LDAP User Cache
Use the LDAP User Cache API to invalidate the authorization for all users and groups or a single user or group in the LDAP user cache.
You must be a member of the Dremio ADMIN role to send requests to the LDAP User Cache API.
Invalidating LDAP Authorization for All Users and Groups
Invalidate all users' and groups' LDAP authorizations.
Method and URLDELETE /api/v3/cache/authorization
curl -X DELETE 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/cache/authorization' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
No response
Response Status Codes
204 No Content401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
Invalidating LDAP Authorization for a Single User or Group by ID
Invalidate LDAP authorization for a single user or group by specifying the ID for the user or group.
If you do not provide the ID of a user or group in the request URL, Dremio invalidates the LDAP authorization for all users and groups in the cache.
DELETE /api/v3/cache/authorization/{id}
name Path String (UUID)
Unique identifier of the Dremio user or group whose LDAP authorization you want to invalidate.
Example: 2k8bdk96-b267-4d56-9154-e48v5884h5i8
Example Requestcurl -X DELETE 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/cache/authorization/2k8bdk96-b267-4d56-9154-e48v5884h5i8' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
No response
Response Status Codes
204 No Content401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
Invalidating LDAP Authorization for a Single User or Group by Name
Invalidate LDAP authorization for a single user or group by specifying the name for the user or group.
If you do not provide the name of a user or group in the request URL, Dremio invalidates the LDAP authorization for all users and groups in the cache.
DELETE /api/v3/cache/authorization/{name}
name Path String
Name for the Dremio user or group whose LDAP authorization you want to invalidate.
Example: exampleuser1
Example Requestcurl -X DELETE 'https://{hostname}/api/v3/cache/authorization/exampleuser1' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PersonalAccessToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
No response
Response Status Codes
204 No Content401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found