSTEM"},{"id": "43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744","name": "ADMIN","type": "SYSTEM"}]
Parameters of the roles
id Body String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the role.
Example: 43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744
name Body String
Name of the role. All users are assigned to the PUBLIC role by default.
Example: ADMIN
type Body String Optional
Origin of the role.
: Role was created in the Dremio user interface (UI) or with the Role API.EXTERNAL
: Role was imported from an external service like Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or a System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provider.SYSTEM
: Role was predefined in Dremio.
Example: SYSTEM
Example Requestcurl -X POST 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/user' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "dremio",
"firstName": "Dre",
"lastName": "Mio",
"email": "",
"roles": [
"id": "8ac1bbca-479c-4c47-87e9-7f946f665c13",
"name": "PUBLIC",
"type": "SYSTEM"
"id": "43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744",
"name": "ADMIN",
"type": "SYSTEM"
"@type": "EnterpriseUser",
"id": "b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43",
"name": "dremio",
"firstName": "Dre",
"lastName": "Mio",
"email": "",
"tag": "EuCNt1nnvdI=",
"roles": [
"id": "8ac1bbca-479c-4c47-87e9-7f946f665c13",
"name": "PUBLIC",
"type": "SYSTEM"
"id": "43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744",
"name": "ADMIN",
"type": "SYSTEM"
"source": "external",
"active": true
Response Status Codes
200 OK
204 No Content
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
500 Internal Server Error
Retrieving a User by ID
Retrieve a specific user by the user's ID.
Method and URLGET /api/v3/user/{id}
id Path String
Unique identifier of the user you want to retrieve.
Example: b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43
Example Requestcurl -X GET 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/user/b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
"@type": "EnterpriseUser",
"id": "b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43",
"name": "dremio",
"firstName": "Dre",
"lastName": "Mio",
"email": "",
"tag": "EuCNt1nnvdI=",
"roles": [
"id": "8ac1bbca-479c-4c47-87e9-7f946f665c13",
"name": "PUBLIC",
"type": "SYSTEM"
"id": "43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744",
"name": "ADMIN",
"type": "SYSTEM"
"source": "local",
"active": true
Response Status Codes
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
Retrieving a User by Name
Retrieve a specific user by the user's name.
Method and URLGET /api/v3/user/by-name/{name}
name Path String
User name of the user you want to retrieve. User names are case-insensitive. If the user name includes special characters for a URL, such as spaces, use URL encoding to replace the special characters with their UTF-8-equivalent characters. For example, "Dremio University" should be Dremio%20University
in the URL path.
Example: b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43
Example Requestcurl -X GET 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/user/by-name/dremio' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
When you retrieve a user by name, the response is an abbreviated user object that does not include the @type, roles, or source attributes:
Example Response{
"id": "b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43",
"name": "dremio",
"firstName": "Dre",
"lastName": "Mio",
"email": "",
"tag": "EuCNt1nnvdI=",
"active": true
Response Status Codes
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
Updating a User
Update the specified user.
Method and URLPUT /api/v3/user/{id}
id Path String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the user you want to update.
Example: 1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047
id Body String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the user you want to update.
Example: 1990e713-3cd2-458c-89e1-68995c2c1047
tag Body String
Unique identifier of the user version to update. Dremio uses the tag to ensure that you are updating the most recent version of the user.
Example: BNGRmgfEnDg=
name Body String
Name of the user.
Example: dremio
firstName Body String Optional
User's first name.
Example: Dre
lastName Body String Optional
User's last name.
Example: Mio
email Body String Optional
User's email address.
roles Body String Optional
Information about the roles to which the user should be assigned. All users are assigned to the PUBLIC role by default.
Example: [{"id": "8ac1bbca-479c-4c47-87e9-7f946f665c13","name": "PUBLIC","type": "SYSTEM"},{"id": "43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744","name": "ADMIN","type": "SYSTEM"}]
Parameters of the roles
id Body String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the role.
Example: 43dce6d7-40ff-4afa-9901-71c30eb92744
name Body String
Name of the role. All users are assigned to the PUBLIC role by default.
Example: VIEWER
type Body String Optional
Origin of the role.
: Role was created in the Dremio user interface (UI) or with the Role API.EXTERNAL
: Role was imported from an external service like Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or a System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provider.SYSTEM
: Role was predefined in Dremio.
Example Requestcurl -X PUT 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/user/b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": "b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43",
"name": "dremio",
"tag": "EuCNt1nnvdI=",
"firstName": "Dremio",
"lastName": "User",
"email": "",
"roles": [
"id": "2f498015-9211-4b15-8fc0-493628ae7b6e",
"name": "VIEWER"
"@type": "EnterpriseUser",
"id": "b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43",
"name": "dremio",
"firstName": "Dremio",
"lastName": "User",
"email": "",
"tag": "BE1LYg3cmAk=",
"roles": [
"id": "8ac1bbca-479c-4c47-87e9-7f946f665c13",
"name": "PUBLIC",
"type": "SYSTEM"
"id": "2f498015-9211-4b15-8fc0-493628ae7b6e",
"name": "VIEWER",
"type": "INTERNAL"
"source": "external",
"active": true
Response Status Codes
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
500 Internal Server Error
Deleting a User
Delete the specified user.
Method and URLDELETE /api/v3/user/{id}?version={tag}
id Path String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the user that you want to delete. You can only delete users that are not currently logged in to Dremio.
Example: b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43
version Query String
Unique identifier of the user version to delete. The version value is the user's tag, which you can find in the response for a request to Retrieve a User by ID or Retrieve a User by Name. Dremio uses the version value to ensure that you are deleting the most recent version of the user. If you provide an incorrect tag, the response includes an error message that lists the correct tag for the specified user ID.
Example: ?version=BE1LYg3cmAk=
Example Requestcurl -X DELETE 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/user/b9dbebc7-bc3b-4d56-9154-31762ab65a43?version=BE1LYg3cmAk=' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
No response
Response Status Codes
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed