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Version: 24.3.x

Deploying Dremio on Azure

Dremio for an Azure deployment creates a coordinator and executor nodes that are associated with the selected cluster size.


An Azure portal account is required to deploy Dremio on Azure.

This link is associated with Dremio's Azure template: Evaluate via Azure ARM

Step 2: Log in to Azure

Log in using your Azure portal account (if you're not already logged in).

Step 3: Configure the Dremio Deployment

To configure the Dremio deployment:

  1. Provide values for the configuration parameters.
  2. Check the Terms and Conditions box.
  3. Click Purchase.
Input ParameterDescription
SubscriptionAzure subscription where the cluster should be deployed.
Resource Group*The Azure Resource group where the cluster should be deployed.
LocationThe Azure location where the cluster resources will be deployed.
Cluster NameA name for your cluster.
Cluster Size*Pick a size based on your needs.
SSH UsernameThe username that can be used to login to your nodes.
Authentication TypePassword or Key based authentication for ssh.
Password or SSH Public Key*The password or SSH public key
Use Existing Subnet*(Optional) ID of an existing subnet.
Use Private IPSelect true if you are using existing subnet and you want to use an internal IP from the subnet to access Dremio. Default: false
Dremio BinaryA public accessible URL to a Dremio RPM installer. Default: <empty> (latest CE release)

Resource Group parameter

It is recommended that you create a new resource group. Deleting a resource group deletes all the resources in it (and hence all the resources created by this template).

Cluster Size parameter

Based on the cluster size, the following machine types and number of executor nodes are implemented. Note that the cost of your Azure deployment depends on the selected cluster size.

Cluster sizeCoordinator VM SizeExecutor VM SizeNo. of Executors

Password or SSH Public Key parameter

If password is used, it must have as a minimum:

  • Eight (8) characters
  • One (1) upper case
  • One (1) lower case
  • One (1) number

Use Existing Subnet parameter

If the Use Existing Subnet parameter is set:

  • The subnet must be in the same location as the Dremio cluster resource group.
  • The subnet must be of the following form: /subscriptions/xxxx/resourceGroups/xxxx/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/xxxx/subnets/xxxx

Step 4: Connect to Dremio

  1. Click on the Notifications icon in the top right and then on the Deployment in progress... link. Notifications > Deployment in progress...
    Notifications Icon

  2. Once your deployment is complete, select Output, copy the provided URL, and launch from a browser. Output > URL
    Azure Output URL

  3. Register with Dremio and login.
    Azure Dremio Login

Getting Started

For more information, see Dremio Tutorials & Resources